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Error message: SEDCS::modUtilities.strNationalFlightName: 5

Posted: Fri 20 May 2011 3:06 am
by II/JG54_Emil
An error I get when generating a mission:

Code: Select all

SEDCS::modUtilities.strNationalFlightName: 5 Key cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
Error : 5
Description : Key cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
Is this a problem?
Or is this fixed automatically when uploading the result of the mission?

Posted: Fri 20 May 2011 8:14 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Emil,

Any DCS error message is a problem and should be investigated immediately.


Posted: Sat 21 May 2011 2:30 am
by II/JG54_Emil
It´s from testgenerating on the current France campaign missionplaner.

Posted: Sun 22 May 2011 6:27 pm
by II/JG54_Emil
Just for the record here are some more error messages:

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subGatherScores: unknown pilot 1.JaVA_Biggles

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Score: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'State: Left the Game'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Enemy Aircraft Kill: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Enemy Static Aircraft Kill: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Enemy Tank Kill: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Enemy Car Kill: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Enemy Artillery Kill: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Enemy AAA Kill: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Enemy Wagon Kill: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Enemy Ship Kill: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Enemy Radio Kill: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Friend Aircraft Kill: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Friend Static Aircraft Kill: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Friend Tank Kill: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Friend Car Kill: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Friend Artillery Kill: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Friend AAA Kill: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Friend Wagon Kill: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Friend Ship Kill: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Friend Radio Kill: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Fire Bullets: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Hit Bullets: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Hit Air Bullets: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Fire Roskets: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Hit Roskets: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Fire Bombs: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadEventReports: extra lines found in log file 'Hit Bombs: 0'

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subStoreUnitHashtable: unregistered Transporter 7th Panzergrenadier Division010

SEDCS::basMissionBuilder.isBridgeDestroyed: 3021 Entweder BOF oder EOF ist True, oder der aktuelle Datensatz wurde gelöscht. Der angeforderte Vorgang benötigt einen aktuellen Datensatz. :: SELECT * FROM Bridges WHERE Map = 'France' AND Obj_Name = 243
Error : 3021
Description : Entweder BOF oder EOF ist True, oder der aktuelle Datensatz wurde gelöscht. Der angeforderte Vorgang benötigt einen aktuellen Datensatz.

SEDCS::basMissionBuilder.isBridgeDestroyed: 3021 Entweder BOF oder EOF ist True, oder der aktuelle Datensatz wurde gelöscht. Der angeforderte Vorgang benötigt einen aktuellen Datensatz. :: SELECT * FROM Bridges WHERE Map = 'France' AND Obj_Name = 243
Error : 3021
Description : Entweder BOF oder EOF ist True, oder der aktuelle Datensatz wurde gelöscht. Der angeforderte Vorgang benötigt einen aktuellen Datensatz.

SEDCS::basMissionBuilder.subUpdateIndustrialInfrastructureRecon: 3704 Der Vorgang ist für ein geschlossenes Objekt nicht zugelassen.
Error : 3704
Description : Der Vorgang ist für ein geschlossenes Objekt nicht zugelassen.

SEDCS::The latest campaign mission for Sector France, Theatre 'France 1940' has been analyzed. There are 3 missions in progress. Check the situation map in the MP.

Posted: Sun 22 May 2011 9:27 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Emil,

For the France campaign, the Bridges error is probably due to the mod France map being used (which numbers the bridges differently to the default SEOW dataset). I thought that Badger had worked out how to avoid this. The issue regarding pilot Biggles is unusual and deserves inspection of the logfile. The IndustrialInfrastructureRecon error was fixed in DCS v3.3.1 (I hope!), and the "unregistered Transporter" error is an intermittent bug that crops up from time to time. I thought I had fixed it on your DB, but maybe it has come back to haunt us. Not serious though.


Posted: Mon 23 May 2011 4:00 am
by II/JG54_Emil
IV/JG7_4Shades wrote:.... The IndustrialInfrastructureRecon error was fixed in DCS v3.3.1 (I hope!), ...
I do use DCS v3.3.1

Support for France Campaign

Posted: Mon 23 May 2011 4:35 am
by II/JG54_Emil
Now when I generate the next mission I get this error:
SEDCS::basMissionBuilder.subGenerateMainSection: 5 Argument 'Expression' is not a valid value.
Error : 5
Description : Argument 'Expression' is not a valid value.

And when looking at the mission file there is no [MAIN], no [SEASON] and no [WEATHER] section.

Furthermore there is no weather generated in the Sector Weather database.

Posted: Mon 23 May 2011 7:56 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Yes, the wind data seems not to be generating correctly in a retro-fitted campaign. I think the DCS needs to handle old-style campaigns more smoothly!

You will need to set the wind conditions in Sector_Weather before doing a Build.


Posted: Mon 23 May 2011 9:11 am
by II/JG54_Emil
That makes me wonder if it is maybe better to rebuild the campaign by using a missionfile as template?

Posted: Mon 23 May 2011 10:28 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Yes Emil,

The new SEOW has some larger changes in DB structures, so retro-fitting the France campaign was not easy. To make things more complicated, my RL time has been very limited lately so I have not been able to be as responsive as usual. Nevertheless, we will get through.


Posted: Wed 25 May 2011 6:12 pm
by JG26_Badger

In the France DB I took the time and found something that may or may not affect wind generation. In the Sector_Seasons table I noticed that the dominant season for France was Null. I have now changed it to Summer, 4Shades does this table have any impact on the wind being generated? Also what different options for Seasons are available? I only saw fields that were either Summer or Null.


Posted: Wed 25 May 2011 9:22 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Badger,

No, that data does not affect wind generation. I am not sure what your change would do, but I would recommend setting it back to the way it was.


Posted: Thu 26 May 2011 11:24 am
by JG26_Badger
Thanks for your reply I have changed the France Dominant Season back to Null from Summer in the Sector_Seasons table.

Wind was put in manually for the last mission, but is still not generating automatically.

Thanks for your assistance.
