Differenze tra le versioni di "Configuration"

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Riga 7: Riga 7:
In this section we assume that the MP is already set up and operating correctly. First, here is the normal "green" skin view of the MP.
In this section we assume that the MP is already set up and operating correctly. First, here is the normal "green" skin view of the MP.
As of version 4.360, the MP supports two different skins natively: "green" and "classic". Like all other MP configuration options, the choice of skin is set in the file MP4/Scripts/Configuration.php. This file is central to the operation of the MP. It may be edited in any text editor but, beware, the file is a PHP file and must conform to PHP syntax. Every parameter definition must start with a "$" and terminate with a semicolon ";" character. Text commencing with double-slashes "//" is a comment. The entire file must be enclosed with the lines "<?php" (at line 1) and "?>" at the last line.
As of version 4.360, the MP supports two different skins natively: "green" and "classic". Like all other MP configuration options, the choice of skin is set in the file MP4/Scripts/Configuration.php. This file is central to the operation of the MP. It may be edited in any text editor but, beware, the file is a PHP file and must conform to PHP syntax. Every parameter definition must start with a "$" and terminate with a semicolon ";" character. Text commencing with double-slashes "//" is a comment. The entire file must be enclosed with the lines "<?php" (at line 1) and "?>" at the last line.

Versione delle 06:34, 7 nov 2009

SEOW is a very flexible software system. Both the DCS and the MP contain a large number of configurable settings to help you design your own campaigns to suit your needs. Furthermore, the SEDB can also be customized extensively to add extra realism and immersion to your campaigns. Of course, as with any database, not everything can be edited without ramifications, so it pays to read the particular SEDB configuration page.

Mission Planner Configuration

In this section we assume that the MP is already set up and operating correctly. First, here is the normal "green" skin view of the MP.


As of version 4.360, the MP supports two different skins natively: "green" and "classic". Like all other MP configuration options, the choice of skin is set in the file MP4/Scripts/Configuration.php. This file is central to the operation of the MP. It may be edited in any text editor but, beware, the file is a PHP file and must conform to PHP syntax. Every parameter definition must start with a "$" and terminate with a semicolon ";" character. Text commencing with double-slashes "//" is a comment. The entire file must be enclosed with the lines "<?php" (at line 1) and "?>" at the last line.

As an example of how to change a configuration parameter, there is a line near the top of the file showing:

$MPSkin = "green";

If this line is changed to:

$MPSkin = "classic";

the MP front page will change to (upon browser refresh):


Easy! Now, moving on, there are approximately 100 different MP configuration parameters that can be changed to customize your campaign behaviour. Some of them are now inoperative due to the long development history of the MP. Following is a selection of some of the most useful configuration parameters.

$AutoLocalSearch=false; //If true, then GATTACK targets will automatically default to "Local Search"

$TaskForceRadius=10000.0; //The radius over which units can be combined into task forces

$FreightRadius=3000.0; //The radius over which freighters can load/unload units

$SelectRefuelingUnits=false; //If true, then the New Mission Unit Selector will show refueling flights

$SelectScheduledUnits=true; //If true, then the New Mission Unit Selector will show scheduled units

$ShowFBNames=false; //If true, then internal FB names are prepended to unit icon strings for "Admin" views

$UseMilitarySymbols=true; //If true, then use military symbols for units instead of FB-style graphics

$UseGauthierSymbols=true; //If true and $UseMilitarySymbols=true, then use Gauthier's small military symbols

$VerboseAircraftNames=true; //If true, then use verbose names for some aircraft, e.g. "KI-61 IKO (Tony)"

$maxwpDIV=21; //Two plus the maximum number of waypoints allowed for a single mission

$MinWPSeparation=200.0; //Minimum valid separation of waypoints on map (m)

$RLmaxradius=3000.0; //Maximum uncertainty radius associated with imperfect recon information (m)

$CriticalSupply=30; //Friendly units with supply level less than this are displayed with bordered icons ())

$DefaultTakeoffSpeed=250000; //Default speed for aircraft taking off (m/hour)

$DefaultTakeoffAltitude=500; //Default altitude for the first waypoint (m)

$DefaultLandingSpeed=200000; //Default speed for aircraft landing (m/hour)

$DefaultFlightSpeed=250000; //Default speed value in speed selector (m/hour)

$FlightSpeedFactor=0.75; //Default cruising speed as a fraction of maximum speed

$TASIASFactor=0.75; //Mean conversion of TAS to IAS to reduce true maximum speeds to indicated speeds.

$MaxClimbGradient=0.20; //Maximum climb gradient (m/m)

$EscortAltitudeOffset=500; //Amount that escort flight altitudes will be higher than primary unit altitudes (m)

$EscortSpeedOffset=50000; //Amount that escort flight speeds will be higher than primary unit speeds (m/hour)

$DefaultFlightAltitude=2000; //Default altitude value in altitude selector (m)

$GATTACKSearchRadius=20; //Default search radius for ground target selector (pixels)

$ReconThresholdFullID=85; //Recon level above which full unit information is visible to the enemy ())

$ReconThresholdNoID=50; //Recon level below which unit type is invisible to the enemy ())

$ReconThresholdNoTarget=20; //Recon level below which the unit cannot be selected as ground attack target ())

$MinimumAltitude=50; //Lowest valid altitude for planned missions

There are also a set of style parameters that allow you to customize the graphical styles of waypoint markers, borders, tooltip background colours and so on.

If you want to customize your MP, it is always a good idea to keep a backup of the default configuration parameters so you can restore a working set quickly and easily.

DCS Configuration

The DCS is the "engine" that combines all commander mission orders into a flyable IL-2 coop file, and then processes all combat outcomes based on the coop log after hosting. The DCS contains a large variety of optional parameters that the campaign administrator can use to customize the campaign environment and combat behaviour. Some of these parameters are fixed prior to campaign commencement, whilst others can be altered from mission to mission during the campaign. The parameters are grouped under "tabs", see the screenshot below of the "Database Settings" tab:


---> See DCS for the next steps

--IV/JG7_4Shades 03:52, 15 January 2008 (CET)