Installation problem ?

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Installation problem ?

Post by slipper »

Dear all,

I have been struggling for a while to install SEOW, and i think i,m quite close i have got to stage 6 in the wiki which states

Step 6. Configuring the MP

You now need to add the Host Address, Host Name, Login Name and Password, so that the Mission Planner can automatically access the SEOW database.

This is done by typing in the following URL into your web browser http://localhost/SEOW/MP4/Scripts/MP-Admin.php, assuming that you used the default path and substituting your Web Server address for the localhost.

i have set up abyss web server and enabled php. I have typed the above URL into my web browser, which has taken me to the following address ... efault.php.

This page is titled scorched earth campaigns database connections setup.

Now here there is a box saying

please enter admin password.

This is where i am having a problem, i typed in the password i set up for Abyss server with no luck, and i do not remember setting any other password, could someone please point me in the right direction.

I apologise if i am missing something simple, but i have found this a steep learning curve with my limited computer knowledge.

regards and thanks for an help.

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Slipper,

You are doing well - keep going! For the MP admin password, which is entirely different to your web server adminstrator password, you need to edit MP-Configuration.php (say in Notepad). Near the top of that file it sets the default password variable, you can set it to whatever you want. The default value is "admin".

Code: Select all

$AdminPass = "admin";   //Password for MP-Admin.php : modify password for your liking
I also suspect that you haven't set your $IconLocation variable. That is to be set in the same file:

Code: Select all

//This MUST be a web server virtual absolute pathname - it CANNOT be a Windows pathname

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Post by slipper »


thanks for that, admin works.

When i enter "admin" it takes me to a page called 'Database Connection Definitions'. Which has a list of all the maps and a default sector at the top, i set this to 'access' and the rest to default, then saved connection settings.

I then selected a button called "Back to scorched earth campaign sectors" which then takes me back to the original login screen. There is also a button there called "Back to scorched earth campaign sectors" but when i press it this time nothing happens ?

I have checked the icons path and that appears to be ok?

any ideas? i feel i'm getting pretty close.


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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Sounds like your connection data is still wrong. Have you read the contents of the file Scripts/MP-Connection.php ? (use notepad) That will give you examples of valid Access and MySQL connections.

Also, if you are using the MS Access database version then possibly you might need to make sure that the mdb file and folder is world-writeable.

Finally, check to see that the file Scripts/MP-Connection.php is also world-writeable.

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Post by slipper »

Thanks shades for your help, still no luck though.

I have just reinstalled SEOW from the beginning the problem i have is at step 6 of the SEOW wiki, which states

"this is done by typing in the following URL into your web browser http://localhost/SEOW/MP4/Scripts/MP-Admin.php"

I have done this and get to the login screen, press the login button and get to the database connection definitions screen.

Now all the fields on this page are already set (i have not entered anything). From left to right they read.

DB Type - access for default, default for all others
Host - localhost
Port -3306
Login Name - setest
Password - vanilla
database name - SEDB31d

however i am using database SEDB32 which came with the latest MP4 release. Also for some reason all the sectors reference SEDB31d, but Midway references
F:\SEOW DB\SEDB31d\SEDB31d.mdb
but there is no document or file at this location?
Where is SEOW getting this info from, and how do i change it to access the downloaded database SEDB32?

I had the same set up before and changed the database name to SEDB32, saved the connection settings but the Host, Port, Login name and password fields were blank and i could not type anything into their placeholders.

I am reluctant to proceed any further for fear of the above fields blanking out again and having to start from scratch.

I realize this is a bit long winded but i feel i am pretty close, so any help would be gratefully accepted.


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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi slipper,

The settings that you see in MP-Admin.php field are just examples to follow. You need to change them to appropriate values for your system.

You can make the changes in either of two ways:

1/ Edit MP-Connections.php in a text editor, like Notepad, following the format strictly.

2/ Open MP-Admin.php in your browser (like you have done already). What is shown on the screen is a live form (populated with the contents of MP-Connection.php) where you can update the data directly. Note that each sector can be linked to the Default connection (defined up the top) or can individually be specified as a MySQL or an MSAccess database using the relevant drop-down menu. Once the manu is used, simply place your cursor in the field you want to edit and type away. Once your cursor leaves the field you are editing, the focus is lost. When complete, just hit the save settings button to write the changes to MP-Connection.php.

