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'' DCS v3.2.1''
''(italian translation: editing in progress for DCS v3.2.3)''
===<u>"Database Settings "</u>===
See [[Configuration|Configuration]] for more information on the DCS Configuration.
''The "'''Generate/Manage'''" tab (below) is used to load and flush (remove) campaigns, and to progress campaigns through the sequential coop process. Also on this tab is a function to remove any ground/sea missions that are still "in progress", and a checkbox for allowing all informational progress messages to be displayed, if desired. This is the "bread and butter" screen for campaign management.''
* '''Host Name''' Once you have established a connection to a database put here a descriptive name for your SEOW host
* '''Theatre Name''' Once you have established a connection to a database put here a descriptive name for your campaign. The missions' files take this name: SE-NAME-yyyymmddhh00.mis
* '''Mission Length (hours):''' Once you have established a connection to a database set here the standard length of each mission (in hours).
The mission length value tells SEOW the time increment with which missions will be scheduled during the campaign day. A value of 1 means that missions will be scheduled sequentially each hour on the hour, while a value of 2 means that missions will be scheduled every two hours, and so on. This timing is unrelated to how long each mission is actually hosted for; only the scheduled times for missions are important here. Of course, mission length values are used to calculate supply usage, infrastructure repair, recon updates etc.
For example, if you want to run long 2-hour coops without having to do Clock Advances after each mission, then simply set the Mission Length to 2 hours. Fly your mission, then after the Analyze the clock will be +2 hours automatically.
* '''Enable Informational Popups:'''
This switch will turn on verbose display of exceptions that the DCS encounters. This is recommended to be kept ON, unless you are using DCS in conjunction with rnzoli's Dynamic Server Coop technology, in which case you may want to leave the switch OFF to suppress non-critical error messages.
'''''Right buttons'''''
* '''Initialize Campaign:'''
See Remarks.
* '''Build Next Mission:'''
See Remarks.
* '''Analyze Last Mission:'''
See Remarks.
* '''Remove in progress:'''
This button allows you to remove all incomplete movement orders for units currently en route. This applies to all ground and sea units on both sides. There is no way to cancel this operation once it has been confirmed by supply the DCS Authorization password (open the DCS_Authorization table in the database to see the default password).
* '''Flush Database:'''
This button allows you to terminate and remove all current campaign data from the database. There is no Undo once you have supplied the DCS Authorization password (open the DCS_Authorization table in the database to see the default password).
Once you have established a connection to a database, you will need to enter a Host Name (a descriptive name for your SEOW host), a "Theatre Name" (a descriptive name for your campaign), and select the standard length of each mission (in hours).
Once you have filled these fields in, the DCS "Initialize" button will be come active. Use this button to initialize your template, then the "Build" and "Analyze" buttons will become active automatically as you reach each stage of the campaign. The DCS helps you move through your campaign from mission to mission. In the image below, you can see that the campaign is currently at the "Build" stage, so it is ready to build the next coop file for hosting.
===<u>"Campaign Modes"</u>===
''The "'''Campaign Modes'''" tab (below) contains a set of parameters that need to be fixed BEFORE a campaign template is loaded. The "Restore Factory Defaults" button resets all parameters on '''all tabs''' back to default values. The various parameters on this tab govern the skills of each unit (important for aircraft and combat ships), the initial amount of intelligence each side has at the commencement of the campaign, the repair model for bridges and industrial installations, whether the Fog Of War options is enabled (which introduces a delay on reporting of most ground and sea movements and combat actions - for advanced users only).''
* '''Allied and Axis AI Skill Settings:''' These settings control how unit skills will be assigned at initialization stage, and for reinforcement units throughout the campaign. Unit skills are fixed - they do not evolve during the campaign.
* '''Load all Grounds/Sea Units with Maximum Strength:''' With this setting enabled, each ground and sea unit in the template will be initialized with total strength equal to the corresponding Normal_Group_Strength value (see the Object_Specifications table of the DB). E.g. a single flak gun in the template file may be initialized as a unit of 4 guns on the map.
* '''Enable Fog of War:''' This setting is not well debugged and is NOT recommended for normal campaign use. Essentially, it delays analysis of ground and sea war results for one mission. This makes it even tougher to command ground and sea units, because all your information is one mission old.
* '''Enable Aircraft Capture at Overrun Airbases:'''  With this enabled, aircraft located at a captured airbase will automatically be repainted in the victorious side's colours and be made available for use. If this is disabled, captured aircraft will automatically be destroyed.
* '''Enable Aircraft Refits Delays:'''  With this enabled, all aircraft will have to spend fixed periods (per type) on the ground after each mission before being able to fly again.
* '''Use Aircraft PaintSchemes (skins):'''  With this enabled, paintschemes can be associated with each air unit, either through the template file or manually as reinforcements are commissioned.
* '''Enable HistorySFX Mod Objects:'''  With this enabled, SEOW will use all objects defined in the database. With this disabled, only those objects available in IL-2 v4.09m will be used.
* '''Use Temporary Airbases:''' Enables temporary airbases, as defined for some sectors in the Airbases table.
* '''Truncate Sea Mission Duration:'''  If enabled, all ships will cease any planned movements at the end of each mission.
* '''Truncate Ground Mission Duration:''' If enabled, all army units will cease any planned movements at the end of each mission.
* '''Enable Disembarkation Delays:'''  If enabled, all units unloaded from transports will be inactive for the following mission.
* '''Enable Human Recon and Supply Flights:  If enabled, humans may fly recon, supply and paratrooper assault flights.
* '''Dynamic Reconnaissance:'''  If enabled, commanders must gain their own recon on enemy unit locations and strengths.
* '''Initial Allied & Axis Campaign Intelligence:'''  These values specify what percentages of each side's units are visible to the enemy immediately after campaign initialization.
* '''Automatic Industrial Repair:'''  If enabled, destroyed factories and fuel dumps will be repaired automatically.
* '''Industrial Repair Time:'''  The time delay between industrial destruction and automatic repair, in hours.
* '''Bridges Repair:''' This setting specifies whether destroyed bridges will be repaired or not. The "Engineer" mode forces commanders to bring engineers in proximity to the destroyed bridge for repairs to commence.
* '''Bridge Repair Time:''' The time taken to repair a destroyed bridge, in hours. If engineer repair mode is selected, this is the time taken for a single engineer unit to repair a bridge.
===<u>"Recon Decay"</u>===
''The "'''Recon Decay Modes'''" tab (below) allows the rate at which reconnaissance decays according to unit or installation type. This is a rarely used feature, but quite important for advanced scenario designers who wish to have complete control over how recon intelligence behaves through the duration of the campaign scenario.''
* '''Global Recon Decay Rate:''' This is the base rate at which unit and industrial recon decays. For example, if the global decay rate is 20%, then an enemy factory far in the rear of the front lines that has a recon score of 100% and is not photographed in the next mission will appear in the MP with recon of 80% after the mission has been analyzed. It will have recon 60%, the mission after, and so on.
Using this tab, designers can adjust recon decay rates for all major unit types to suit their campaign scenario.
''The "'''Supply'''" tab (below) governs whether or not SEOW will automatically track supply/fuel usage for each unit. Checking the "Enable Fuel Supply Tracking" box turns on a range of functionality for your campaign, including supply and morale calculations for every unit. The first settings enabled are the Global Fuel Consumption Rate, which multiplies all fuel demands by units. This is used by campaign designers to either accelerate or decelerate the rate at which units must be resupplied to maintain combat readiness. The Supply Conversion Factor determines how 1 freight (transport carrying capacity) point converts to litres of supply. Again, the scenario designer can choose this conversion value. There are sliders to set the initial morale states of Allied and Axis forces. Finally, on this tab, the scenario designer can set the initial supply holdings for the Allied and Axis sides, including off-map reserves and on-map industrial installations. Neutral (uncontrolled) installations also may be given an initial supply holding. Note that the Sector_Movement_Cost table of the DB also contains additional parameters that control how each major unit class consumes supply in each sector during annual seasons.''
