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Create Road Supply Point

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013 2:55 am
by gulfy32
Hi all,

I am creating a template for the Africa_NE sector.
I am having trouble with the "Create Road Supply Point" in the MP.
What units are considered HQ units?
Is it units with Command_Control in the Object_Specifications table?

Showing the entire sector, it says, "There are no HQ units able to create a Road Supply Point in this map view."

Re: Create Road Supply Point

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013 5:21 am
by PA-Dore
Yes, in the Object_Specifications table, column Command_Control >0 (e.g. 1)
Having a Command_Control value greater than 1 will multiply the Control Radius to extend the CC influence range. If CC = 2 and Control radius = 3km, influence range = 6 km.
Having a negative Command_Control value renders the object completely exempt from CC restrictions
CCCI units allow rapid arrangement of units inside the influence range if there are not closed to enemy units (set proximity in the DCS Territorial Control)

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013 1:35 pm
by gulfy32
I have "M4A2_US_Sqn_UK" in my mission template, the object_specifications table shows that unit as having command_control 1
but the MP still says there are no HQ units available to create a road supply point.

Does the campaign need CCCI restrictions enabled for the road supply to work?

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013 9:23 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Yes, and the "Create Forward Supply Points" option enabled.