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Radar Not Working Try this

Posted: Tue 16 Apr 2013 2:11 pm
by JG26_Badger

I was trying to get my Radar to work in a campaign. Here are the steps that I took

1. Created a Radar folder in my IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 game directory
2. Created a RadarLogs folder insude my Radar folder in IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 game directory
3. Put radar object in your template (either blue, red or both)
4. In DCS setting enable Radar in Radar Tab
5. In DCS select host seat Host Aircraft Type Radar Controller
6. In windows explorer and go to where I had my MP opened on my computer the path is C:\Program Files\Apache httpd-2.2-x64\htdocs\SEOW\MP4public\Scripts\MP-Configuration.php

7. Open your MP-Configuration.php in notepad, you will look for the following:
//$RadarLocation MUST be an absolute filesystem pathname
$RadarLocation = "C:/Program Files/Ubisoft/HSFX4/Radar/RadarLogs/";
$RadarHistoryLength = 3; //Number of previous radar logs to display on the radar screen.

So I copied my direct path from Windows explorer to the Radar location of the MP-configuration file and hit save. I then flew the mission no problem saw the radar. I analyzed with my DCS, went to view my MP screen and it was screwed up. I could not view the webpage of the MP at all.

I reviewed all the steps in the Wiki and I thought I had followed them correctly. However I missed one important step see below

8 In the $RadarLocation line make sure you copy the direct path to your games Radar folder mine is C:\Games\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Radar

But you must change the backslashes to forward slashes to make the radar work in you so change to C:/Games/Ubisoft/IL-2 Sturmovik 1946/Radar evidently the MP does not read the backslash or something.

Once I made this simple change everything worked fine.

Hope this is helpful.