* '''Enable Fuel Supply Tracking:''' Turn supply tracking on or off.
* '''Global fuel consumption rate:''' Multiply all supply consumption calculations by this value. A value of 1.0 means that the historical mean consumption rate will be used for all units (assuming all values in Sector_Movement_Cost are also set to 1.0).
* '''Supply Conversion Factor:''' This gives the number of litres of supply that can be carried per Transport Weight Point.
* '''Initial Unit Morale:'''  This gives the morale state of each side at campaign initialization. If any unit reaches "Desperate" morale state, it may spontaneously surrender of desert at any time.
* '''Initial Fuel reserves:'''  This defines the amount of supply held in off map reserves.
* '''Initial Fuel Load:''' This defines the amount of fuel held by each unit at campaign initialization.
* '''Initial Infrastructure Fuel Load:''' This defines the amount of supply held by each controlled fuel installation at campaign initialization.
* '''Initial Neutral Infrastructure Fuel Load''' This defines the amount of supply held by each uncontrolled fuel installation at campaign initialization.
===<u>"Idle Use"</u>===
* '''Idle Consumption Rate:'''
This is the rate at which supply is consumed by each unit when the unit is idle during a mission. In this context, idle means that the unit has no movement orders for the duration of the mission, i.e. it is stationary. In the case of artillery pieces, tanks and ships, the unit may still be shooting but not moving. Remember, even idle units consume supplies, so you need to keep supplying ALL units regularly. If you don't keep them supplied, they will eventually surrender or desert.
===<u>"Flight Modes"</u>===
''The "'''Flight Modes'''" tab (below) contains various settings options governing behaviour of air operations. These can be changed from mission to mission according to taste. Some important options are the "Enforce Pilot Landings" checkbox and the "aircraft breakdown rate" sliders. If checked, the "Enforce Pilot Landings" option will set all human pilots to crashed and KIA unless those pilots specifically land before mission end. The landing status is governed solely by the presence of a "landed" event for the pilot's aircraft in the log file. If such an event is not recorded, the system will KIA the pilot and crash his/her aircraft. This is useful for aircraft carrier campaigning, where some unscrupulous pilots may try to remain airborne until mission end, thereby avoiding risky and difficult carrier landings. With the "Enforce Pilot Landings" option ON, the only way pilots can save themselves and their planes is to land. The "aircraft breakdown rate" sliders are used to simulate the unpredictability of mechanical/electrical performance of aircraft. The percentage selected by moving the sliders gives the approximate chance that any given flight is canceled at the last moment, or that any particular aircraft is unavailable for takeoff, or that any particular flight's waypoints are truncated (forcing AI flights home early). Use of these sliders introduces considerable uncertainty into mission planning, since the breakdowns and cancellations are not reflected to commanders in the MP interface, they only become noticeable at coop hosting time by the presence/absence of aircraft in the coop. For some campaigns where pilots expect certain numbers of flyable slots to be available, use of non-zero "aircraft breakdown rate" values can lead to dissatisfaction when seat numbers are reduced due to unexpected cancellations.''
* '''Enforce Radio Silence:''' If enabled, ALL flights of the associated side will have radio silence applied to ALL waypoints.
* '''Enforce Aircraft Loadouts:'''  If enabled, the loadout choices selected by the commanders in the MP will be fixed. Pilots will not be able to change their allocated weapons loadouts and fuel loads. This is historically realistic.
* '''Enforce Pilot Landings (no landing=KIA):''' If enabled, any pilot that does not successfully land (or make an emergency landing) will be counted by SEOW as having crashed and died. This setting, although seemingly draconian, can be very useful for public campaigns where pilots are required to land. Most often it is used for carrier campaigns where some less dedicated pilots might leave the game before attempting a difficult carrier landing. If they don't land, they die anyway.
* '''Disable Offmap/Withdraw Flights:''' If enabled, national commanders will be unable to task their flights to withdraw or use off-map bases. This forces aircraft to stay in the sector, which can be useful in some scenarios.
* '''Enable Delayed Flights:'''  If enabled, flights may be tasked to commence some time after the mission start time. This greatly increases command flexibility, but all delayed flights are automatically AI-only. This is a game limitation that is not removed by using Mods.
* '''Interrogate Captured Pilots:'''  If enabled, all captured pilots will be interrogated automatically by the capturing force. The outcome of the interrogation is random. First, a die is rolled to determine whether the pilot yields to interrogation, or resists. If the pilot yields, then another die is rolled to determine how much information is given up (between 0 and 100%). The information equates to an increase of the enemy recon on the pilot's home airfield. The enemy will not know how much information is given, but may see significant recon boosts for all co-located aircraft and ground units at the interrogated pilot's home base.
* '''Enforce Air Starts for Escorts:''' If enabled, escort flights will be given automatic airstarts. Can reduce takeoff problems.
* '''Enforce Air Starts at Temporary Airbases:'''  If enabled, all flights tasked to take off from temporary airbases will get automatic air starts. Again, can reduce takeoff problems.
* '''Enforce Air Starts for Glider Flights:'''  If enabled, all glider flights will have air starts. This is most useful since a glider flight ties up a runway and mission start time. Skilled commanders can use delayed AI flights to overcome problem.
* '''Allow Take-Offs Under Enemy Fire:'''  If enabled, aircraft will be allowed to attempt takeoffs from runways in dispute or over-run by enemy units. If disabled, no aircraft will be allowed to take off from a threatened runway, even if flight waypoints have been issued.
* '''Use Maximum Speed Altitudes for Ceiling:'''  If enabled, the service ceiling of each aircraft will be set to the altitude of maximum airspeed for that aircraft. otherwise, true service ceilings will be used.
* '''Aircraft breakdown rate:'''  The breakdown rates are used to adjust flight activation in each mission randomly. First, the percentage is applied to each side's planned flights to determine if any whole flights are cancelled. Then the rate is applied to individual aircraft of any surviving flights, so the flight strength may be reduced. Finally, the rate is applied to determine whether any so far unaffected flights have their waypoints truncated (an "aborting" flight). Thus a 10% breakdown value may potentially affect 30% of flights in some way.
* '''Flight internal fuel limit:'''  In some scenarios, cunning campaign designers may wish to limit maximum fuel loadouts for aircraft.
* '''Create Host Seat'''  This setting allows designers to specify a dummy aircraft to use to be occupied by the mission host, if the host does not wish to fly in a combat aircraft. The host aircraft is placed well off the map without fuel or weapons. Any actions involving the host aircraft are ignored in the mission analysis. No pilot need occupy the host seat - there will be no adverse effects if the host aircraft is left unoccupied.
===<u>"Territorial Control"</u>===
''The "'''Territorial Control'''" tab (below) sets (i) the distance over which control can be exerted by military units (the Control Point Radius), (ii) the mechanism for generation of front markers to display front lines in the in-game briefing screen, and (iii) configuration of the size and type of force required to capture control points, airbases and industrial facilities. These settings can be changed from mission to mission during a campaign. Front markers can be placed at '''strategic''' locations (airbases, industrial facilities, railway stations and supply points) to give front lines that only change when strategic locations change hands, or they can be placed at both '''strategic and military''' locations (including front markers for significant combat units, e.g. tank platoons etc) which give a much more dynamic front line from mission to mission.''
