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Naming Ground Units / Squadrons

Posted: Fri 01 Apr 2011 10:53 am
by USN_Opus
This one has me a bit confused. I've read the wiki and searched the forums but still a bit fuzzy on the process.

Here is an example of what I would like to have using Okinawa as the testbed. Lets say I have four individual allied tanks and I want them all to have unique names for some strange reason.

- 1st Armored Div
- 97th Lt Armored Div
- 32nd Hvy Armor
- 44th Tank Hunters

From what I can gather, the only way to get custom names into MP is during the initialization of a campaign. Prior to this, I would go into the Army_Units table and fake-out or delete the existing allied armor divisions and them enter my own. Then initialize the campaign.

But how can I make sure that a specific unit gets a specific name? Ie. I want my Sherman tank to get the "1st Armored Div" tag while my Sherman76 gets the "32nd Hvy Armor".

I've got 3 commanders on one side and want to make sure they can easily identify their units...especially when they start t overlap at crossroads.

Second question

Where/when do I set unique flight names? This is less of an issue than ground forces but I'd still like to know the quick/best way to do this.

Let's say I wanted to change "1st Interceptors" to "1st Intcpt 'Steve's Screamers' ". And how do I make sure that my P51s get that name and not my F2As?

As always: Thanks in advance!

Posted: Fri 01 Apr 2011 11:37 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Opus,

1. Army Units: there is no automated provision to associate a given platoon name with a given unit in the template file. The DCS simply allocates names on a "first come, first served" basis. If you want to rename units your best bet is to edit the DB immediately after template initialization. You may need to edit the following tables: ObjMissionData, Combined_Unit_Status and Ship_Damage_Status (for shipping).

2. Airforce Units: the list of allowed air regiment names is FIXED inside IL-2 (or HSFX). You cannot add/delete them except via a game mod. However, for SEOW purposes, for each of the defined regiments SEOW allows you to define a Verbose name that would be visible in the MP and Statistics etc. So, for example, you could edit Airforce_Units table and change IV/JG7 to have Verbose form "Opus Training School". In MP you would just see flights under "Opus Training School", but when you are selecting your slot in-game you will see a IV/JG7 slot. When making a new Verbose name you need to be careful about special characters like quotes, apostrophes, unicode etc. These can break the MP display. Just check out the other Verbose names for examples.


Posted: Fri 01 Apr 2011 12:16 pm
by USN_Opus
FANTASTIC Shades...!!!

Thank-you very much for the super fast gave me everything I needed to know.

Planning our first fill squad test on the 7th and 14th; six missions over the two nights. A post "Battle of the Bulge" push by US and Brit forces (played by breathers w/three commanders) against a battle tired but still lethal German army/AF (me) trying to pull back from (fighting withdrawal) Bastogne to St.Vith.

Couldn't have gotten to this point without all your help and tips...!

Oh to only have started this process years ago!!!


Posted: Fri 01 Apr 2011 10:25 pm
by JG6_Express
The best time to plant an Oak tree was 25 years ago. The second best time is today:)