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Weird behaviour in Ardennes

Posted: Sat 19 May 2007 1:04 pm
We recently started a test campaign in Ardennes, placing a few units and planes on both sides. In the planner interface everything seems normal, but in the generated mission the waypoints for ground units are all messed up, as if they are following some imaginary roads. Here is a screen shot and the mission file. Any ideas?


Posted: Sat 19 May 2007 1:22 pm
by Jager
What are you using to make your missions,IE7 maybe?
There was problems with it before...try firefox with ietab extension.

VfsMa_Paddington had the same problem sometime ago and if i remember correctly he reloaded the database for that sector he had problems with.
Something was missing in the road database and ground units did not move at all.

Posted: Sat 19 May 2007 1:38 pm
Actually blue missions are made with IE7 and red with Firefox & IETab, but both are messed up. I tried emptying the database and reloading the data, but it didn't help.

We are using Normal setting for complex ground movement, so ground units should stick to the roads. Indeed it seems they are travelling strictly on some imaginary roads, but they are not the ones on our map. :)

Posted: Sat 19 May 2007 11:10 pm
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Are the units in the correct locations as per template file?
Are they trying to get to the correct co-ordinates but using "wrong" road data?

It appears as though the DB is corrupted yet you have reloaded.
Very odd.

Posted: Mon 21 May 2007 6:14 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Looks like someone/something has mis-named data in Highways table to use the wrong map name. I have never seen this effect before. The primary suspect for your problem is the Highways table data.

One thing to do is to go to the Ardennes folder in the MP4 and edit the sector PHP file, turning ShowRoads to true. Then reload your MP4 sector view - this will render all the Ardennes roads found in the Highways table.


Posted: Mon 21 May 2007 1:57 pm
IV/JG7_4Shades wrote:One thing to do is to go to the Ardennes folder in the MP4 and edit the sector PHP file, turning ShowRoads to true. Then reload your MP4 sector view - this will render all the Ardennes roads found in the Highways table.
I tried this, and it seems all the roads show up just fine. Indeed the units try to follow the orders planned in MP4, but using the imaginary roads.


Posted: Mon 21 May 2007 5:36 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
That is very strange. Can you please tell us the Ground Movement Mode, database version and DCS version you are using? Maybe someone can try to reproduce the problem.


Posted: Tue 22 May 2007 5:20 am
by Goanna
hmmm, had a look at this one, very confusing. I'm going to throw something "out there" to consider. I loaded up the mission file in FMB as is and indeed waypoints seem to be way off.
The first couple of lines in the mission file read;

Code: Select all

  MAP Ardennes/sload.ini
I changed this to;

Code: Select all

  MAP Normandy/load2.ini
then reloaded in FMB and the waypoints now conform to the road system (they start in some strange places though).

Now if the database was loaded using Katana's split utility, ie only structure, GenData and Map_ sql files as opposed to a "full" database install then it may be possible that the database was loaded using the MAP_Normandy.sql file instead of the MAP_Ardennes.sql file.

I was thinking that even though it is an Ardennes map if the Normandy tables were inadvertently loaded instead of Ardennes then this may account for all the strangeness.

I don't know if the MP would even work if this was the case. :?

Told you I was going to throw something "out there" :-)



Posted: Tue 22 May 2007 7:54 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Good catch Goanna.

If it was a full Normandy load, then the airbases would not appear in the right places. I think it is a half-and-half load.


Posted: Tue 22 May 2007 9:44 am
If it was Normandy data in the Highways table, all the rows would be labelled with Normandy instead of Ardennes and presumably it wouldn't work at all.

We are running a Normandy campaign together with this one in the DCS using a separate database. Could it be that DCS is mixing up the databases somehow? Other possibility is that the data in the split database is incorrect, I'll have to try the full package.

All files are the latest versions as downloaded from the SEOW sourceforge page.

Posted: Wed 23 May 2007 3:36 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Investigating ...

Posted: Wed 23 May 2007 8:58 pm
by III/JG11_Mel
Investigating ...
OI aren't you on holidays ?? The Guinness must be off - get out there and enjoy yourself buddy, you deserve a rest. I am sure we can all wait for a couple of weeks mate. I want to see lots of pics when you get back. !!!


Posted: Thu 24 May 2007 12:00 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
When he said investigating maybe that means he's diverting to France to check out the Normandy region personally just to make make sure the roads, the food and wine are still there and not going off to strange places. Of course a visit to Bastogne and the surrounding areas is also a must. You just can't investigate enough to ensure the issue is resolved properly.