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Bug MP4 on Fedora Core 4 Server

Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2007 1:34 pm
by FAFL_Blaireau
Thank you for the dynamic campaign.
The MP4 is on a server Linux Fedora Core 4 "{running on Apache/2.0.54 (Fedora)}".
The maps of sectors and cities of a map not show.
I have a blank page under IE or under Firefox.
Nevertheless, the main map shows.
I do not understand the bug.
Know you a solution to resolve the propallid of display of maps ?. :wink:

To test you can go on the site and use AlliedRanks.

Thank you for advance and sorry for my English bad. :oops:

Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2007 8:59 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Welcome Blaireau!

Hmm, it is hard to debug because I don't know the login passwords at your site. Please PM me with your Database Configuration password (and the URL for MP-Admin.php) and a normal commander login. I need to see the broken pages to help you.

Rest assured, if you have PHP working correctly and your databases available, then SEOW will run fine on Linux. Also, please feel welcome to come to SE Xtreme TS and have a chat with experienced SEOW users. The guys there are friendly, and come from all around the world.

Server Address:
Server Password: seow


Posted: Sun 29 Apr 2007 7:49 am
by FAFL_Blaireau

I have just sent a MP :wink:

Posted: Mon 30 Apr 2007 2:26 am
by FAFL_Blaireau

I am going to explane to you what I have done and install.

1 - I have install the database on the private Linux server with the software BIGDUMP, because the SQL file is to big.
2 - I have created two login and password accompt, with the admin restriction on this database :
3 - I have then install SEDCS on my PC runing it with windows XP operating system.
4 - I entered the infomations of one of the accompt and connected it to the database.
5 - I have install MP on the server FTP in the folder "httpdocs" because we are runing it with Linux operating system.
6 - I have entered the informations of the other accompt to connect the MP to the database.
7 - The MP is runing and connecting correctly because I can modify the names and login of the pilotes and they are correctly save in the database.
8 - with SEDCS sofware, I have created a quick test campagn. We can see that every thing is correct on the web site, so it confirm that the database is in relation and transfer with the MP.
9 - alfter selected the "Normandy" test campagn on the web site with the good login and password, we can view the principal map, but when I select a sector or a town a blank page appearse. The problem of this blank page is the same on IE are Firefox with Ietab.
11 - You have remided me that when we view the source code, we can see that the data is not taken. As if the database what not properly red by the MP.
12 - That is why I dont anderstand, because the MP is properly connected to the database ?
13 - J ' also made a test on my pc with Wamp and it had no bug there.
14 - I have also an other problem with the "Template Merger", but I have quickly manage to fixe it, the Merger folder did'nt have the right attribut, so it could'nt create the Template correctly.
15 - Tale me, if the problem is not a bad setting of the Mysql server, a bad parameter to modify or to add ?

I thank you very mutch in advance for your help !!!

Posted: Mon 30 Apr 2007 9:16 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Blaireau,

I think I understand what you have done, but in case I haven't I will explain the general steps to install SEOW with MySQL completely on a single machine.

(1) Install MyODBC_v3.51.12.
(2) Install .NET Framework 2.0
(3) Install SEDCS. Do not use it yet.

(4) Install MySQL v5.x
(5) Set up login accounts for MySQL server - these will be used by DCS and MP to talk to SEDB
(6) Recommend "lowercase_table_names=2" in my.ini
(7) "old-passwords" may also be needed for MySQL v4.x
( 8 ) Install a few "lite" DB versions from Katana's SEDB SPLIT release. Call one of them "SEDB30a"

Check Connectivity
(9) Start SEDCS and use "localhost" as the server address.
(10) Connect DCS to "SEDB30a" using login defined in (5).

(11) Install web server.
(12) Install PHP5.x and confirm it is working.
(13) Unzip MP4 into web server document root area.
(14) Ensure that MP4/Scripts/MP-Connection.php is world-writeable.
(15) With IE, navigate to http://localhost/MP4/Scripts/MP-Admin.php, login with default password "admin".
(16) Set up Default Connection to use identical settings as your successful SEDCS connection. Set all sector DB connections to Default. Save, go to main MP4 screen.
(17) Enjoy! From now you can start customizing your sector databases and running your campaigns.

The steps above ONLY work if ALL software is on the same machine. If MySQL server is on a different machine to MP4, then you will have to enable remote login accounts with your MySQL server (use % wildcard) so that the MP4 can actually connect to it.

I hope this clarifies a few things. Let me know how you get on Blaireau!


Posted: Thu 03 May 2007 5:35 am
by FAFL_Blaireau

Indeed, all informations that you have sent me, are correctly running if we install them on are proper PC.
I've done the test.
But when I install it on a distant Linux Fedora server "fedora-core-4-x86_64", as I was telling you, the MP and database are on the same server but are distant from a provider.
I don't think that the problem comes from the MP or the database, but probably from the server parameters.
The MP connect ok to the database, but can't retrieve informations from the database when it execute certain request.

It may come from a bad adjustment of the "my.cnf" file.
Could you send me a backup of this file for Linux operating system that is running on your application, then I can compare and modify the one on my server.

Thank you !!!

See you