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Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:35 pm
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Mission built, hosted and analyzed with no issues.

You will see in the stats that the Allies had two officers who had misshaps in their cars, Air Vice Marshal Forster Maynard and Wing Commander J K Buchanan.

I can assure you all that they did not die or suffer significant injury.

The infantry supply co. commander "shot down" the Air Vice Marshal with impressive wit as Air Vice Marshal's driver had crashed into the back of one of his trucks.

The Wing Commander had clearly drunk too much. After having a jolly good time in the officers mess he proceeded to drive his jeep into a ditch by a paddock and was found trying to chat up a nearby cow, clearly thinking she was some long lost flame. He is still trying to talk his way out of that one.

In any case it has been agreed that the cars can be replaced as I had not set the drivable mode off. :oops: Both men will be back to active duty shortly.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:25 pm
by LW/JG10_Luny

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 5:34 am
by WTE_Ikey
Axis 0300 mission planned.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:24 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
03:00Hrs mission was completed with no techical issues other than a report of cancelled reinforcement flight not repopulating the supply point. Aircraft were returned manually post mission.

Reported friendly fire incident by Axis being unusual was looked at from Allied point of view. There is a 105mm howitzer that appears to be pointing in the direction of an Allied position that could be the cuplprit making it a legitimate accident but Allies have insufficient recon detail of enemy units in this area to confirm this is the one in question.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:27 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Luny has made the suggestion to exhange the current Corvette which is currently simulated by the Tral with the actual Flower class Corvette which we now have in game. Sounded good to me!

In discussion with Ikey this was generally agreed to but as the Flower has better firepower and is more like a warship we agreed there needed to be some trade off made.

As we (the Allies) currently have plans in place and in mid operation loosing all transport capability would have had a very big effect on current operations. At the moment I have offered to take 15000 Kg transport capacity off the ship to counter the firepower and range of the Flower class. Fuel on the Flower class ships in sector has been adjusted to the equivalent percentage remaining as was on the tral ships which carried quite a lot more.

Further Axis review of shipping is underway to see if there are other alternatives for the trade off.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:33 pm
by II/JG77Hawk_5
On a housekeeping note, I have updated Object_Costs table to current spec as there were some of the new items missing from the costs page.

This should not have had any impact on campaign or production costs as I'm sure we have been operating on default SEOW costs for a long time now. The original table is still there though for cross checking if need be.

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:00 am
by WTE_Ikey
I notice in the MP that the Allied 76mmFlak unit 1/1830sq AAA CO Co.1 Plat 3
is still placed incorrectly @ AT 24.
Any issues with it Pete ?

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:33 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
I hadn't noticed it up there. Fixing now. It was one that had gone wondering out to sea looking for a road waypoint.

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:34 am
by WTE_Ikey
II/JG77Hawk_5 wrote:I hadn't noticed it up there.
Wow that's amazing coming from 'Ground Pounder Extraordinaire' , what's happened to your peripheral vision ? :wink:

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:03 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Too much focus on blue question marks and not my own units clearly. Doh!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:34 am
by WTE_Ikey
I've noticed some issues with ships supply for axis.

1. We have 4 x Armed Tramp Steamers missing that should have just come available.
2. Another one is the current transport capacity of the troopship is too low (30,000) & looking back at my original paperwork & also Herkules extension post it should be comparable to the Armed Tankers/Armed steamers .
3. Originally the MFP & MFP-2 had transport capacity but now has none.Not sure whats happened but referring to wiki :
"In preparation for its proposed invasion of Malta, Operazione C3, the Regia Marina (Italian Royal Navy) secured design plans from the Kriegsmarine for the MFP-A in late 1941 and placed an initial order for 65 vessels, numbered 701 through 765. These “motozattere” (or Bette MZ as they were officially designated) were built in Italian shipyards, primarily in and around Palermo, and gave the Italian Navy the necessary amphibious capability to land infantry, armored vehicles and supplies directly onto an open beach. Up to three M13/40 medium tanks and 100 fully equipped infantrymen could be carried or an equivalent weight in cargo."

3x M13/40 is 39,000kg + extra kgs for infantry @ max 1720kg for 4 x infantry platoon (Pz Gren). How many platoons ,not sure?

I'm holding back on ship planning until we can look into the above.


Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:13 pm
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Hi Ikey,
sorry to see that there is some issue when you don't get much time at the keyboard at all.

There were some armed tramp steamers listed in the replacements table but appear to have been used. Are you sure they are not already in sector? There are no ships anywhere that are still on delay and I thought we had double checked all quantities when we set up the delayed units. If sure I can easily add the required number back in. Sorry if I stuffed that up.

I haven't looked at transport capacities to be honest as I have been operating under the idea we just used the new specifications as is except where we have discussed specific changes.

The latest Object Specs has all the troopships with transport capacities between 50000 to 30000 tonnes. 4Shades set those capacities up maybe he can comment on the reasoning behind those levels?

I'm not inclined myself to make a lot of changes to the object specs unless there is a clear need as per the campaign intent such as with the MFP's that should have some transport capability.

If we make that 10 platoons at 4300 Kg's on top of 3xM13/40's at 39000Kg's we get 43300Kg's. 44000Kg for an MFP maybe? That would allow the 3xM13/40 plus 10xPzGren troops and a bit extra.

It does seem a lot when compared to a troopship but I'm prepared to go with that. On close inspection those MFP's look rather formidable!!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:35 pm
by WTE_Ikey
Ships – arriving from Taranto
4 x Armed Tramp Steamer - available 24th

Did we bring them in way back to transport those coastal guns?
That would explain them missing.
Havent got time to look back but now i think that's what happened.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:55 pm
by WTE_Ikey
I think we only brought 1 Armed Steamer (Tramp Steamer (Armed) RM Fleet 1, Flot. 9 ) onto the map early. I loaded it up with all 12 coastal guns as there was no other possible way to freight them to Sicily at that time.
6 guns were unloaded & during mission 22 @ 2300 hours a swordfish sank it with 6 remaining guns onboard.
I think the 3 remaining in supply have just disappeared ? Sifted through mission results up to mission 40 & no other reference to any other steamers that I could find.
Will look some more when off work.


Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 8:34 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
As discussed on TS the MFP's are now transport capable and the 3 missing transports are back in supply.

Troop transport capacities have all had a zero added to them so they can carry a far higher capacity than before.

Looks like we may be back into having a mission in another weeks time. We'll get all our plans done in the meantime.
