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Having issues setting up template

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:38 pm
by LW/JG10_subg
Sorry chaps but I have now got a few issues with planning - all technical. I had set up a whole bunch of units etc etc and aside from not knowing my German armour well enough - where do i find the Pzwerfers and the mortars? - suddenly I cannot scroll or zoom into the Koresten town, each time I try the map "slides" back to a central position like some kind of weird autoscroll which is driving me a bit crazy. I have closed and reopened and it continues to do it???
Can anyone advise?
I am now aware that I maybe holding things up too which is not good.


Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:17 pm
by LW/JG10_subg
Scroll thing is OK now - still a mystery but I cannot save file after putting everything in - something about chiefs having only 1 waypoint???
I am out of my depth here I think. :(
The menus seem so huge :shock:
I don't know what is supposed to be stationary and what is not, where the Demag is (I know it is some kind of half track) :oops: so i am guessing all over the shop i am afraid - this could turn out as chaos - I have put some AA, the basic artillery in OK however.
What horse cart do i use? there are loads :shock:
what kitchen do I use? :oops:
what infantry do i use? :oops:
Oh dear and now I am panicking too.

S! and apologies -but I did warn you all!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:36 am
by WTE_Ikey
LW/JG10_subg wrote:where do i find the Pzwerfers and the mortars?
Artillery : German 15cm Panzerwerfer 42
Stationary Objects: 80mm Mortar Section

Also originally the SPG was the Jap 15cm HoRo , but now we're using the German Assault Gun PanzerkampfwagonII Sd Kfz 124' Wespe' that's in the Armour section.

LW/JG10_subg wrote:Scroll thing is OK now - still a mystery but I cannot save file after putting everything in - something about chiefs having only 1 waypoint???
You have a 'movable' object to place on map & they require minimum 2 waypoints. If you look at FMB and place eg a German Tank Panzer onto it there will be the tank icon & a '0' beside it. You'll need to place another waypoint (or more) for that unit to be able to save to file. Stationary objects including artillery dont need the above.
LW/JG10_subg wrote: 1.I don't know what is supposed to be stationary and what is not, where the Demag is (I know it is some kind of half track)
2. What horse cart do i use? there are loads
3. what kitchen do I use?
4. what infantry do i use?
5. Oh dear and now I am panicking too.
Have you still got the .mis file I sent you, I put all the ground units I think you needed on map for you to place as you saw fit ?
Some movable units in fmb dont have a specific stationary object for them but SEOW will recognize those units placed on your map with more than 1 waypoint.
1. German Sd Kfz 10 & the Demag Flak is German Sd Kfz 10/5 20mm Flak 38
2. In Vehicles : Use the German Horse Artillery + Field Howitzer. I suggest that because looking at the costs page you'll see the 'Deutsche Pferdekutsche Artillerie (haubitze) ' has the larger transport capacity of 3000kg.
3.In Stationary Objects : German Horsedrawn Field Kitchen
4. " " Infantry: Axis Infantry Entrenched ;Pz grenadier Infantry Entrenched ;Axis AT Section Entrenched.
5."Dont panic Capt. Mainwaring !! :lol:

I think I'm correct with the above but as usual I only give a 30 second guarantee once read.


Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 4:36 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
And, remember, this is not a firing squad test. If you get stuck with what objects to place, just have a go and send me your effort. I can do amazing things with tidying up templates. The essential thing here is to deisgn your general layout of starting positions. After 2 missions it will all look very different, so no need to invest a lot of time.

Finally, you are not the last, and no-one has sent me a perfect template yet, so relax!


Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:57 pm
by LW/JG10_subg
LOL cheers chaps, more like "You Stupid boy Pike" for me!!!.

Will adjust and amend with lessons learned etc and thanks for patience and assistance.

ohh and one more thing just in case - how do I actually add a waypoint? Is it like online planner?

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:05 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
CTRL-left click!

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:23 am
by WTE_Ikey
Edit: 4Shades beat me to the draw.

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:34 pm
by II/JG77Hawk_5
ohh and one more thing just in case - how do I actually add a waypoint? Is it like online planner?
I've always used the insert key myself.

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 5:43 am
by LW/JG10_subg
Thanks chaps, I am on it now (midweek is too busy reallife so I have missed the boat but will resume and complete this weekend) - unless I panic at the picnic!!!!!! :shock:

p.s. hope to fly illustrious so if I do panic then can be sorted fast :wink:

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 6:31 pm
by LW/JG10_Armwaar
LW/JG10_subg wrote:Scroll thing is OK now - still a mystery but I cannot save file after putting everything in - something about chiefs having only 1 waypoint???
I am out of my depth here I think. :(
The menus seem so huge :shock:
I don't know what is supposed to be stationary and what is not, where the Demag is (I know it is some kind of half track) :oops: so i am guessing all over the shop i am afraid - this could turn out as chaos - I have put some AA, the basic artillery in OK however.
What horse cart do i use? there are loads :shock:
what kitchen do I use? :oops:
what infantry do i use? :oops:
Oh dear and now I am panicking too.

S! and apologies -but I did warn you all!!!
A long time ago...I have the same responses...except instead of emoticons it was a string of expletives.

It was always puzzling that they never made many upgrades to the actual IL2 MB interface, but I guess there wasn't any money in it! could all be done emulating the MS Office Ribbon interface and you could just drag in regiments worth of stuff in moments. Yes - I cited MS office as an example of progress!

The real challenge will be take off, navigation, and landing at zero dark thirty. I lost my IFR rating some time ago.