If you screw up MP-Connection.php, just extract it again from the MP zip files - it is inside the Scripts folder.

Now before you do all this, you need to be sure you have your databases working properly. From what you say, I am not sure that you have done this yet. Are you using MySQL or MSAccess?

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Post by slipper »

Thanks shades for the reply, i am using access. I have placed the SEDB32.mdb into a directory of my SEOW installation on my C drive.

I think it is becoming a bit clearer. As regards the following settings

DB Type - access for default, default for all others

i have set this to access

Host - localhost

What format is this in? is it an address like

Port -3306

again what format ? does it have to be 4 numbers or can it be 2?

Login Name - setest

Is this my server login name?

Password - vanilla

is this my server password?

database name - SEDB31d

This takes the format C:\Program Files\Scorched Earth Online War System\Database\SEDB32 or wherever my database is. is that right?

thanks again shades
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi slipper,

If you are using MSAccess, then that simplifies things greatly. In this case, the only setting value you need is the path to the SEDB32.mdb file. Put that in the "Database Name" field.

All the other settings (address, port, login etc) are only for MySQL connections and are left blank for MSAccess connections. There are examples written inside MP-Connection.php. I suggest you open that file with Notepad and have a read.

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Post by slipper »

Thanks shades, still no joy though.

I have tried all the above, the steps i have tried are;

in file MP-Configuration.php


//This MUST be a web server virtual absolute pathname - it CANNOT be a Windows pathname

i renamed my folder inside the htdocs folder of Abyss Web Server, to read the same as above

I have placed my SEDB32.mdb file in my C drive and in the file Scripts/MP-Connection.php, i have set the pathname to C:\SEDB32.mdb

i have made sure my mdb file and all folders containing my scripts files are world writable.

i can not think what else to do ?

in the MP-Configuration file i changed the following code

$MPSkin = "green"; //Skin scheme for the MP, values are "classic" or "green" or "iron".

this was originally iron, i changed to green and get a background similar to this forum, on the database connections screen so it must be reading this file ok.

No matter what i do though i get the same result, this is what happens;

i type in the following into my web browser ( firefox)

This takes me to the database connections screen with header and colour the same as this forum (which i changed from default)

I then type "admin" and login

the screen is replaced by the scorched earth campaigns database connections definitions screen

as i am using access the only fields filled in here are

database name-C:\ SEDB32.mdb

all other sectors are set to default.

I then press save connection settings button and i am returned to a blank green screen ( with no header) with the following text

scorched earth campaigns

database connections definitions

on this screen there are just two buttons, the first reads

"return to mission planner"

the second

"back to scorched earth campaign sectors"

now if i press "return to mission planner"

i am returned to the login screen again which is still green but this time has no header (like on this forum).

the same as above happens if i select

"back to scorched earth campaign sectors"

i really have no idea what to try next, whatever i do, i seem to end up in the same place.

Do i have to set anything up from the SEDCS side first? i have slected "access" and set the path name for the database. i have tested the database connection from within SEDCS, and this is ok. I have even initialized a campaign using a downloaded template and this sets up ok and gives me the message "database ready for use" and "select Mp to edit campaign"

like i said earlier i am really out of ideas now, thanks very much for your continued support, if i do not crack it this time i think i shall have to admit defeat (wish there was an all in one installer)

once again shades thanks again



Last edited by slipper on Sun 15 Mar 2009 7:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Goanna »

Hi Slipper,
Instead of typing ... -Admin.php into your browser try just - I tried what you are typing in my setup (Xampp) and I go round and round in circles too.

Hope this helps


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Post by slipper »


Thanks for the reply, sorry that was a typo buy me, above post edited. I have been typing in

thanks for the reply though, and spotting my mistake


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Post by Goanna »

Ok, no probs, what do you get if you type in in your browser?

Edit: My thinking here is if you get the main Scorched Earth page with that address and you can click on link to database config page but cannot get back to main screen - the buttons to get back are javascript buttons, you may not have the latest java files.


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Post by slipper »

Thanks Goanna for your help.

Tried your suggestion and typed

this took me to a green screen with the scorched earth header and the following message

"No valid database connection found for Ardennes - login aborted.

The connection settings defined for Ardennes in the "Scripts\MP-Connection.php" script are insufficent
to establish a valid connection to the designated Scorched Earth database. All connections are aborted.