* '''Territorial Control Settings:''' Definition of how many ground units (and of which kinds) are required to be within the Control Radius in order to capture an airbase, industrial facility, railway station or Control Point.
* '''Air/Bridges/ Control Point Radius:''' A distance in km that is used by SEOW to determine proximity of units for calculating capture events.
* '''Front Lines Drawn :''' The MP does not display front lines, because there is no need to display them there. But SEOW will optionally calculate front lines and display them inside the game pilots' briefing screen for each mission.
''The "'''Movement'''" tab (below) allows the administrator to determine the Ground Movement model for each side. The full details of SEOW Ground Movement models are provided [http://seow.sourceforge.net/SEOW_Complex_Ground_Movement_v1.0.pdf here].''
1) '''Mode Simple''': Ignore roads and bridges entirely. Move in straight lines between waypoints, regardless of terrain.
2) '''Mode Relaxed''': Move by roads and bridges where possible, but each waypoint will be visited in turn along the route by short departures from the nearest road.
3) '''Mode Normal''': Move by roads and bridges all the way, departing from the road only to reach the last waypoint.
4) '''Mode Strict''': Move by roads and bridges all the way, never leaving the road.
Movement Modes can be specified by vehicle type, per side. For example, in a Smolensk winter scenario it may be desirable to limit Axis armour to Strict Mode, whilst light Allied armour may potentially use Normal Mode.
*'''Maximum number of waypoints:'''  This setting is used to control the length of movement orders inside the mission file. The waypoints referred to in this setting are NOT those waypoints clicked by commanders on the map in the MP. Instead, the waypoints refer to the internal road node points defined inside IL-2. There may be many internal road nodes traversed between any two commander waypoints. This setting truncates the requested movement orders at the indicated number of internal road node waypoints (per side).
*'''Maximum Planned Duration Mission:''' This setting limits the duration of any single ground movement. The MP will prevent missions being planned for durations longer than this setting (per side).
''The "Clock" tab (below) is accessible via the DCS authorization password (default "penguin") and allows the campaign administrator to move the campaign clock forward by up to 24 hours. Clock advances do not move any units (even units "In Progress" are held fixed), but can optionally continue factory production, infrastructure repair, supply consumption, reconnaissance decay and aircraft re-arming. Clock Advances can be used to pass through nighttime and periods of bad weather, or for any reason if desired.''
* '''Authorization Password:''' As specified in the DCS_Authorization table of the DB.
* '''Maintain Recon State:''' If enabled, do not vary unit recon values during the clock advance.
* '''Re-arm Aircraft:''' If enabled, re-arm aircraft during the clock advance.
* '''Calculate Idle Supply Consumption:''' If enabled, allow units to consume supply at the normal idle rate during the clock advance.
* '''Repair Infrastructure Damage:'''  If enabled, allow industrial facilities to be repaired during the clock advance.
* '''Maintain Factory Production:''' If enabled, allow factories to continue production during the clock advance.
* '''Advance clock:''' Perform the clock advance for the selected period.
===<u>"Remote Functions"</u>===
''The "'''Remote Functions'''" tab (below) is for advanced mission archiving and web site automation.  The "DCS Web Script URL", if filled with a URL, will cause the DCS to perform an HTTP POST of various campaign status data to the named URL at the completion of Initialize, Build and Analyze cycles. This is a powerful feature that can be used to synchronize web sites with SEOW campaign progress, and even synchronize SEOW campaigns with other server technologies, e.g.  [http://web.t-online.hu/rnzoli/IL2DSC/intro-coop.html rnzoli's Dedicated Server Coop technology].''
* '''Automatically upload mission...''' Checking the checkbox "Automatically upload mission and log files to MySQL DB SE_File_Buffer table" causes the DCS to store copies of the named files inside the DB for later retrieval.
* '''MySQL Server Archive Folder''' This field, if filled with a valid pathname, causes the DCS to perform MySQL EXECUTE actions on the MySQL server to create archive copies of mission files on the remote MySQL server. This is used only rarely because of security concerns with the MySQL EXECUTE privilege.
* '''DCS Web Script URL''' This field, if filled with a valid URL, will cause the DCS to perform an HTTP POST of various campaign status data to the named URL at the completion of each Initialize, Build or Analyze cycle. This is a powerful feature that can be used to synchronize web sites with SEOW campaign progress, and even synchronize SEOW campaigns with other server technologies, e.g.  [http://web.t-online.hu/rnzoli/IL2DSC/intro-coop.html rnzoli's Dedicated Server Coop technology]. The script that interfaces with rnzoli's DSC is MP-CoopManager.php, inside MP4/Scripts. The data supplied by HTTP POST is:
* SE_VERSION : the code revision of the DCS
* HOST : the current Host string, as set in the DCS
* THEATRE : the current Theatre string, as set in the DCS
* SECTOR : the current campaigns ector, e.g. "Smolensk"
* CYCLE : the current campaign cycle step, either "Initialized", "Built", "Analyzed" or "ClockAdvance"
* SEQUENCE : the current campaign date, encoded in sequence number format "YYYYMMDDhhmm"
* DURATION : the duration of the current cycle step performed by the DCS, in seconds
* MISSIONFOLDER : the pathname of the folder where mission files are created by DCS
* EXCEPTION : An exception code, if encountered by DCS.
===<u>"Files and Misc"</u>===
''The "'''Files and Misc'''" tab (below) is where the important files and paths are identified for DCS operation. Essentially the DCS needs to have a folder defined where it can generate and store coop mission files (SEOW Missions Folder), and it also must be  pointed at the exact coop logfile (IL-2 EVENTLOG) that the coop will report its eventlog data to. If the "Over-Write Old Log Files" checkbox is unchecked, the DCS will automatically rename old logfiles with campaign sequence numbers as an archiving mechanism. If the checkbox is checked, the old logfiles will not be preserved.''
* '''FB+PF Game Log File Location:''' Navigate to your game eventlog file. Usually this is called "eventlog.lst" or "coop.lst", but you can call it whatever you want by editing the IL-2 "conf.ini" file appropriately.
* '''Over-Write Old Log Files:''' If enabled, all game log files will be overwritten in successive missions. If not enabled, SEOW will archive all old log files using their associated Theatre and Sequence Number information.
* '''SEOW Missions Folder:''' Navigate to the folder where you want SEOW to create your mission files. This is typically inside the "Missions/Net/coop" folder of your game installation directory. We recommend you create a subfolder there called "SEOW" to keep your campaign mission files.
* '''Append "_ru" to .properties Filenames:''' If enabled, this will cause the an extra ".properties" file to be created with every mission. The extra file will be the Russian file "_ru.properties", necessary for some Mod games.
* '''Command Line Log Folder Location:'''  Inactive.
* '''Show Splashscreen:''' If enabled, the DCS splashscreen will show every time the DCS is started up.
This tab allows campaign designers to place hard limits on the numbers of ships, planes and vehicles mobile in any one mission. This feature is very useful for ensuring that the resulting coops are not too complex to run on players' computers and on the host. Very fast hosts might allow 60-80 active aircraft total per mission, whilst modest hosts with low-bandwidth network connections might perform best with only 20 aircraft.
* '''Limit of Allied/Axis Aircraft:''' The MP informs commanders if they attempt to exceed this limit.
* '''Limit of Allied/Axis Platoons:''' The MP informs commanders if they attempt to exceed this limit. The calculation is performed at the platoon level. Task Forces are split into their constituent platoons for this calculation. The actual number of moving ground objects in any mission may be significantly more than this number, since platoons may consist of more than one vehicle.
* '''Limit of Allied/Axis Flotillas:''' The MP informs commanders if they attempt to exceed this limit. The calculation is performed at the flotilla level. Task Forces are split into their constituent flotillas for this calculation. The actual number of moving ships in any mission may be significantly more than this number, since some flotillas may consist of more than one ship, e.g. patrol boat flotillas.
===<u>"Production and Statistics"</u>===
