destroying ships through DB

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destroying ships through DB

Post by 102nd-HR-cmirko »

hi all, we just started warg's excellent Murmansk campaign - since he included very nice "rule book" we need to destroy one ship in the template through DB - problem is that we can't seem to find the entry in DB which needs to be changed so that ship will be sunk in MP

anyone ?

thx in advance
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Cmirko,

I have not read the Murmansk template ROE lately, but here is a primer on how to destroy a ship (or any unit for that matter).

1/ You need direct edit access to the DB.
2/ Open ObjMissionData and find the latest set of units (sort by Mission_Name). Locate the target unit to be destroyed. Reduce its Quantity field by 1 to destroy a single object inside that unit, or set Quantity=0 to completely destroy the unit. Take note of the Obj_Group_Name for this unit.
3/ Find all units in the latest mission set that have the Transporting_Group field equal to the Obj_Group_Name of the destroyed unit, if any. These are the units carried as freight on the destroyed unit. Set Quantity=0 for all these freight units. All freight goes down with the freighter!

4/ If you want this destruction to be recorded in the Statistics, you will have to create corresponding record(s) in ActionData table. For shipping and freight, use Event="sunk", for air/ground units use "crashed". Don't fill out the "Antagonist" fields. You need to fill out one ActionData record for each object destroyed. E.g., if you are destroying 1 ship carrying 2 platoons of 3 tank destroyers each, then you will need 1 record for the ship destruction, plus 2x3=6 records for the destruction of all the tank destroyers.

This is not easy and takes some fiddling around. Perhaps it would be a good idea to write a simple Admin form to destroy a unit at will!

SEOW Developer

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Joined: Tue 16 Jan 2007 8:29 am

Post by 102nd-HR-cmirko »

thx 4Shades :) - would be nice to have one of those forms for the future :)
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