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SEDCS error

Posted: Thu 14 Feb 2013 7:59 am
by NNFFL=Cerkaire=
I'm initialising a campagn on map Slovakia.

At the first mission analyze i've got this message

Code: Select all

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadUnitHashtable: duplicate hashkey for 100_Luft_Artillerie000
Il try remove this unit for see in the object_specification, mapping..etc and the same message appears again with the next unit.

Code: Select all

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subLoadUnitHashtable: duplicate hashkey for 100_Luft_Artillerie001

It seem's to be a probleme of duplication, but I really don't know how i can solve it. :roll:
Any idea ?

Thank you for help

Posted: Thu 14 Feb 2013 8:24 am
by NNFFL=Cerkaire=
I've just see that I put 1 hour of mission lenght whereas the real mission time length is 2h !
Maybe this mistake can explain the problem.

I while try this way tonight.

Posted: Thu 14 Feb 2013 9:43 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Cerkaire,

This looks like a workflow error - something basic has gone wrong and you won't be able to solve it easily. Here are your options:

1. Think back to your sequence of initializing/building/analyzing. Were there any prior errors, or did you repeat any step? Maybe you can identify what went wrong and when. Remember, you should get NO ERRORS at all when running SEOW campaigns.


2. Restart your campaign.


Posted: Thu 14 Feb 2013 3:56 pm
by NNFFL=Cerkaire=
Ok the first problem was the Mission Length.

I change it and retry the analyse, it's ok.
But now, there is a other bug:

Code: Select all

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subProcessChiefs: 9 Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Error : 9
Description : Index was outside the bounds of the array.
It's maybe an other problem about old mission length somewhere in the database ?

Posted: Fri 15 Feb 2013 12:54 pm
by NNFFL=Cerkaire=
Ok, I reinitialyse the campaign and after correction of demag$$Flak I've got this message :

Code: Select all

SEDCS::modUtilities.strStationaryData: cannot locate stationary data for Stationary$ZIS5_medic
The process continue and if I try to analyse a mission this message appears :

Code: Select all

SEDCS::modMissionAnalyzer.subProcessChiefs: 13 Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid.
Error : 13
Description : Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid.

Posted: Fri 15 Feb 2013 7:55 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Cerkaire,

This is all very strange. Can you please send me your template? I will test it.


Posted: Tue 19 Feb 2013 5:25 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Cerkaire,

Thanks for sending me the template. It took me only a short time to get it to load. Here is what I did.

1. The template used the Slovakia Online map, which is not supported by SEOW. I altered the MAP value inside the .mis file to read "MAP Slovakia_Lite/loads.ini", which references the Slovakia Summer map in HSFX.

2. Then, DCS told me that insufficient armour (T) divisions were defined for Slovakia in the Army_Units table. I added a new T division for Axis and Allied and the template loaded fine.

3. I removed all 188 "In Progress" missions and Built the next mission. The DCS reported a bad flight:
SEDCS::Unable to park flight 7th ShAP VVS Esk. 1, Zv. 2 as no local airbase or carrier could be found! Whilst this flight will probably be untaskable, this will not cause significant errors in this campaign.
not associated with an airbase correctly in the template but everything else worked it seems.


PS: I am using DCS v6.0.8 and SEDB60_Reference.

Posted: Tue 19 Feb 2013 1:28 pm
by NNFFL=Cerkaire=
Thanks for this test,
I will try this again :D