Configurer le module Statistiques

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In SEOW v7 there is a range of new configuration parameters for the Statistics engine that campaign admins can tweak to provide appropriate post-mission reports for their scenarios. This page discusses the various parameters available and what they mean.

Statistics Parameters

The parameters are set by editing the MP-StatisticsMetadata.php file in the Statistics folder, using a text editor (e.g. Notepad). This file is written in PHP format so you need to preserve the appropriate formatting and syntax.

  • Language Packs

Apart from English, the Statistics engine supports multiple language packs for display to different audiences, including French, German, Spanish, Italian, Finnish, and Serbo-Croatian. The use of language packs is set by the $StatsLanguage parameter. The default setting is

$StatsLanguage = "English";

To change the language display to Spanish, for example, simply change this line as follows:

$StatsLanguage = "Espagnol";

The list of allowed names is provided in the $StatsLanguagePacks variable in the MP-StatisticsMetadata.php file.

  • Show Skills

The Statistics engine can optionally display skill descriptions for aircraft in the event listings. The $StatsShowSkills parameter governs this skill display and accepts two values, true or false. The default value is true.

$StatsShowSkills = true;

  • Use Cache Mode

The Statistics engine can produce mission summaries either dynamically (for every incoming request), or by producing flat HTML pages. The dynamic option can make a huge demand on the Mission Planner server machine, especially for campaigns with many pilots as they all look for the statistics reports. To counter this, the Statistics engine can be configured to generate flat HTML files which are much easier for the server to publish to multiple requests. The $StatsUseCache parameter is used to tell the Statistics engine which mode to use, accepting true or false. A value of true enables the cache mode which generates the flat HTML files. A value of false retains the default dynamic engine mode. The recommended setting (to manage server load) is

$StatsUseCache = true;

  • Show Recon Events

There are some mission actions that can be hidden from display in after-mission reports (Mission Details). Photo reconnaissance actions are prime examples. The $StatsShowRecon parameter determines whether these reconnaissance actions are displayed for all to see or not. This parameter accepts values of true or false. The recommended setting is:

$StatsShowRecon = false;

The reason for this recommendation is that displaying recon photo actions in the Mission Details reports actually provides a lot of information to the opposition forces about the strategic intent. However, for some campaigns and communities, it may be preferable to enable this feature as it provides positive feedback to pilots for their air recon actions. Note that there are displays of recon photo actions in the Pilot Details pages.

Traduction : PA-Dore Mars 2015