Turning Back The Campaign Clock

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Turning Back The Campaign Clock

Post by BS8th_Bulau »

We had some problems with our second campaign coop, which rendered it unplayable. Now we want to go back and edit our second hour missions, but the Mission Planner is now at the third hour, and none of the second hour missions are shown.

Is it possible to roll back to the second hour, have all the missions we planned show up, and make the changes we need to those missions? Well, all we will be able to do is delete some, but that is what is needed.

What would happen if we used the FMB to make changes, or delete flights, in the coop mis file, then flew that? Would the MP interpret the deleted flights as lost?
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Joined: Tue 16 Jan 2007 8:29 am

Post by 102nd-HR-cmirko »

you need a backup of your sql/access DB prior to start of second mission for easy "revert", if you didn't make it i have no idea if it can be done at all - 4shades will know :)
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

It depends on your campaign state.

If all you have done is "Build" the second mission, then it is easy to roll back. Just remove the second mission's records from Unit_Name_Mapping table and also remove the seocond mission's "Built" record from Sector_Status. This is an approximate reversal (doesn't reverse Bridge and factory repair etc) but is good enough for most purposes. Just refresh your MP now, all should be ready.

If you have built AND analyzed the second mission and want to go back to just after the analyze of the first mission, then you have much more work to do, including clearing the second mission's data from ActionData, Bridges, Industrial_Installations, MissionData, ObjMissionData, ObjMissionDisposition, PilotMissionData, PilotMissionDisposition, TaskForces (confusing timestamping there). Some data cannot be restored, e.g. OffMap_Supply_Reserves.

SEOW Developer

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