If you see this page, report to your Scorched Earth host.

SEOW Mission Planner v4.520"

and below this two buttons, one on the left labeled "try to connect again"
and one on the right labeled"edit connection settings"

if i go to edit connection settings i end up on the screen with sector - default all other columns blank and then database name - C:\ SEDB32.mdb (which is where i have placed the database) i have checked the SEDB32.mbd attributes and read only and hidden are both unchecked. Not sure what else to do ?

thanks again
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Location: Ingham

Post by Goanna »

Hi Slipper,
You've got your access database file in C:\SEDB32.mdb yeah, if so open you MP-Connection.php file in Wordpad or notepad and make sure that it looks exactly like this - copy and paste into yours if necessary and save when ready. Then try the address.



Code: Select all

//written by MP-Admin.php
// Here is information on how to define the database connections, e.g. MySQL or Access, for each sector. 
// The idea is to associate each sector with a different SE database, so your MP can display information
// for many different campaigns simultaneously.
// Below there are sections describing the MySQL and MS Access connection formats in detail. How your MP
// is set up is entirely up to you. Large on-line SE wars may want to use different databases for each
// sector, while small intra-squad wars may just use the same database for all sectors. Remember, a single
// SE database can only hold a single campaign at a time.
$DefaultDBCon = array("access","C:\\SEDB32.mdb");

// Here is where you specify which database the MP will query for each SE sector.
$SectorDBCon["Ardennes"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Berlin"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Crimea"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Cyrenaica"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["EnglishChannel"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["FortressMalta"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["GothicLine"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Guadalcanal"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["GulfofFinland"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Hawaii"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Imphal"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Italy"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["IwoJima"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["KhalkhinGol"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Kuban"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Kurland"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Kursk"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Kyushu"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Libya"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Lvov"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Malta"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Manchuria"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Marianas"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Mediterranean"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Midway"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Moscow"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Murmansk"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["NewGuinea"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Normandy"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["NorthSea"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Okinawa"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Oslo"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Ostfriesland"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Prokhorovka"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Singapore"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Slovakia"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Smolensk"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Stalingrad"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Tubruq"] = &$DefaultDBCon;
$SectorDBCon["Tunis"] = &$DefaultDBCon;

// MySQL database settings - use this for SE databases in MySQL format
// The MySQL connection array has the following (6 entry) format:
//     array($DatabaseProvider,$DBHost,$DBPort,$DBLogin,$DBPassword,$DBName)
// where the individual array entries have values like:
//$DatabaseProvider = "mysql";   // This is a MySQL database
//$DBHost = "";    //Domain name "" or IP address, e.g. "111.222.333.444"
//$DBPort = "3307";              //Default MySQL port number is 3306
//$DBLogin = "setest";           //This account must have SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,EXECUTE privileges.
//$DBPassword = "perth";         //This password must supported by the OLD_PASSWORD function in MySQL
//$DBName = "SEDB20";            //This is the name of the SE database on the MySQL server

// Microsoft Access database settings - use this for SE databases in MS Access format
// The MS Access connection array has the following (2 entry) format:
//     array($DatabaseProvider,$DBPath)
// where the individual array entries have values like:
//$DatabaseProvider = "access";                          // This is a MS Access database
//$DBPath = "C:\Inetpub\ScorchedEarth\Data\SEDB20.mdb";  //Either absolute filesystem path or web server path.
// The $DBPath value is used to construct a DSN-style connection string for MS Access databases.
//$DBDSN = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=".MapPath($DatabasePath).";Uid=;Pwd=;";
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Guys,

For me, the MSAccess connection works in the following format: "F:\SEOW DB\SEDB32release_patchA\SEDB32.mdb"

When I right-click on this file in Windows Explorer, and select the Security tab, I see that the following options are all selected for the login I use on my PC: Full Control, Modify, Read & Execute, Read, Write.

Just as a suggestion, I would put the SEDB32.mdb file somewhere other than your C: drive root area. As a start I would try putting it in your web server root area, and then checking the file security settings again.

By the way slipper, you say your DCS works fine. Have you tried initializing a campaign yet? I know you won't be able to use it in the MP until your DB problem is ironed out, but I just wanted to check that the DCS is happily connecting to your DB and operating on it.

SEOW Developer

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