''The "'''Production and Statistics'''" tab (below) has settings to determine how point values are scaled in the campaign. Essentially, each object type (gun, tank, aircraft, ship, vehicle) has a cost of production, set in the Object_Costs table and visible in the MP via the "View Costs" link within each sector HQ page. If "Factory Production" is enabled, there is a slider to determine how many production points each Allied or Axis factory generates each mission. Commanders can take factories in and out of production using the Logistics:Industrial tool in the MP. Commanders also specify which object type is to be built in each factory. As factories accrue production points they will build the designated objects and place them in nearby Resupply locations as reinforcements. By increasing the Production Rate sliders on this tab, the rate at which factories produce reinforcements increases. The "Statistics Engine Configuration" section allows the administrator to enabled/disable points scoring in the Statistics pages, and to associate a points penalty with Pilot KIA and MIA. If "Interrogate Captured Pilots" is enabled in the "'''Flight Modes'''" tab, Pilot MIA only incurs half the KIA penalty.''
* '''Enable Factory Production:''' If enabled, factories may be ordered to produce war materiel for reinforcements.
* '''Enable Factory Production Groups:'''  If enabled, nearby factories may combine their production of the same item to produce a steady stream of reinforcements, rather than having to accrue sufficient production factory by factory. The benefit of this is that destruction of one or two factories in a production group does not halt the total group production.
* '''Production Mode Slider''' using this slider, the campaign designer may constrain commanders in their choice of materiel to produce:
* "Only Producing Materiel in Template" Factories can only produce those object types that were defined in the campaign template.
* "Only Producing Active Materiel" Factories can only produce those object types that were active in the latest mission.
* "Only Producing Historically Available Materiel" Factories can only produce those object types that have service dates less than or equal to the current campaign date. Service dates are as listed in the Object_Specifications table.
* "Unrestricted Production of Materiel" Factories can produce all the object types listed in the Object_Specifications table (with nationality "r", "g" or "n".
* '''Allied and Axis Production Rate:''' Each factory, whilst undestroyed and operational, produces the selected number of "production points" per mission. These points are banked and accrued from mission to mission until enough are present to purchase the selected production item of the factory. Production costs of each item are listed in the Object_Costs table and shown in the "Costs" link on the sector HQ page in the MP. For example, if a "BMW Motorcycle" costs 20 points, and the Axis Factory Production Rate is 40 points, then each mission one factory could produce 2 "BMW Motorcycles".
* '''Allied and Axis Supply Production Rate:''' Similarly to factories, fuel dumps can produce supplies. These are produced at the indicated rate per mission. For example, a fuel dump with capacity 500,000 litres and a Supply Production Rate of 0.5% would produce 2500 litres per mission, as long as the fuel dump is undestroyed. The fuel dump could potentially overflow. All overflows are automatically credited to the Off Map Reserves.
* '''Calculate Point Gains/Losses:''' This setting determines whether event points will be tracked in the Statistics engine. If enabled, full point costs are shown for all combat losses. Also, human pilot KIA/MIA events also incur point tallies. A pilot KIA event incurs a penalty of the indicated point value, while a MIA (or capture) event incurs one-half of the indicated point tally.
''The "'''Environments'''" tab (below) has numerous settings covering how each mission is populated with environmental damage and stationary objects. These settings can be varied from mission to mission. The "Combat Damage Options" determine what amount of wreckage (smoke, fires, destroyed factories, vehicles etc) appear in each coop at sites where combat units where destroyed in the previous mission. These look great, but can potentially impact on frame rates. The "Infrastructure Targets" setting determines whether SEOW places dummy target vehicles in all factories and fuel tanks for the mission, or whether only certain industrial areas are populated with dummy targets according to bomber target selections. The "Combat Behaviour Options" section has sliders to determine how airbase barrage balloons are auto-generated, what percentage of stationary ground units have suffered equipment malfunction and are unable to fight during the mission (they are still targets!), how quickly naval warships reload (with consequent impacts on game performance), what percentage of idle aircraft appear parked at airbases, and over what ranges different types of ground units will engage each other.''
* '''Enable Burning Wreckage of Aircraft:''' If enabled, wreckage and fire or smoke will be placed at each location where an airframe was destroyed. This wreckage is only placed in the subsequent mission. At night or in poor weather, a fire will be placed. Otherwise a smoke will be placed. The placement is subject to the Wreckage Rate setting below.
* '''Enable Burning Wreckage of Ground Units:''' If enabled, wreckage and fire or smoke will be placed at each location where a vehicle was destroyed. This wreckage is only placed in the subsequent mission. At night or in poor weather, a fire will be placed. Otherwise a smoke will be placed. The placement is subject to the Wreckage Rate setting below.
* '''Enable Burning Wreckage of Sea Units:''' If enabled, wreckage and fire or smoke will be placed at each location where a ship or boat was destroyed. This wreckage is only placed in the subsequent mission. At night or in poor weather, a fire will be placed. Otherwise a smoke will be placed. The placement is subject to the Wreckage Rate setting below.
* '''Enable Burning Wreckage of Infrastructure:''' If enabled, wreckage and fire or smoke will be placed at each location where an installation was destroyed. This wreckage is only placed in the subsequent mission. At night or in poor weather, a fire will be placed. Otherwise a smoke will be placed. The placement is subject to the Wreckage Rate setting below.
* '''Indust.Targets:''' activated in All locations: SEOW can place target objects inside all industrial installations, or, optionally, only those installations in suburban areas targeted by explicit aerial GATTACK waypoints. Some maps, e.g. Normandy, have hundreds of installations, so placing targets in ALL of them may be too much load for some hosts and players systems to bear.
* '''Heavy Rail Freight Only at Train Stations:''' With this enabled, trains are prevented from loading/unloading heavy freight (tanks, artillery) unless they are close to railway stations. Otherwise, they can handle heavy freight anywhere.
* '''Enable Automatic Artillery Emplacements:''' With this enabled, artillery units will be given their own dug-in emplacements, ammunition boxes, sandbags and/or radio objects. These are purely cosmetic only - there is not cost associated with this scenery and destruction of any scenery object is not tracked.
* '''Enable CCCI Movement Restrictions:''' With this enabled, army units may not be tasked to move (via the MP) unless they are within the Control Radius of a friendly unit (that is in supply) that has designated Command, Control, Communication & Intelligence (CCCI) capability. Airbases and Resupply Points also act as local sources of CCCI. CCCI is allocated to unit types according to the "Command_Control" field in the Object_Specifications table. If this feature is enabled, CCCI units will be identifiable on the MP map by the characters "(CC)" prepended to their unit names in the mouseover tooltips.
* '''Wreckage Rate:''' In order to reduce system load a probability percentage can be applied to the placement of wreckage objects, as described above.
* '''Barrage Balloon Model:''' Campaign designers can choose to have searchlights and barrage balloons auto-generated at airbases, or not. Sirens are always generated, one for each controlled airbase, regardless of this setting.
* '''Vehicle Breakdown Rate:''' This percentage probability of breakdown is used to simulate how often mechanical breakdowns occurred in battlefield situations. This percentage is only applied to stationary vehicles/tanks in each mission. It does not prevent from moving any ground units that were ordered to move. Vehicles suffering breakdowns will be inactive, i.e. they will not shoot for the duration of the mission.
* '''Naval Rate of Fire:''' This setting affects the reload time of naval guns. This setting is often used to reduce naval gunfire in order to optimize game FPS performance.
* '''Aircraft Parking:'''  This setting determines the probability that a stationary plane will appear as parked at its home base.
* '''Maximum Artillery Engagement Range:''' This setting governs at what distance each tank and artillery gun will commence shooting at enemy units. Values are specified as percentages of the historical engagement range per gun type. Extreme values are the historical gun range, or the range for optimal FPS performance as suggested by Brandle. Each opf these values are listed in the Object_Specifications table, and can be changed as desired.

