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Error 9

Posted: Wed 23 Feb 2011 12:45 pm
by JG6_Express
Hi all,

Our squad started a new SEOW campaign using a self built Kuban template. All has went well for the first 3 missions. When I tried to report the 4th mission, I received error messages and I could not continue due to comp lockup. I had to ctrl alt delete to get out and was not able to report the mission.
When I looked at the MP, the mission was not reported but the SEDCS was set to build next mission.
Since it is just our squad, I figured I would just create a simple mission for both sides, fire it up and let it run, then report it. I made a simple recon mission for both sides, and went back to SEDCS to build the mission.

Now I get the following error message during the build.

ModComplexGround.subConnect C6Wa;9 Index was outside of the array Error 9

I am using SEDCS 3.2.21 and MP 4.72

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed 23 Feb 2011 11:02 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Express
When I tried to report the 4th mission, I received error messages and I could not continue due to comp lockup. I had to ctrl alt delete to get out and was not able to report the mission.
Once you get an error message, the SEOW rule is to stop right there and fix the error. By trying to proceed regardless, you may simply have worsened the problem. Try to hook up on SEOW TS to discuss: I am sure we can retrieve the situation.


Posted: Wed 23 Feb 2011 11:07 pm
by JG6_Express
I will keep my eye out for you on TS.


Posted: Mon 28 Feb 2011 12:52 pm
by JG6_Express
Hi Shades,

The last time we talked, TS3 caused my puter to crash hence why I disappeared.
I uploaded the new db and we made a new mission for 1600 hours. When I went to SEDCS to build the mission, I received the same error 9 message again. I could not cancel or exit the error message, but had to ctrl alt delete to exit.
Any ideas?