Random freeze...?

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Guys,
I was a little surprised to see those messages during my SEOW tests.
Just in case any reader misconstrues this discussion to think that SEOW can somehow cause these errors, let me state that SEOW has no magic way of adjusting or managing internal game code. SEOW is NOT an IL-2 mod; rather, it is an add-on built to work with the standard IL-2 tools. The game errors that the guys here are discussing are just that, IL-2 game errors that are present in the IL-2 codeset shipped to all customers.

Nice discussion guys.
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Post by BS8th_Bulau »

Oops! Sorry for my careless wording of that 4Shades. What I should have said was that I was surprised to get those error message on other maps than the Online4Summer, especially maps that had no objects on them. I have edited that line in my post.
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Post by VT-51_Thud »

This is a very interesting thread. Thanks to all who are contributing to find out what is causing this annoying problem. We AG51 are starting to see similar problems on the Midway map too. I believe (my personal opinion) it has to do with multiple issues:

1. THe known memory leak issue
2. The house collision thing.
3. Too many objects
4. AAA rate of fire

Anyways, I did the >GC. How do I read it?

(Midway map with 1 A-20)

1. Before Eng Start
2. After start, 50 ft taxi and then ejected.

1. Total: 18481152 Free 810760
2. Total: 18350080 Free 794328
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Post by VT-51_Thud »

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Post by BS8th_Bulau »

VT-51_Thud wrote:Anyways, I did the >GC. How do I read it?

(Midway map with 1 A-20)

1. Before Eng Start
2. After start, 50 ft taxi and then ejected.

1. Total: 18481152 Free 810760
2. Total: 18350080 Free 794328
The first number is the memory use in bytes. 18 megabytes should not be a problem. Our problem is happening when this value approaches 96 megabytes. What sort of problem are you having with your Midway mission?
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Post by VT-51_Thud »

Thanks for the reply. We are seeing the same problem with Midway as we did with Guadacanal Early where it starts to completely lockup after about 40 minutes. This time, a few of us actually got this error.

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Post by BS8th_Bulau »

I'm curious about Guadalcanal, as someone has said they ran a very large campaign on that map without any problems.

I'm sorry, I don't know enough to even say if this error message you posted is related or the same as our problem, which manifests as a "freeze" of the display, and complete lockup of the game, but not a CTD.

I can only suggest you do what I did, and let the mission run right to lockup or crash, whichever is happening, entering >GC to chat every five minutes or so. The object being to see what the memory use reaches just before the lockup. If it is nowhere near 90 megabytes, then your problem may have a completely different cause.

How many aircraft and objects are in your mission?
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Post by VF-51_Stanger »

I am also doing testing with the midway map. I have taken out the errors with the house collision thing and want to stress test Midway. I am going on that the errors are causing the memory leak. The errors was cused by the docks. We might have certain objects that are causing this.

Can you give me a copy of the mission you are testing? I would like to test my findings with your test so we have something to compare with. it would be interesting to see if the maps that are known to not have problems have no docks. Also there is a tree that errors out too.


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Post by VF-51_Stanger »

Ok have a update. It seems it is the docks that are causing the problem. Even if one piece is left it still errors out. I had to remove all of them and Midway has two sets of docks. So it seems it is not a collision problem. I have the collision error message removed. Now next step is to test and see if the memory performs better. I have all the errors fixed. It could be that there are certain objects that cause the problem.
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Post by BS8th_Bulau »

Certain maps produce those "House without collision" messages, even if they are blank maps with no objects at all placed on them. IOW, they are part of the map itself. It is interesting that you have identified a placed object that results in that message.

I'm not yet completely convinced that they are errors, as they are not preceded by a "WARNING" or similar descriptor.

I encountered other error messages in our large coop, such as:
INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'Flap03_DO'
which I believe to be aircraft related. Quite by accident, I saw this same sort of message in a dogfight server, using the Normandy2 map, and there were only two of us flying, both in Ju-88. I don't know if this is related to, or contributes to the memory issue when such a mission is run.
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Post by VF-51_Stanger »

I have seen those errors too another one is something about (nose). I think that is a damage graphic that is not working. Even the default maps start with static objects on them. Only blank ones I know are some online maps. Just looking at different angles and testing them. Since this seems to effect the big missions which our squad and SEOW runs, I like to see this fixed.
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