Commanders interface

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Commanders interface

After entering your commander username and password the overview map screen will be displayed.
File:Sector map.jpg
Figure 4 - Sector map
In order to view intelligence and unit dispositions it is necessary to select either a district or sector view. To do this either select a district on the map by clicking on the district letter or you can choose a district from the upper dropdown (see Figure 2) in the upper centre of the screen.(Note: If you want to view the entire sector the ONLY way you can is by selecting the entire sector from the dropdown menu.)
Once a selection has been made a more detailed map is displayed showing the location of your air and land forces. Known enemy forces are displayed on the map using icons (to see detailed information on the unit move your mouse cursor over the icon and information will be displayed in a pop up (see Figure 5 and Figure 6 below) and unconfirmed units are displayed by a question mark. If your land forces are currently moving their position may be an hour out of date due to the lag involved in receiving this information from the field. This is not a bug. It simulates the delay in information to your headquarters. Enemy units may be displayed along with a recon percentage detailing reliability or staleness of the intelligence. To view this information place your mouse over the icons on the map. A popup will appear containing the information. You can also move your mouse cursor over airfields/factories/bridges and view details on those items as well.
Figure 5 – Friendly Unit Display popup
Figure 6 - Enemy Unit Display popup
Right clicking on the screen brings up a menu.
By selecting items from the menu you can control what is displayed on your map interface. All the choices above either display or hide icons on the map interface screen. The toggles are useful in helping the commander better view the battle field and plan their strategy. It is sometimes useful to hide your units in order to get a better idea of the disposition of the enemy forces or vice versa. Other toggles can aid in the planning of ground movement and the withdrawal of your forces into reserves.

  • Toggle All Unit Icons

Display or hide all unit icons for both enemy and friendly units. This can be helpful when there are a great number of units in an area and you would like to examine the status of airfields, bridges or industrial targets under a group of units.

  • Toggle Axis Unit Icons

Display or hide all axis unit icons even if you are the axis player.

  • Toggle Allied Unit Icons

Display or hide all allied unit icons even if you are the allied player.

  • Toggle Airbase Icons

Hide or display the icons for airfields.

  • Toggle Bridge Icons

Hide or display the bridge icons

  • Toggle Supply/Withdraw Icons

Hide or display the supply/withdraw Icons A new MP will be released shortly that includes the ability to toggle friendly units according to role, e.g. armour, mechanized infantry etc.