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bad weapon for JU88 A4 Torp

Posted: Sun 20 Feb 2011 2:08 pm
by OBT~karl
Hi 4shades, hi all

Thanks for SEOW :)

I have a problem with the weapon of JU_88A4torp, when in my MP4 I select “1 X LTF5B Torpedo” after construction of the mission with DCS, and with the loading of the mission in IL2 I have this error:


I compared the recordings of the table " AircraftLoadout " and “”
I found a difference
1xLTF5_Torp in " AircraftLoadout "
1xLTF5Bh_Torp in ""
I modified the entries in "AircraftLoadout" but there is always an error.

Does there have to be all the weapons of the plane in “AircraftLoadout”?

an idea ?

Posted: Sun 20 Feb 2011 7:49 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Karl,

You are free to add or delete entries to AircraftLoadout table as you see fit. Removing entries will mean that those loadouts will be unavailable in the MP.

In SEDB32G, there is no torpedo loadout for Ju-88A4, so I am wondering what game version you are using. TD4.10 does have such a loadout, but no SEOW version has been released for TD4.10 yet.


Posted: Mon 21 Feb 2011 1:31 pm
by OBT~karl
In SEDB32G, there is no torpedo loadout for Ju-88A4, so I am wondering what game version you are using. TD4.10 does have such a loadout, but no SEOW version has been released for TD4.10 yet.
Sorry but in SEDB32F_CentralMed.sql (for example) you have this:

INSERT INTO `AircraftLoadout` VALUES ('air.JU_88A4torp', '1xLTF5_Torp', '1 x LTF5b Torpedo');
INSERT INTO `AircraftLoadout` VALUES ('air.JU_88A4torp', '2xLTF5_Torp_salvo', '2 x LTF5b Torpedo (salvo)');
INSERT INTO `AircraftLoadout` VALUES ('air.JU_88A4torp', '2xLTF5_Torp_spread', '2 x LTF5b Torpedo (spread)');

I use SEDCS v3.2.22, MP4 V4.733 with il2 4.09.

Posted: Mon 21 Feb 2011 4:37 pm
by PA-Dore
Karl, les valeurs correctes sont

Mais si tu as déjà passé un ordre avec les valeurs erronées, il faut supprimer l'ordre et le repasser ou plus simplement éditer la table GroupMissionData.
J'ai le même cas dans la mission de campagne de jeudi prochain ;-) J'ai testé çà marche.

The right values are

But if a mission was ordered with wrong values, you need to cancel the order and reorder it or, more simply, edit the GroupMissionData Table.
I have the same case in our next campaign mission, I tried it, it works ;-)

Posted: Mon 21 Feb 2011 7:25 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Sorry Karl, I need to put my glasses on! :shock:

Posted: Tue 22 Feb 2011 4:58 pm
by OBT~karl
:D no prob shades!

Thx JP, is good, i edited GroupMissionData Table, is ok! :wink: