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New to SEOW - Help Request

Posted: Mon 14 Mar 2011 1:58 pm
by USN_Opus
Hello folks.

Well, after years of looking at SE I've finally decided to take the plunge and try to get this working for my squad. So far, not having much luck.

I have two PCs.
My game rig is Win/64.
My server is XP32 running mySQL, Apache and a IL2DS.

I have successfully run FBDj from mySQL so I'm confident that mySQL works fine. Furthermore, I can connect to the SEOW DB from my main PC over the network using Navicat...worked on the first try. Logging-in locally through MySQL Server Admin and/or Query Browser also works fine.

MP seems to be a problem. Either from my main PC or the Server, I only get the "No valid database connection found for All Sectors - login aborted." message. I've installed the "Okinawa" DB so all sectors reference that as per the wiki instructions.

$DefaultDBCon = array("mysql","localhost","3306","seow","pass","okinawa");
$SectorDBCon["Aleutians"] = array("mysql","localhost","3306","seow","pass","okinawa");
(all other sectors follow the above configuration)

I've tried both "localhost" and the local IP in the DBhost slot. No luck.
Also tried to get DCS to connect but also no luck...kind of expected that one...

Any how, I am sure that you need a lot more info so please let me know what I omitted and I will post back ASAP.

Thanks for your time...

Posted: Mon 14 Mar 2011 9:32 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Opus,

Please provide your MP version and your PHP version.

In my experience, if Navicat can connect to the DB with no problems, then it should be a no-brainer for the DCS to connect using identical connection settings. The only thing that could prevent DCS operating is if you are not running the correct .NET Framework 2.0 and MyODBC v3.51.x libraries.

The MP should also use the same connection settings. Given that an appropriate PHP version is operating, the MP usually is pretty reliable about connecting.


Posted: Tue 15 Mar 2011 1:06 am
by USN_Opus
Thanks for replying Shades.

Here you go. Pulled from a info.php file off the server to my PC:

PHP 5.3.5 (PHP is a registered stream)
Apache 2.2.17

Active Persistent Links 0
Active Links 0
ODBC library Win32

On my gaming PC, according to ASoft .NET version checker, versions 2, 3, 3.5 and 4 are all enabled, if that is the right way to say that.

On the server, versions 2, 3 and 3.5 are enabled.

Using MP 4.733

The good news is that I have DCS working on the server. Bad news is that it wont connect remotely which would be nice but not a must.

MP is still down on both PCs.

I think you are right that this is just a ODBC issue. I checked and I wasn't running mySQL as a ODBC data source but now I am. Looking around at the mySQL forums, this seems to be a "common" issue but there are not exactly a ton of solutions...and I have never played with ODBC before so there is a lot of Greek looking back at me.

Hope this helps...and thanks again for taking the time.

Posted: Tue 15 Mar 2011 1:39 am
by VF-51_Cobraj
Shouldn't you be setup like this below? Database has server name underscore? User name has servername under score?

Aleutians should point to its own database? servername_aleutians

Or am I wrong?

$DefaultDBCon = array("mysql","localhost","3306","servername_seow","pass","servername_okinawa");

$SectorDBCon["Aleutians"] = array("mysql","localhost","3306","servername_seow","pass","servername_aleutians");


Posted: Tue 15 Mar 2011 6:33 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Cobraj,

That convention is only for CPanel systems I think.


Posted: Tue 15 Mar 2011 11:37 am
by VF-51_Cobraj
Thanks for clearing that up 4Shades.

Not to hijack a thread but I now am trying to get our old website (which has a php that is working) to run Stalingrad. It goes to a blank page when entering Admin/password which is stock, correct? Okiniawa opens with all the users and passes we used before fine.

My question is where can I go and change the passwords and usernames for the SEOW MP sectors? Whithout logging into the MP as admin because it would let me. We never had a Stalingrad map loaded on this server just Korea, Okinawa, and Slot if I remember correctly.


Thank you 4Shades for all of your hard work!!


Where is your donate button on your webpage!! I would be honored to Paypal you a few times a year for all of your efforts.


