Logiciels nécessaires
(en cours de traduction)
Logiciels meta-SEOW nécessaires
Du fait que meta-SEOW introduit un second simulateur dans SEOW, de nouveaux logiciels sont nécessaires (en plus des outils habituels de SEOW) pour créer et jouer les missions. The outils utilisés dépendront de votre rôle dans la campagne.
- Joueur ou Commandant - vous aurez besoin d'installer Iron Front en tant que mode pour Arma 2 Combined Operations. C'est tout.
- Concepteur - vous aurez besoin d'installer Iron Front en tant que mode pour Arma 2 Combined Operations et éventuellement l'outil d'édition de carte IFA2 suivant les choix retenus pour la campagne.
- Administrateur - vous aurez besoin d'installer Iron Front en tant que mode pour Arma 2 Combined Operations, plus l'outil d'édition de carte IFA2.
Iron Front dans Arma 2 Combined Operations (IFA2)
Le concept meta-SEOW a été conçu pour une utilisation combinée d'IL-2 et d'Arma2/Iron Front. Iron Front: Liberation 44 a été créé il y a plusieurs années par Deep Silver comme un ajout stand-alone basé sur le moteur de Bohemia Interactive Arma2, pour les opérations de fin de guerre sur le front de l'Est. Iron Front inclus également un pack DLC qui étend le théâtre aux scénarios du débarquement de Normandie. Il ne fut pas très populaire mais cela était du plus au manque de contenu plutôt qu'à des défauts techniques.
Actuellement, Iron Front a été inclus dans l'achat d'Arma2, et pour un prix très raisonnable il est possible d'acquérir les deux et de les combiner dans une seule installation. Cette opération se réalise en suivant les instructions de ce guide Iron Front in Arma.
Les étapes essentielles sont:
- Acheter et installer Arma2 Combined Operations, par exemple sur Steam. Vérifier que l'installation fonctionne correctement. Cela installera Arma2 et Arma2 Operation Arrowhead.
- Acheter et installer Iron Front, incluant le D-Day DLC. Vérifier que l'installation fonctionne correctement.
- Suivre les instructions de combinaison et de mise à jour des deux parties en utilisation le guide ci-dessus (Une installation manuelle est recommandée).
Vous devriez pouvoir maintenant jouer à Arma2, Arma2 Operation Arrowhead, et Iron Front en activant/désactivant les extensions dans votre jeu Operation Arrowhead. Cela vous donnera également l'accès aux cartes internes et aux objets du jeu, qui sont des données essentielles pour la génération de cartes meta-SEOW.
IFA2 Map Editing Tools
The content creation tools for Arma2 are complex, so this software is not easy to set up and run. meta-SEOW offers support to assist in the creation of maps in the IFA2 environment which simplifies many tasks, but the advice here is that only experienced software administrators should attempt to install and operate the tools described below.
Bohemia Interactive (BI) editing tools and the P: drive
Building Arma2-compatible terrains is an essential part of the meta-SEOW process. There are some complex and proprietary steps in the terrain building process, so we need to install the appropriate third-party software. Bohemia Interactive (BI) have made freely available some relevant tools which are enough to get you started with what is necessary to build simple terrains.
The process for installing the "BI Editing Tools 2" is contained in the tutorial instructions at ArmA 2 Terrain Tutorial. Follow this tutorial to the letter and you should end up with:
- Visitor 3 installed.
- O: and P: drives created and populated. Create a folder called "P:\SEOW".
- BIS Tools 2 installed, ready to binarize your terrains.
- A sample ARMA2 map called TUT, created by you and playable in your A2CO.
If you get this far you should be able to create simple Arma2 maps using the basic BI tools. However, these tools can sometimes be flaky and provide inscrutable errors and inconsistencies. It is recommended that you download and install Mikero's tools instead for much greater consistency and utility.
Mikero's Dos Tools
The free BI tools are not necessarily the best. Mikero has released a range of Dos utility tools that enhance the Arma2 terrain building experience. There is a useful thread at BI Forums.
Install the tools listed at the PboDll files page: http://dev.withsix.com/projects/mikero-pbodll/files. These are light DLLs and EXEs and won't take up much space. The ones that are particularly useful are pboProject and DePew, but all of them will probably be needed at some stage, so get them all. If you want support from Mikero, you will need to become a PayPal subscriber as described in the aaaReadMeGeneral.htm file at the PboDll download page.
Once you have these tools, you can navigate to your Arma2OA folder, e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead", then go to @IF\Addons, and right-click on lib_buildings.pbo and open with ExtractPbo. This will expand the contents of the Iron Front buildings archive which you can then copy to your P: drive. Do the same for lib_builidngsrw.pbo, lib_clutters.pbo, lib_core.pbo, lib_misc.pbo to build up a good object library on your P: drive. meta-SEOW will need these object definitions.
Creating meta-Maps
If you have the BI tools and Mikero's tools correctly installed on the same machine as your SEOW Mission Planner and IFA2, you have all the tools you need to define and create maps for your meta-SEOW campaigns.
Information on how to use meta-SEOW with BI and Mikero tools to create meta-maps is found in the MP4public/DMT/index.php page (a web page; the SEOW HQ Mission Planner DMT page is here). The DMT folder also contains useful information on the types of house objects and other infrastructure available in IL-2 and IFA2, and they correspond to each other. Some of this information is also present in SEDB72 tables with "Meta_" prefixes. DMT requires database connections to generate landscapes and villages, and to determine whether snow should be simulated etc.
Preparing IL-2 Maps for meta-SEOW
meta-Maps are constructed using IL-2 maps as terrain references. This ensures that the maps in IFA2 resemble the battlefield landscape in IL-2. To run meta-SEOW operations on a particular IL-2 map, that map needs to be expanded for use with meta-SEOW scripting engines. This process is straightforward and is described on the DMT web page above.
Building meta-Maps with DMT
The actual map building process is handled by a tool inside the Mission Planner called the Dynamic Mapping Tool (DMT). This tool has two interfaces. The first is the "web forms" interface located at MP4public/DMT/DMT.php which is normally used by SEOW scripts, and the second is a user-friendly GUI interface which can be accessed at MP4public/Scripts/MM-DMT.php. This is for administrators who wish to tweak their own map generation settings and parameters directly. DMT requires a password to operate - this password is set inside the MP4public/DMT/DMT_Authorization.php file.