Da SEOW Wiki IT.
The Scorched Earth Online War system (SEOW) supports many different kinds of airbases, including ALL normal airbases defined on the FB+PF maps, plus temporary airbases and seaplane bases. Off Map flights (where aircraft spawn at the edge of the map) are effectively located at “virtual airbases” that have no infrastructure associated with them.
There are literally hundreds of different airbases across the various maps supported in SEOW. Rather than coding infrastructure layouts (for parking places, runway lights, searchlight locations, balloons locations etc) for each individual airbase, SEOW makes use of the fact that many airbases have identical layouts. SEOW has identified all these “Airbase Types”, and the layout of each type is contained in a SEOW database table. Presently there are about 20 types of normal airbase defined. The actual layouts are not fixed by Oleg – they are our own default layouts. Advanced users may wish to add their own layouts for specialized campaigns, and it is not so hard to do!
The information in this document summarises design, data capture and coding work performed by RAF74_Taipan and IV/JG7_4Shades. Third party contributions are noted as appropriate. SEOW is a free add-on to the IL-2 series of simulations developed by 1C: Maddox and published by Ubi.
!! [How Layouts Work]
SEOW Default Airbases and Layouts
In this section we will list all the default SEOW airbases and layout types. By convention, grass and sand strips in SEOW are usually called “Fields”, while concrete strips are called “Airbases”. For each supported Airbase_Type we will list the corresponding airbases on the SEOW maps, and give a picture of the layout.
- Airbase_Type=1 - Beliy Colodec Field, Prokhorovka
- Airbase_Type=2 - Merzhausen Field, Ardennes
- Airbase_Type=3 - Kletskaya Field, Stalingrad
- Airbase_Type=4 - Dozornoye Emergency Field, Crimea
- Airbase_Type=5 - Jalitah Field, Tunis
- Airbase_Type=6 - Shyretsz Airbase, L’vov
- Airbase_Type=7 - Dzhankoy Airbase, Crimea
- Airbase_Type=8 - St Martin Field, Normandy
- Airbase_Type=9 - Gumrak Field. Stalingrad
- Airbase_Type=10 - Yevpatoria Airbase, Crimea
- Airbase_Type=11 - Asth Airbase, Ardennes
- Airbase_Type=12 - Sevastopol Airbase, Crimea
- Airbase_Type=13 - St Gatien Airbase, Normandy
- Airbase_Type=14 - Ford Field on the Hawaii map
- Airbase_Type=15 - Ivalo Airbase, Murmansk
- Airbase_Type=16 - Malmi Airbase, Gulf of Finland
- Airbase_Type=17 - DOB1 Field, New Guinea
- Airbase_Type=18 - Vivigani Airbase, New Guinea
- Airbase_Type=19 - Eindhoven Airbase, Ardennes
- Airbase_Type=20 - Royal Malta Seaplane Base, Malta
- Airbase_Type=21 - Kuala Lumpur AF, Singapore
- Airbase_Type=22 - Eastern Island Base, Midway
- Airbase_Type=23 - Memel Field, Kurland
- Airbase_Type=24 - Janischken Field, Kurland
- Airbase_Type=25 - Skute Airbase, Kurland
- Airbase_Type=26 - Windau Field, Kurland
- Airbase_Type=27 - Ie Shima Airbase, Okinawa
- Airbase_Type=28 - Petsamo Airbase, Murmansk
- Airbase_Type=29 - Shongui Airbase, Murmansk
- Airbase_Type=30 - Salmijarvi Field, Murmansk
- Airbase_Type=31 - Murmashi Airbase, Murmansk
- Airbase_Type=32 - Nautsi Airbase, Murmansk
- Airbase_Type=33 - Kirkenes Field, Murmansk
- Airbase_Type=34 - Taybola Field, Murmansk
- Airbase_Type=101 - Scauri Airbase, Malta
- Airbase_Type=102 - Syracusa Airfield, Malta
- Airbase_Type=103 - Luqa Airfield, Malta
- Airbase_Type=104 - (Temporary Airbase)
- Airbase_Type=105 - (Temporary Airbase)
- Airbase_Type=106 - (Temporary Airbase)
- Airbase_Type=107 - (Temporary Airbase)
- Airbase_Type=108 - (Temporary Airbase)RAF Hawkinge, Normandy/Dunkirk. Definition by RAF74_Taipan’s
- Airbase_Type=109 - (Temporary Airbase)Baileul Airfield, Normandy/Dunkirk. Definition by RAF74_Taipan’s
- Airbase_Type=110 - (Temporary Glider Airbase)Smolensk. For RAF74_Wildcard’s Operation Market Garden Campaign.
- Airbase_Type=111 - (Temporary Drop Zone)Smolensk. For RAF74_Wildcard’s Operation Market Garden Campaign.