Versione delle 06:21, 22 nov 2009

Main Page

DCS v3.2.1

(italian translation: editing in progress for DCS v3.2.3)

"Database Settings "

See Configuration for more information on the DCS Configuration.


The "Generate/Manage" tab (below) is used to load and flush (remove) campaigns, and to progress campaigns through the sequential coop process. Also on this tab is a function to remove any ground/sea missions that are still "in progress", and a checkbox for allowing all informational progress messages to be displayed, if desired. This is the "bread and butter" screen for campaign management.

  • Host Name Once you have established a connection to a database put here a descriptive name for your SEOW host
  • Theatre Name Once you have established a connection to a database put here a descriptive name for your campaign. The missions' files take this name: SE-NAME-yyyymmddhh00.mis
  • Mission Length (hours): Once you have established a connection to a database set here the standard length of each mission (in hours).

The mission length value tells SEOW the time increment with which missions will be scheduled during the campaign day. A value of 1 means that missions will be scheduled sequentially each hour on the hour, while a value of 2 means that missions will be scheduled every two hours, and so on. This timing is unrelated to how long each mission is actually hosted for; only the scheduled times for missions are important here. Of course, mission length values are used to calculate supply usage, infrastructure repair, recon updates etc.

For example, if you want to run long 2-hour coops without having to do Clock Advances after each mission, then simply set the Mission Length to 2 hours. Fly your mission, then after the Analyze the clock will be +2 hours automatically.

  • Enable Informational Popups:

This switch will turn on verbose display of exceptions that the DCS encounters. This is recommended to be kept ON, unless you are using DCS in conjunction with rnzoli's Dynamic Server Coop technology, in which case you may want to leave the switch OFF to suppress non-critical error messages.

Right buttons

  • Initialize Campaign:

See Remarks.

  • Build Next Mission:

See Remarks.

  • Analyze Last Mission:

See Remarks.

  • Remove in progress:

This button allows you to remove all incomplete movement orders for units currently en route. This applies to all ground and sea units on both sides. There is no way to cancel this operation once it has been confirmed by supply the DCS Authorization password (open the DCS_Authorization table in the database to see the default password).

  • Flush Database:

This button allows you to terminate and remove all current campaign data from the database. There is no Undo once you have supplied the DCS Authorization password (open the DCS_Authorization table in the database to see the default password).

Remarks: Once you have established a connection to a database, you will need to enter a Host Name (a descriptive name for your SEOW host), a "Theatre Name" (a descriptive name for your campaign), and select the standard length of each mission (in hours).

Once you have filled these fields in, the DCS "Initialize" button will be come active. Use this button to initialize your template, then the "Build" and "Analyze" buttons will become active automatically as you reach each stage of the campaign. The DCS helps you move through your campaign from mission to mission. In the image below, you can see that the campaign is currently at the "Build" stage, so it is ready to build the next coop file for hosting.

File:DCS Ong Generate.jpg

"Campaign Modes"

The "Campaign Modes" tab (below) contains a set of parameters that need to be fixed BEFORE a campaign template is loaded. The "Restore Factory Defaults" button resets all parameters on all tabs back to default values. The various parameters on this tab govern the skills of each unit (important for aircraft and combat ships), the initial amount of intelligence each side has at the commencement of the campaign, the repair model for bridges and industrial installations, whether the Fog Of War options is enabled (which introduces a delay on reporting of most ground and sea movements and combat actions - for advanced users only).

  • Allied and Axis AI Skill Settings: These settings control how unit skills will be assigned at initialization stage, and for reinforcement units throughout the campaign. Unit skills are fixed - they do not evolve during the campaign.
  • Load all Grounds/Sea Units with Maximum Strength: With this setting enabled, each ground and sea unit in the template will be initialized with total strength equal to the corresponding Normal_Group_Strength value (see the Object_Specifications table of the DB). E.g. a single flak gun in the template file may be initialized as a unit of 4 guns on the map.
  • Enable Fog of War: This setting is not well debugged and is NOT recommended for normal campaign use. Essentially, it delays analysis of ground and sea war results for one mission. This makes it even tougher to command ground and sea units, because all your information is one mission old.
  • Enable Aircraft Capture at Overrun Airbases: With this enabled, aircraft located at a captured airbase will automatically be repainted in the victorious side's colours and be made available for use. If this is disabled, captured aircraft will automatically be destroyed.
  • Enable Aircraft Refits Delays: With this enabled, all aircraft will have to spend fixed periods (per type) on the ground after each mission before being able to fly again.
  • Use Aircraft PaintSchemes (skins): With this enabled, paintschemes can be associated with each air unit, either through the template file or manually as reinforcements are commissioned.
  • Enable HistorySFX Mod Objects: With this enabled, SEOW will use all objects defined in the database. With this disabled, only those objects available in IL-2 v4.09m will be used.
  • Use Temporary Airbases: Enables temporary airbases, as defined for some sectors in the Airbases table.
  • Truncate Sea Mission Duration: If enabled, all ships will cease any planned movements at the end of each mission.
  • Truncate Ground Mission Duration: If enabled, all army units will cease any planned movements at the end of each mission.
  • Enable Disembarkation Delays: If enabled, all units unloaded from transports will be inactive for the following mission.
  • Enable Human Recon and Supply Flights: If enabled, humans may fly recon, supply and paratrooper assault flights.
  • Dynamic Reconnaissance: If enabled, commanders must gain their own recon on enemy unit locations and strengths.
  • Initial Allied & Axis Campaign Intelligence: These values specify what percentages of each side's units are visible to the enemy immediately after campaign initialization.
  • Automatic Industrial Repair: If enabled, destroyed factories and fuel dumps will be repaired automatically.
  • Industrial Repair Time: The time delay between industrial destruction and automatic repair, in hours.
  • Bridges Repair: This setting specifies whether destroyed bridges will be repaired or not. The "Engineer" mode forces commanders to bring engineers in proximity to the destroyed bridge for repairs to commence.
  • Bridge Repair Time: The time taken to repair a destroyed bridge, in hours. If engineer repair mode is selected, this is the time taken for a single engineer unit to repair a bridge.


"Recon Decay"

The "Recon Decay Modes" tab (below) allows the rate at which reconnaissance decays according to unit or installation type. This is a rarely used feature, but quite important for advanced scenario designers who wish to have complete control over how recon intelligence behaves through the duration of the campaign scenario.

  • Global Recon Decay Rate: This is the base rate at which unit and industrial recon decays. For example, if the global decay rate is 20%, then an enemy factory far in the rear of the front lines that has a recon score of 100% and is not photographed in the next mission will appear in the MP with recon of 80% after the mission has been analyzed. It will have recon 60%, the mission after, and so on.

Using this tab, designers can adjust recon decay rates for all major unit types to suit their campaign scenario.



