Task force bearing & movement

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Task force bearing & movement

Post by WTE_Ikey »

S' All

Trying to find info on the above.
Current task force of 4 platoons are bearing 315 degrees. I wish to alter their direction & have the task force at say 135 degrees. I cant find anywhere to alter the Task Force bearing unlike the the Unit Management -Change Bearing for a single ground unit.
I tried dissolving the TF & build a new one but couldnt alter the bearing of that.
Do I have to 1st change the bearing of each platoon seperately & then create TF & leader I pick will be situated @ mission start at the front. All the units on the MP are overlapping & cant tell where they are in relation to each other & dont want to find the leader I pick is one thats stuck in middle & they spend half the mission moving into correct TF position before following planned waypoints.

Hope my question makes sense.
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Post by Loon »

Hi Ikey

You can dissolve the task force and then pick each member in the "Create new" list. Once you have on of them selected, rightclick on the mouse and select the "Show coordinates" option (I can't remember exactly the words). Once you get the coords of each member you can see where they are placed (either in the FMB either in a sheet of paper)
You can move the units picking it up and rightclicking on the mouse and selecting the option that allows you to change the position of the unit (sorry again I dont remember the name). With this you can arrange the position of each unit so they are not so close each other or to protect the TF leader or whatever. Once done, rebuild the TF again.

What I dont know is if you arrange the TF in one position heading WEST, if the same formation is kept while pointing NORTH or just each units keeps the same formation you arranged and each unit looks NORTH.
I believe this last option is what is. Anyway I can check it this evening or tomorrow.

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Post by WTE_Ikey »

Thanks for the quick reply Loon & your help is really appreciated.
I'll follow your instructions & see how I go .

Posts: 33
Joined: Sat 13 Jan 2007 9:31 pm
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Post by WTE_Ikey »

Exactly how it went is currently on hold while campaign is moved over to new versions, but I'm confident it'll work out ok.
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