New Release: SEDB31d, MP v4.440, SEDCS v3.1.15

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New Release: SEDB31d, MP v4.440, SEDCS v3.1.15

Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Everyone,

I have just released a new (incremental) patch to SEOW. This incorporates fixes and new functionality developed during SEOW Aces campaign series and from general user feedback. Here are the details:

Release Notes
This release is a full release - it is not recommended to attempt to increment existing SEOW installations to this release version. The SEDB31d files contain SQL and Access files that reflect the changes listed below. Quite a few structural and data changes have been made to approximately eight different tables. Both MP4 v4.440 and SEDCSv3.1.15 use new settings options that require the presence of the new Campaign_Settings table.

Software Requirements
The new SEOW system requires the following free software installs:

Mission Planner v4.440
- PHP5 (server side) (PHP4 is insufficient to run MP_Statistics; SimplXML is required for Language Support)
- Internet Explorer 6/7, or Firefox with IE plug-in (client-side)

SEDCS v3.1.15 (32-bit binary only)
- MyODBC-v3.51.12 or later
- .NET Framework 2.0

The SEDB31-series databases are available in MySQL4/MySQL5 and MSAccess2003+ flavours, and both flavours interoperate seamlessly with the other MP and DCS software components. The SEDB is downloaded as a combined ZIP file, containing the MSAccess database PLUS all MySQL script files. The MySQL files are "Lite" databases for each sector, plus the full multi-sector "Reference" MySQL database. There are many structural changes inherent in SEDB31d.

Change List

SEDCS v3.1.15
* Vehicle Breakdown Rate can now be adjusted independently for Allied and Axis forces (II/JG3K.Brandle)
* Factory Production Grouping is now a supported option (=69.GIAP=PAVEL)
* Factory production Modes now operative. Now allowed production types can be limited (optionally) to those unit types in the template, to those unit types historically available, and to all unit types (22GCT_Gross)
* Options to prevent Allied or Axis air forces from employing Off Map or Air Withdraw Points as destinations (II/JG3K.Brandle)
* Complete reworking of control influence logic. Now all road supply points, industrial facilities, airbases, control points and railway stations are governed by identical control/capture logic. Changes in control are logged to the Statistics pages.
* Added support for optional human-flyable recon and supply flights.
* Corrected rocket handlers.
* Corrected date initialization in frmMain.cmdDoClockAdvance_Click() that was causing premature repair of factories etc (22GCT_Gross, II/JG77Hawk_5)
* Added option for choice of aircraft ceiling models (II/JG3K.Brandle)
* Enhanced FlushDB routine for new Resupply_Points structure.

MP4 v4.440, including Statistics v1.101
* Added display of aircraft loadouts to the Production Costs page (Hitcher)
* Corrected air transport unloader logic.
* Corrected rocket tools visibility handler and corrected handler of ARK class in MP-NUCommit.php.
* Removed "out of supply" border graphic on destroyed unit icons.
* Updated handling of the RailwayStations control data.
* Added filter to remove destroyed factories from the Industrials Tool listing.
* Added support for Factory Production Mode options.
* Added support for Offmap and Withdrawal destination filtering and for factory production groups.
* Fuel load in litres added to Fuel Selector dropdown menu.
* Corrected some Moscow District coordinate transformations.
* Corrected allocation of fuel loadout for escorts and in MP-NUCommit.php (Hitcher).
* Added display of successful Recon Photos using Pilot Report graphics.
* Reordered resupply points in the Reinforcements section of MP-ManageCampaign.php.
* Added context menu tool to change bearing of ground/sea units.
* Incorporated double-resolution district maps for Normandy and Moscow (102nd-HR-cmirko)
* Corrected handling of national alignment in aircrewlosspoints calculation in MP-MissionDetails.php (II/JG77Hawk_5)
* Fixed the missing Unit_Name_Mapping.Mission test in MP-MissionDetails.php

SEDB31d (structure and data changes)
* USN_VF_10B added to Airforce_Units (22GCT_Gross)
* Removed duplicate of IJA_F_S_9z from Airforce_Units.
* Iraklion Airbase (Tubruq) ATC Mode changed to "takeoffpoint" (II/JG77Hawk_5)
* Kauen (Kurland) takeoff coordinates fixed (22GCT_Gross)
* Corrected North Sea Tile_Map_Codes (EAF92_Meako)
* Corrected Hawaii Tile_Map_Codes (609_Jericho)
* Replaced BF-109G6 loadout "U4" by the correct "U3-MK108" (22GCT_Gross)
* Corrected vehicle count for GermanyCarsColumnA in Convoys_Vehicles table (22GCT_Gross)
* Tubruq Highway_Intersections data added (II/JG77Hawk_5)
* Fuel Capacity for V1 units increased to 5000 litres in Object_Specifications.
* Some Highways adjustments for Moscow; Highway_Intersections rebuilt.
* Beaufighter Max_Speed_Alt adjusted in Object_Specifications.
* Structural changes for Mission_Recon, Supply_Drop_Orders, Station_Type tables.
* Destruction_Codes table deleted.
* Corrected Hawaii and Manchuria bridges.
* SEOW_Block table added - blocking feature still in development.

Downloads are available at the usual place.

Last edited by IV/JG7_4Shades on Sat 28 Feb 2009 6:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Minor Patch: SE DCS v3.1.16


*) Fixed "overflow" error for Production Grouping with idle factories (13_Taipan)
*) Added cloud base limitation for AAA unit engagement ranges (II/JG3K.Brandle)

Downloadable now.

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Minor Patch: SE DCS v3.1.17


*) Fixed handling of no parachutes directive for secret flights (13_Taipan)

Downloadable now.

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Minor Patch: SEDCS v3.1.18


*) Corrected fuel limitation handling for top-up flights (II/JG3K.Brandle)
*) Corrected informational message regarding units still in progress after Analyze (II/JG3K.Brandle)

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Minor Patch: SEDCS v3.1.19

*) Fix for junction route-finding errors (15/JG52_Robi)

As part of this correction reported during the Taifun campaign at SEOW HQ, some road network errors were found for Kursk. A DB patch will be issued shortly.

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Incremental Patch: MP4 v4.450

This is a provisional development patch that consolidates some fixes found during the SEOW HQ Taifun campaign, plus some new mapping support. Please note the following changes:

*) Corrected display of Recon Photo images in zoomed in views (MadPiglet)
*) Removed an extraneous alert flag for escort fuel calculation (II/JG3K.Brandle)
*) Added Normal Group Strength to MP-ProductionCosts.php display (I/JG3K.Brandle)
*) Corrected the upper limit to the waypoint default altitude based on ceiling model (II/JG3K.Brandle)
*) Corrected selectability of immobile units etc to show attack range, withdraw tools in updateIEmenu()
*) Corrected SQL for SupplyDrops to limit to valid map window
*) Corrected handling of escort origin and destinations (II/JG3K.Brandle, LLv16_Paddington)
*) Added Mediterranean support - this is still provisional but has been play tested extensively by the Italian SEOW community. A new SEDB release will be issued shortly to fully enable Med support in SEOW. (thanks to 22GCT_Gross, AMVI_Dax, 22GCT_Hawk, 4S_Acasto)
*) Final release version of MP-ForceHistory.php tool (22GCT_Gross)
*) High-resolution mapping in Smolensk and Kursk (Paddington, Cmirko).

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Incremental Patch: SEDCS v3.1.20

*) Corrected recon flight national assignment in subAddHumanReconPhoto() (13_Baxter)

This was an intermittent error that occasionally saw recon photos being ascribed to the opposite side.

SEOW Developer

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