The "Supply" tab (below) governs whether or not SEOW will automatically track supply/fuel usage for each unit. Checking the "Enable Fuel Supply Tracking" box turns on a range of functionality for your campaign, including supply and morale calculations for every unit. The first settings enabled are the Global Fuel Consumption Rate, which multiplies all fuel demands by units. This is used by campaign designers to either accelerate or decelerate the rate at which units must be resupplied to maintain combat readiness. The Supply Conversion Factor determines how 1 freight (transport carrying capacity) point converts to litres of supply. Again, the scenario designer can choose this conversion value. There are sliders to set the initial morale states of Allied and Axis forces. Finally, on this tab, the scenario designer can set the initial supply holdings for the Allied and Axis sides, including off-map reserves and on-map industrial installations. Neutral (uncontrolled) installations also may be given an initial supply holding. Note that the Sector_Movement_Cost table of the DB also contains additional parameters that control how each major unit class consumes supply in each sector during annual seasons.

  • Enable Fuel Supply Tracking: Turn supply tracking on or off.
  • Global fuel consumption rate: Multiply all supply consumption calculations by this value. A value of 1.0 means that the historical mean consumption rate will be used for all units (assuming all values in Sector_Movement_Cost are also set to 1.0).
  • Supply Conversion Factor: This gives the number of litres of supply that can be carried per Transport Weight Point.
  • Initial Unit Morale: This gives the morale state of each side at campaign initialization. If any unit reaches "Desperate" morale state, it may spontaneously surrender of desert at any time.
  • Initial Fuel reserves: This defines the amount of supply held in off map reserves.
  • Initial Fuel Load: This defines the amount of fuel held by each unit at campaign initialization.
  • Initial Infrastructure Fuel Load: This defines the amount of supply held by each controlled fuel installation at campaign initialization.
  • Initial Neutral Infrastructure Fuel Load This defines the amount of supply held by each uncontrolled fuel installation at campaign initialization.


"Idle Use"

  • Idle Consumption Rate:

This is the rate at which supply is consumed by each unit when the unit is idle during a mission. In this context, idle means that the unit has no movement orders for the duration of the mission, i.e. it is stationary. In the case of artillery pieces, tanks and ships, the unit may still be shooting but not moving. Remember, even idle units consume supplies, so you need to keep supplying ALL units regularly. If you don't keep them supplied, they will eventually surrender or desert.


"Flight Modes"

The "Flight Modes" tab (below) contains various settings options governing behaviour of air operations. These can be changed from mission to mission according to taste. Some important options are the "Enforce Pilot Landings" checkbox and the "aircraft breakdown rate" sliders. If checked, the "Enforce Pilot Landings" option will set all human pilots to crashed and KIA unless those pilots specifically land before mission end. The landing status is governed solely by the presence of a "landed" event for the pilot's aircraft in the log file. If such an event is not recorded, the system will KIA the pilot and crash his/her aircraft. This is useful for aircraft carrier campaigning, where some unscrupulous pilots may try to remain airborne until mission end, thereby avoiding risky and difficult carrier landings. With the "Enforce Pilot Landings" option ON, the only way pilots can save themselves and their planes is to land. The "aircraft breakdown rate" sliders are used to simulate the unpredictability of mechanical/electrical performance of aircraft. The percentage selected by moving the sliders gives the approximate chance that any given flight is canceled at the last moment, or that any particular aircraft is unavailable for takeoff, or that any particular flight's waypoints are truncated (forcing AI flights home early). Use of these sliders introduces considerable uncertainty into mission planning, since the breakdowns and cancellations are not reflected to commanders in the MP interface, they only become noticeable at coop hosting time by the presence/absence of aircraft in the coop. For some campaigns where pilots expect certain numbers of flyable slots to be available, use of non-zero "aircraft breakdown rate" values can lead to dissatisfaction when seat numbers are reduced due to unexpected cancellations.

  • Enforce Radio Silence: If enabled, ALL flights of the associated side will have radio silence applied to ALL waypoints.
  • Enforce Aircraft Loadouts: If enabled, the loadout choices selected by the commanders in the MP will be fixed. Pilots will not be able to change their allocated weapons loadouts and fuel loads. This is historically realistic.
  • Enforce Pilot Landings (no landing=KIA): If enabled, any pilot that does not successfully land (or make an emergency landing) will be counted by SEOW as having crashed and died. This setting, although seemingly draconian, can be very useful for public campaigns where pilots are required to land. Most often it is used for carrier campaigns where some less dedicated pilots might leave the game before attempting a difficult carrier landing. If they don't land, they die anyway.
  • Disable Offmap/Withdraw Flights: If enabled, national commanders will be unable to task their flights to withdraw or use off-map bases. This forces aircraft to stay in the sector, which can be useful in some scenarios.
  • Enable Delayed Flights: If enabled, flights may be tasked to commence some time after the mission start time. This greatly increases command flexibility, but all delayed flights are automatically AI-only. This is a game limitation that is not removed by using Mods.
  • Interrogate Captured Pilots: If enabled, all captured pilots will be interrogated automatically by the capturing force. The outcome of the interrogation is random. First, a die is rolled to determine whether the pilot yields to interrogation, or resists. If the pilot yields, then another die is rolled to determine how much information is given up (between 0 and 100%). The information equates to an increase of the enemy recon on the pilot's home airfield. The enemy will not know how much information is given, but may see significant recon boosts for all co-located aircraft and ground units at the interrogated pilot's home base.
  • Enforce Air Starts for Escorts: If enabled, escort flights will be given automatic airstarts. Can reduce takeoff problems.
  • Enforce Air Starts at Temporary Airbases: If enabled, all flights tasked to take off from temporary airbases will get automatic air starts. Again, can reduce takeoff problems.
  • Enforce Air Starts for Glider Flights: If enabled, all glider flights will have air starts. This is most useful since a glider flight ties up a runway and mission start time. Skilled commanders can use delayed AI flights to overcome problem.
  • Allow Take-Offs Under Enemy Fire: If enabled, aircraft will be allowed to attempt takeoffs from runways in dispute or over-run by enemy units. If disabled, no aircraft will be allowed to take off from a threatened runway, even if flight waypoints have been issued.
  • Use Maximum Speed Altitudes for Ceiling: If enabled, the service ceiling of each aircraft will be set to the altitude of maximum airspeed for that aircraft. otherwise, true service ceilings will be used.
  • Aircraft breakdown rate: The breakdown rates are used to adjust flight activation in each mission randomly. First, the percentage is applied to each side's planned flights to determine if any whole flights are cancelled. Then the rate is applied to individual aircraft of any surviving flights, so the flight strength may be reduced. Finally, the rate is applied to determine whether any so far unaffected flights have their waypoints truncated (an "aborting" flight). Thus a 10% breakdown value may potentially affect 30% of flights in some way.
  • Flight internal fuel limit: In some scenarios, cunning campaign designers may wish to limit maximum fuel loadouts for aircraft.
  • Create Host Seat This setting allows designers to specify a dummy aircraft to use to be occupied by the mission host, if the host does not wish to fly in a combat aircraft. The host aircraft is placed well off the map without fuel or weapons. Any actions involving the host aircraft are ignored in the mission analysis. No pilot need occupy the host seat - there will be no adverse effects if the host aircraft is left unoccupied.


"Territorial Control"

The "Territorial Control" tab (below) sets (i) the distance over which control can be exerted by military units (the Control Point Radius), (ii) the mechanism for generation of front markers to display front lines in the in-game briefing screen, and (iii) configuration of the size and type of force required to capture control points, airbases and industrial facilities. These settings can be changed from mission to mission during a campaign. Front markers can be placed at strategic locations (airbases, industrial facilities, railway stations and supply points) to give front lines that only change when strategic locations change hands, or they can be placed at both strategic and military locations (including front markers for significant combat units, e.g. tank platoons etc) which give a much more dynamic front line from mission to mission.

