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Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 3:49 am
by 150GCT_Pag
Hi folk, after the first NW mission I’ve take a look at the statistic, and I’ve found something odd… but I’m not an expert, so I post here so someone can help me understanding how system work. 8)

Please, this post it’s absolutely not for complain, only to understand something that I don’t know .

Well, in the last mission, me and some mates tried, without result, to catch the Recon Sunderland flown by Classic… in the attempt, Classic shot down three planes (1SMV_Mako, and an AI plane). S! :D

In game appeared the string “R_EAF19_Classic shot down.. .etc. “
This is correctly reported in the statistic (Individual Pilot Kill Credit section), when Classic has 3 kills, and is reported as Landed.

In the Complete Combat Action List section, Classic not appear, by the way the three planes mentioned above are credited to B_E69_Groucho, with the same plane… so I assume that Groucho was the gunner of Classic’s plane, and he make the kills.

And in the individual pilot kill section even Groucho has three kills, as Classic, but they are even the same three planes.

The last string in the Action list reported that Groucho was shot down at 08.46.28 by a DD… I can assume that while returning home was hit by a flak shell, and Groucho died. But in the report appear as landed… maybe because the plane flown by Classic landed safely?

In addition, in the Individual Pilot Kill section, the same three planes credited to R_EAF19_Classic and B_E69_Groucho, are credited also to E69_Groucho… 9 planes instead of 3, I hope that in the list of 18 C200 loss (in Materiel Losses Section) are not included those 6 “ghost” aircrafts! :?

In any case Groucho should have a R_ instead a B_ in front of nick, and in the general statistic, the 3 kill should be credited to Groucho or to Classic, not both (or, if possible, 0,5 each kill in case of shared victory..) :wink:

Thx in advance for explanation


Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 3:58 am
by Petr
Hi Pag,

Good question and something I have pondered on also. I think it is a statistic error, probably caused by the log file being incorrect.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to correct these things or at least I don't really know how too.

It's best to accept this as is. You will not have lost the planes twice :wink:

I hope it will even out over the course of the campaign.


Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 5:21 am
by 150GCT_Pag
Ok, thx Glenn :wink:

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 9:27 am
by Classic EAF19
I had no gunners onboard S!

I too noticed the odd statistics too. If you go through the whole combat actions list though those 3xMc.200 are only listed as being shot down once but it seems that three pilots have the credit for them.

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 9:46 am
by II/JG77_Jack
A minute or so before mission start I have noticed "B_E69_Groucho" being in one of the gunner positions in our H8K. I have wrote in chat to him to go away from our slots because he could see the waypoints. He did not reply. I had to press fly after that because I was almost the last guy who was still not "Ready".

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:25 am
by 150GCT_Pag
So Groucho fight for Axis? :shock:

And how he could take a seat in a red aircraft, with the B_ in front of the name?

If I remember correctly, I can see only axis plane, and not the allied... :?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 12:43 pm
by II/JG77_Jack
150GCT_Pag wrote:So Groucho fight for Axis? :shock:

And how he could take a seat in a red aircraft, with the B_ in front of the name?

If I remember correctly, I can see only axis plane, and not the allied... :?
Well, if you are not able to see something, that doesnt mean its not there right? :wink:

I guess you ment Groucho fight for *Allies*, you are the "Axis" last time I checked... :roll:

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:15 pm
by 22GCT_Gross
By enabling the coop_slot_mod, the sedcs application writes a proper section into the mis file with the directives stored in the database of the campaign.
Once the mis file has this section, anyone with his own nickname prefix not matching the database directives should be kicked out once he picks up the wrong slot.

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:48 am
by PA-Dore
About the coop_slot_mod: Red slots are always on top, blue slots are below. Some Axis pilots (only) who are not well aware about the coop_slot_mod find an empty screen when the mission is loaded because they don't see the red planes. Some of them hit in the empty window and slot on a red plane without knowing what they did. It's not a voluntary action (for checking the opposite briefing). They need to scroll their screen to choose the blue side.
In this mission, I guess Groucho was staying on the red slot until the mission started, and then disconnected or not. But he took off as gunner in a Sunderland and he shared all kills of this aircraft. In HSFX6 (4.11.1m) kills are not shared and are given to both pilot and gunner(s). In HSFX7 (4.12.1m) kills will be really shared.