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Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 12:48 pm
by II/JG77Hawk_5
19:00Hrs mission finally hosted ok with only a minor loadout issue found with the CantZ1007 which was tracked down and fixed ok.

Mission then ran and analyzed ok with no problem.

That gets this campaign back onto a regular status again for each Saturday so don't forget to get your plans in.


Odd thing is that the DB appears to be correct so I don't understand how the bad loadout was written into mission file in the first place. Hopefully just a one off glitch.

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:38 pm
by WTE_Ikey
2100hrs Axis plans are in.

PS Pete I've had buckly's chance of getting into Pelican planning atm.

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 2:44 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Allied plans are in for 21:00hrs too.

I haven't looked at Pelican either but if you name a day to fly then that puts a deadline and adds a bit of pressure to get them in.


Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 8:10 pm
by WTE_Ikey
Getting script page 'Mission accepted' up after creating a new mission , but not returning to MP page, I have to restart MP again but that process then opens multiple pages.

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:20 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Try now.

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 2:18 am
by WTE_Ikey
All ok now ,thanks Mike.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:36 am
by WTE_Ikey
Unfortunately i can't access the MP , its hanging there "gathering the latest intelligence ".

On nightshift now till after Sunday so there'll be no Axis plans for this Saturday from me .

PS: Received the thumbdrive thanks again for your help Mike. I'll get it back too you soon.

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:59 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Works fine for me now. Maybe a bandwidth issue for you? :?:


Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:37 pm
by WTE_Ikey
Just in from work & will check again but I was able to get into Pelican but nothing happened with Malta & Kiev.

All working ok now.When loading the page there's usually the rotating green circle in the tab but yesterday they went straight to showing an e (explorer).

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:18 am
by WTE_Ikey
Edit :oops: wrong campaign ! :roll:

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 4:17 am
by WTE_Ikey
Axis plans for 0100 hrs are in, good luck tomorrow night I'm absent due to work.

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 4:59 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
And I am absent too, back Sunday.

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 2:45 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Plans are all ready in as we didn't fly last weekend so all is set to go for tonight. Hope to see you guys there.


Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 3:51 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
I'll be there.

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 4:59 am
by WTE_Ikey
The way its going here I don't think I'll make the start .
Anyway I'll finish off Pelican flights while I listen into the fun when I eventually turn up.

How does Pelican sound for sometime Sunday morning ?