  • Territorial Control Settings: Definition of how many ground units (and of which kinds) are required to be within the Control Radius in order to capture an airbase, industrial facility, railway station or Control Point.
  • Air/Bridges/ Control Point Radius: A distance in km that is used by SEOW to determine proximity of units for calculating capture events.
  • Front Lines Drawn : The MP does not display front lines, because there is no need to display them there. But SEOW will optionally calculate front lines and display them inside the game pilots' briefing screen for each mission.



The "Movement" tab (below) allows the administrator to determine the Ground Movement model for each side. The full details of SEOW Ground Movement models are provided here.

1) Mode Simple: Ignore roads and bridges entirely. Move in straight lines between waypoints, regardless of terrain.

2) Mode Relaxed: Move by roads and bridges where possible, but each waypoint will be visited in turn along the route by short departures from the nearest road.

3) Mode Normal: Move by roads and bridges all the way, departing from the road only to reach the last waypoint.

4) Mode Strict: Move by roads and bridges all the way, never leaving the road.

Movement Modes can be specified by vehicle type, per side. For example, in a Smolensk winter scenario it may be desirable to limit Axis armour to Strict Mode, whilst light Allied armour may potentially use Normal Mode.

  • Maximum number of waypoints: This setting is used to control the length of movement orders inside the mission file. The waypoints referred to in this setting are NOT those waypoints clicked by commanders on the map in the MP. Instead, the waypoints refer to the internal road node points defined inside IL-2. There may be many internal road nodes traversed between any two commander waypoints. This setting truncates the requested movement orders at the indicated number of internal road node waypoints (per side).
  • Maximum Planned Duration Mission: This setting limits the duration of any single ground movement. The MP will prevent missions being planned for durations longer than this setting (per side).



The "Clock" tab (below) is accessible via the DCS authorization password (default "penguin") and allows the campaign administrator to move the campaign clock forward by up to 24 hours. Clock advances do not move any units (even units "In Progress" are held fixed), but can optionally continue factory production, infrastructure repair, supply consumption, reconnaissance decay and aircraft re-arming. Clock Advances can be used to pass through nighttime and periods of bad weather, or for any reason if desired.

  • Authorization Password: As specified in the DCS_Authorization table of the DB.
  • Maintain Recon State: If enabled, do not vary unit recon values during the clock advance.
  • Re-arm Aircraft: If enabled, re-arm aircraft during the clock advance.
  • Calculate Idle Supply Consumption: If enabled, allow units to consume supply at the normal idle rate during the clock advance.
  • Repair Infrastructure Damage: If enabled, allow industrial facilities to be repaired during the clock advance.
  • Maintain Factory Production: If enabled, allow factories to continue production during the clock advance.
  • Advance clock: Perform the clock advance for the selected period.



"Remote Functions"

The "Remote Functions" tab (below) is for advanced mission archiving and web site automation. The "DCS Web Script URL", if filled with a URL, will cause the DCS to perform an HTTP POST of various campaign status data to the named URL at the completion of Initialize, Build and Analyze cycles. This is a powerful feature that can be used to synchronize web sites with SEOW campaign progress, and even synchronize SEOW campaigns with other server technologies, e.g. rnzoli's Dedicated Server Coop technology.

  • Automatically upload mission... Checking the checkbox "Automatically upload mission and log files to MySQL DB SE_File_Buffer table" causes the DCS to store copies of the named files inside the DB for later retrieval.
  • MySQL Server Archive Folder This field, if filled with a valid pathname, causes the DCS to perform MySQL EXECUTE actions on the MySQL server to create archive copies of mission files on the remote MySQL server. This is used only rarely because of security concerns with the MySQL EXECUTE privilege.
  • DCS Web Script URL This field, if filled with a valid URL, will cause the DCS to perform an HTTP POST of various campaign status data to the named URL at the completion of each Initialize, Build or Analyze cycle. This is a powerful feature that can be used to synchronize web sites with SEOW campaign progress, and even synchronize SEOW campaigns with other server technologies, e.g. rnzoli's Dedicated Server Coop technology. The script that interfaces with rnzoli's DSC is MP-CoopManager.php, inside MP4/Scripts. The data supplied by HTTP POST is:
  • SE_VERSION : the code revision of the DCS
  • HOST : the current Host string, as set in the DCS
  • THEATRE : the current Theatre string, as set in the DCS
  • SECTOR : the current campaigns ector, e.g. "Smolensk"
  • CYCLE : the current campaign cycle step, either "Initialized", "Built", "Analyzed" or "ClockAdvance"
  • SEQUENCE : the current campaign date, encoded in sequence number format "YYYYMMDDhhmm"
  • DURATION : the duration of the current cycle step performed by the DCS, in seconds
  • MISSIONFOLDER : the pathname of the folder where mission files are created by DCS
  • EXCEPTION : An exception code, if encountered by DCS.


"Files and Misc"

The "Files and Misc" tab (below) is where the important files and paths are identified for DCS operation. Essentially the DCS needs to have a folder defined where it can generate and store coop mission files (SEOW Missions Folder), and it also must be pointed at the exact coop logfile (IL-2 EVENTLOG) that the coop will report its eventlog data to. If the "Over-Write Old Log Files" checkbox is unchecked, the DCS will automatically rename old logfiles with campaign sequence numbers as an archiving mechanism. If the checkbox is checked, the old logfiles will not be preserved.

  • FB+PF Game Log File Location: Navigate to your game eventlog file. Usually this is called "eventlog.lst" or "coop.lst", but you can call it whatever you want by editing the IL-2 "conf.ini" file appropriately.
  • Over-Write Old Log Files: If enabled, all game log files will be overwritten in successive missions. If not enabled, SEOW will archive all old log files using their associated Theatre and Sequence Number information.
  • SEOW Missions Folder: Navigate to the folder where you want SEOW to create your mission files. This is typically inside the "Missions/Net/coop" folder of your game installation directory. We recommend you create a subfolder there called "SEOW" to keep your campaign mission files.
  • Append "_ru" to .properties Filenames: If enabled, this will cause the an extra ".properties" file to be created with every mission. The extra file will be the Russian file "_ru.properties", necessary for some Mod games.
  • Command Line Log Folder Location: Inactive.
  • Show Splashscreen: If enabled, the DCS splashscreen will show every time the DCS is started up.



This tab allows campaign designers to place hard limits on the numbers of ships, planes and vehicles mobile in any one mission. This feature is very useful for ensuring that the resulting coops are not too complex to run on players' computers and on the host. Very fast hosts might allow 60-80 active aircraft total per mission, whilst modest hosts with low-bandwidth network connections might perform best with only 20 aircraft.

  • Limit of Allied/Axis Aircraft: The MP informs commanders if they attempt to exceed this limit.
  • Limit of Allied/Axis Platoons: The MP informs commanders if they attempt to exceed this limit. The calculation is performed at the platoon level. Task Forces are split into their constituent platoons for this calculation. The actual number of moving ground objects in any mission may be significantly more than this number, since platoons may consist of more than one vehicle.
  • Limit of Allied/Axis Flotillas: The MP informs commanders if they attempt to exceed this limit. The calculation is performed at the flotilla level. Task Forces are split into their constituent flotillas for this calculation. The actual number of moving ships in any mission may be significantly more than this number, since some flotillas may consist of more than one ship, e.g. patrol boat flotillas.


