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This documentation site is undergoing a complete revision to take the new features of SEOW v3.1 into account. Please be patient while we update and extend the documentation. If you wish to contribute documentation yourself, please create an account here.

This is the SEOW Wiki site - the complete documentation set for the Scorched Earth Online War (SEOW) system. This site will contain the authoritative documentation resources for SEOW. More information and resources for SEOW can be found at SEOW Software Home Page, at Official SEOW Forums and at SE Xtreme Community. Many different squads around the world use SEOW in all kinds of ways, ranging from dogfight competitions, to speculative combat scenarios, to extremely detailed historical re-enactments of WW2 campaigns. SEOW is flexible, so how you use it is up to you.

* Scorched Earth Online War Overview

Scorched Earth Online War (SEOW) is a persistent coop campaign system for the IL-2 series of flight simulations. SEOW allows users to download a variety of pre-built campaign templates, or to build their own campaign templates using the IL-2 Full Mission Builder (FMB). A SEOW campaign is initialized with a starting template which includes the order of battle (on both sides) that will take part in a given theatre of operations. The system will then allow for sequential hourly mission generation based on direct input from at least two opposing commanders, one Allied and one Axis. The system will also allow sub-commanders of individual units.

All air, sea and ground operations are planned using a web-based mission planner. As a commander, you classify which flights will attack available targets, and when. Similarly, you command your own tanks, guns, vehicles and ships. Fog of war persists throughout, with reconnaissance levels affecting the amount of information that opposing commanders can use to plan missions. The mission plans for any given hour in the day cycle are merged based upon the plans of the opposing sides. One essential difference between SEOW and other IL-2 online wars is that there is no computer-generated movement or opposition. SEOW is a head-to-head, human-vs-human strategic contest in terms of planning, PLUS you also get to fly each mission as a tactically oriented pilot - the best of both worlds.

The mission is generated local to the Host computer, then hosted to the squadrons taking part in the online campaign using standard IL-2 coop hosting methods. The best part of all of this is that the combat outcomes in each mission are persistent. If you take out a bridge early in the day, it will still be destroyed several hours (missions) later. A tank destroyed at a junction will leave a burning wreck in the precise location. Bombing of industrial area will destroy buildings and cause smoke visible for miles. As you can see, SEOW expands upon elements featured in previous online campaigns, but a major aspect of SEOW is that it offers persistent damage templating and full command over all units, as well as an open source software format. If you feel like a part of SEOW is not to your liking, code a new one. We hope to make the process of providing modifications to the system as smooth as possible and centralized via

* Software System Overview

There are three main parts to SEOW: the Dynamic Campaign System (DCS), the database (DB), and the Mission Planner (MP).

The SEOW DCS is a Win32 executable program front-end to a SQL-compliant database (DB) backend. The front-end is written in Visual Studio 2005 Express (VB .NET) and allows for the initialization of a template mission for a given map in the campaign and subsequent campaign management. It is intended that the full release system will support most of the important Forgotten Battles+PF maps, but only maps fully completed in the DB can used. Once you see the granularity of object tracking you'll understand why not all maps are currently supported, but there are over 30 maps supported at the latest count. Of course, Pacific Fighters is supported as well: carrier group operations and planning are fully functional in SEOW.

The SEOW MP itself is a web application that acts as a mission planning tool for all commanders active in the campaign. The MP handles all aspects of mission planning, reconnaissance, reinforcement etc. Presently the MP is available only as a PHP application, connecting to the standard SEDB via a (free) third-party ADO library. The MP runs seamlessly on Windows and Unix/Linux architectures, in fact on any web server that supports PHP.

The SEOW DB comes in two flavors: MS Access and MySQL. MS Access is a very simple and useable database product for SEOW operations, but runs only on Win32 platforms. Full use of the MS Access DB requires installation of the Microsoft Access application (part of MS Office). On the other hand, MySQL is a free database server product that runs on a variety of platforms. Many SEOW users have set up their DB and MP components on Linux and on Windows systems.

A full SEOW installation requires all three components in order to run, however these components need not be on the same (single) host machine. Installation can be reasonably involved, but this is not surprising - SEOW is an industry-strength database application designed for running multiple online persistent campaigns simultaneously. If you are still interested, dig further in these pages. SEOW is not for everyone, but if you are interested in ultra-real, strategic/tactical WWII simulation, you may just have found the right place!


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--IV/JG7_4Shades 15 September 2007 (CEST)