Posted: Tue 15 Mar 2011 12:38 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Cobraj,

Please don't send money, just have fun using the software! ;)

I looked at your MP in that link, it is v4.450 !!!!!!

Sector passwords are located in the PilotData tables of the databases.

In that old MP version, it may only work if you have a Stalingrad DB loaded...


Posted: Tue 15 Mar 2011 11:13 pm
by VF-51_Cobraj
Thank you 4Shades for looking.

Yeah she is one old hen but was working ok. The problem may be that there is no Stalingrad folder on the server. I will have to dig up an old copy of this version I guess.

I'm really afraid to load a whole new database on this site ( because of that PHP problem on my other site ( I have full control of which you are working on a workaround for the new PHP 5.3.xx, but the site you just you just looked at is owned by our CO and I have limited access to it. Just database, no files on the system.

Hopefully you will find a workaround for the new PHP and I can use the site I run.

Thanks for your help. If full access to my webhost server will help you in anyway please U2U me that request. I trust you. :wink:


Posted: Wed 16 Mar 2011 1:06 am
by VF-51_Cobraj
Hi 4Shades,

I'm going to shoot the old hen. I gave instructions and links to Dart for an update to the newest SEOW for our site.

Is anyone using PHP version 5.3.1? Anyone? Trouble or it works? It isn't just me is it 4Shades with this error from PHP?

"Fatal error: Cannot redeclare rs2csv() in /home/airgroup/public_html/SEOW/MP4/Scripts/adodb/ on line 25"

Posted: Wed 16 Mar 2011 2:41 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Cobraj,

I run PHP 5.3.x on my development PC, but I am at a different revision of SEOW now, awaiting HSFX5.0 release. My MP works perfectly. I cannot directly compare my MP code with yours - many other things have changed.

The error you report is simply showing that some PHP module has defined a function called "rs2csv" BEFORE the MP defines it in the database abstraction layer called "adodb". Here is where it gets tricky. If you are using PHP 5.3.1 or later, the MP should be using abstraction layer "adodb53", but your report shows it using "adodb" which is the pre-5.3 version.

There are a couple of possibilities:

1. You may have a bad install of 5.3 support in your MP. You need to download and install MP patch v4.733A (it will still appear as v4.733 on the MP front page).
2. There may be a PEAR implementation of adodb in your PHP environment that is pre-loading adodb before the MP does so.

Either way, let's get together on TS on your Friday evening to sort it out.


Posted: Wed 16 Mar 2011 9:53 am
by USN_Opus

To be honest, I'm not exactly sure what I did but for the most part, everything is working now. MP works from anywhere now but DCS only works on the server itself and on my WinXP32 laptop. I suspect that ODBC is causing the problem on my main PC(Win7/64) but I couldn't get the ODBC 32/64 workaround to work...

The fix for MP was to use the root log in for mySQL, not the new seow/pass L/P...

Thanks for the tips though Shades and to echo Cobraj's point of putting-up a donations link, I think you should...A "Wow, thanks!" just doesn't feel the same. A huge amount of work when into this...

I sure I'll be posting a lot of questions in the next little while if I can't find the answers here or in the wiki.

After setting all the parameters, initializing the campaign and generating a mission, all I can say is I'm really looking forward to diving deep into this. Looks amazing...

The boys at the USN are in for a treat![/url]

Posted: Wed 16 Mar 2011 10:22 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
With MySQL accounts you need to set the PERMISSIONS of the account to allow the connection to read/write etc. It is a common mistake to create a new MySQL login account, but then to forget to give the account the correct permissions. This might explain something about your difficulties Opus.


Posted: Wed 16 Mar 2011 10:30 am
by USN_Opus
I am pretty sure I did that though which is why checking the root L/P was not exactly the first thing I checked.

Using mySQL administrator, I created the default account seow/pass and made sure to enable all permissions. I then added location specific connection nodes (if I am saying that right) such as seow@PC1 and seow@anywhere but no luck...

I will double-check but quite frankly, I don't like to poke sleeping dogs. But I know that it will have to be visited at some point soon.