"Production and Statistics"

The "Production and Statistics" tab (below) has settings to determine how point values are scaled in the campaign. Essentially, each object type (gun, tank, aircraft, ship, vehicle) has a cost of production, set in the Object_Costs table and visible in the MP via the "View Costs" link within each sector HQ page. If "Factory Production" is enabled, there is a slider to determine how many production points each Allied or Axis factory generates each mission. Commanders can take factories in and out of production using the Logistics:Industrial tool in the MP. Commanders also specify which object type is to be built in each factory. As factories accrue production points they will build the designated objects and place them in nearby Resupply locations as reinforcements. By increasing the Production Rate sliders on this tab, the rate at which factories produce reinforcements increases. The "Statistics Engine Configuration" section allows the administrator to enabled/disable points scoring in the Statistics pages, and to associate a points penalty with Pilot KIA and MIA. If "Interrogate Captured Pilots" is enabled in the "Flight Modes" tab, Pilot MIA only incurs half the KIA penalty.

  • Enable Factory Production: If enabled, factories may be ordered to produce war materiel for reinforcements.
  • Enable Factory Production Groups: If enabled, nearby factories may combine their production of the same item to produce a steady stream of reinforcements, rather than having to accrue sufficient production factory by factory. The benefit of this is that destruction of one or two factories in a production group does not halt the total group production.
  • Production Mode Slider using this slider, the campaign designer may constrain commanders in their choice of materiel to produce:
  • "Only Producing Materiel in Template" Factories can only produce those object types that were defined in the campaign template.
  • "Only Producing Active Materiel" Factories can only produce those object types that were active in the latest mission.
  • "Only Producing Historically Available Materiel" Factories can only produce those object types that have service dates less than or equal to the current campaign date. Service dates are as listed in the Object_Specifications table.
  • "Unrestricted Production of Materiel" Factories can produce all the object types listed in the Object_Specifications table (with nationality "r", "g" or "n".
  • Allied and Axis Production Rate: Each factory, whilst undestroyed and operational, produces the selected number of "production points" per mission. These points are banked and accrued from mission to mission until enough are present to purchase the selected production item of the factory. Production costs of each item are listed in the Object_Costs table and shown in the "Costs" link on the sector HQ page in the MP. For example, if a "BMW Motorcycle" costs 20 points, and the Axis Factory Production Rate is 40 points, then each mission one factory could produce 2 "BMW Motorcycles".
  • Allied and Axis Supply Production Rate: Similarly to factories, fuel dumps can produce supplies. These are produced at the indicated rate per mission. For example, a fuel dump with capacity 500,000 litres and a Supply Production Rate of 0.5% would produce 2500 litres per mission, as long as the fuel dump is undestroyed. The fuel dump could potentially overflow. All overflows are automatically credited to the Off Map Reserves.
  • Calculate Point Gains/Losses: This setting determines whether event points will be tracked in the Statistics engine. If enabled, full point costs are shown for all combat losses. Also, human pilot KIA/MIA events also incur point tallies. A pilot KIA event incurs a penalty of the indicated point value, while a MIA (or capture) event incurs one-half of the indicated point tally.



The "Environments" tab (below) has numerous settings covering how each mission is populated with environmental damage and stationary objects. These settings can be varied from mission to mission. The "Combat Damage Options" determine what amount of wreckage (smoke, fires, destroyed factories, vehicles etc) appear in each coop at sites where combat units where destroyed in the previous mission. These look great, but can potentially impact on frame rates. The "Infrastructure Targets" setting determines whether SEOW places dummy target vehicles in all factories and fuel tanks for the mission, or whether only certain industrial areas are populated with dummy targets according to bomber target selections. The "Combat Behaviour Options" section has sliders to determine how airbase barrage balloons are auto-generated, what percentage of stationary ground units have suffered equipment malfunction and are unable to fight during the mission (they are still targets!), how quickly naval warships reload (with consequent impacts on game performance), what percentage of idle aircraft appear parked at airbases, and over what ranges different types of ground units will engage each other.

  • Enable Burning Wreckage of Aircraft: If enabled, wreckage and fire or smoke will be placed at each location where an airframe was destroyed. This wreckage is only placed in the subsequent mission. At night or in poor weather, a fire will be placed. Otherwise a smoke will be placed. The placement is subject to the Wreckage Rate setting below.
  • Enable Burning Wreckage of Ground Units: If enabled, wreckage and fire or smoke will be placed at each location where a vehicle was destroyed. This wreckage is only placed in the subsequent mission. At night or in poor weather, a fire will be placed. Otherwise a smoke will be placed. The placement is subject to the Wreckage Rate setting below.
  • Enable Burning Wreckage of Sea Units: If enabled, wreckage and fire or smoke will be placed at each location where a ship or boat was destroyed. This wreckage is only placed in the subsequent mission. At night or in poor weather, a fire will be placed. Otherwise a smoke will be placed. The placement is subject to the Wreckage Rate setting below.
  • Enable Burning Wreckage of Infrastructure: If enabled, wreckage and fire or smoke will be placed at each location where an installation was destroyed. This wreckage is only placed in the subsequent mission. At night or in poor weather, a fire will be placed. Otherwise a smoke will be placed. The placement is subject to the Wreckage Rate setting below.
  • Indust.Targets: activated in All locations: SEOW can place target objects inside all industrial installations, or, optionally, only those installations in suburban areas targeted by explicit aerial GATTACK waypoints. Some maps, e.g. Normandy, have hundreds of installations, so placing targets in ALL of them may be too much load for some hosts and players systems to bear.
  • Heavy Rail Freight Only at Train Stations: With this enabled, trains are prevented from loading/unloading heavy freight (tanks, artillery) unless they are close to railway stations. Otherwise, they can handle heavy freight anywhere.
  • Enable Automatic Artillery Emplacements: With this enabled, artillery units will be given their own dug-in emplacements, ammunition boxes, sandbags and/or radio objects. These are purely cosmetic only - there is not cost associated with this scenery and destruction of any scenery object is not tracked.
  • Enable CCCI Movement Restrictions: With this enabled, army units may not be tasked to move (via the MP) unless they are within the Control Radius of a friendly unit (that is in supply) that has designated Command, Control, Communication & Intelligence (CCCI) capability. Airbases and Resupply Points also act as local sources of CCCI. CCCI is allocated to unit types according to the "Command_Control" field in the Object_Specifications table. If this feature is enabled, CCCI units will be identifiable on the MP map by the characters "(CC)" prepended to their unit names in the mouseover tooltips.
  • Wreckage Rate: In order to reduce system load a probability percentage can be applied to the placement of wreckage objects, as described above.
  • Barrage Balloon Model: Campaign designers can choose to have searchlights and barrage balloons auto-generated at airbases, or not. Sirens are always generated, one for each controlled airbase, regardless of this setting.
  • Vehicle Breakdown Rate: This percentage probability of breakdown is used to simulate how often mechanical breakdowns occurred in battlefield situations. This percentage is only applied to stationary vehicles/tanks in each mission. It does not prevent from moving any ground units that were ordered to move. Vehicles suffering breakdowns will be inactive, i.e. they will not shoot for the duration of the mission.
  • Naval Rate of Fire: This setting affects the reload time of naval guns. This setting is often used to reduce naval gunfire in order to optimize game FPS performance.
  • Aircraft Parking: This setting determines the probability that a stationary plane will appear as parked at its home base.
  • Maximum Artillery Engagement Range: This setting governs at what distance each tank and artillery gun will commence shooting at enemy units. Values are specified as percentages of the historical engagement range per gun type. Extreme values are the historical gun range, or the range for optimal FPS performance as suggested by Brandle. Each opf these values are listed in the Object_Specifications table, and can be changed as desired.
