Pilot score

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Pilot score

Post by 22GCT_Gross »

Hi to all!
I noticed that pilot score in statistics is assigned as IL2 game does; if you quit before mission ends you have no score.
In this way, pilot score becomes irrilevant.
As Sedcs application is already able to analyze the detailed results, why don't you think about adding to the parser a link between these details and a score writable table so that everyone can anyway get his scoring ?

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Post by Goanna »

Hi Gross,
I'm probably in the other camp on this :-) I'd remove the scoring altogether, to my way of thinking SEOW is an "Objectives based" way of playing IL2 and I'd rather see my side complete it's objectives and deny the opposition the opportunity to complete theirs and as such individual scores (to me) are irrelevant.


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Post by Hitcher »

This is an error that is game related and not SEOW and/or parser related. The pilot info you refer to is stored on the server eventlog, but occasionally disappears when pilots leave the game and sometime when they don't leave the game. It is unpredictable. The SEOW parser reports the contents of the eventlog. If an individual's pilots stats are not present, there is nothing that the SEOW parser can do about it. I have done many tests on this problem and cannot find a solution. If you do solve it, I will pay you $20 USD.

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Post by 22GCT_Gross »

I think everyone in SEOW likes a team work game based. This is an unquestionable matter.
However I would like to involve more gamers with SEOW, so I think that setting up a different pilot scoring could help this goal without any deterioration in the team player behavior, can improve it indeed with dead is dead option so pilots must first keep themselves alive.
So if the parser knows you got e.g. 2 airkills, it would be easy to calculate 2x10pt=20pt and write it in the pilot score field even if one quitted the game before mission has ended. If you are killed, your score could be cleared.
At last, this could be an optional campaign setting. If you check on, you'll have this score system during campaign, if off you'll not have pilot score at all.
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Post by Hitcher »

Your suggestion is not a bad one, but I fail to see how this will attract more 'gamers'. Regardless of the score given to a pilot by Oleg's game scoring system, the SEOW parser will still work the same and give credit to individual pilots for their air-to-air victories, as well as ground kills, deaths, capture, etc.

Will a pilot be more apt to fly SEOW campaigns if their record says:

Pilot X: 10 kills


Pilot X: 10 kills and 100 points

Do points matter if the kill record is accurate? Knowing the number of kills was the only thing that mattered in WWII. Would points given for kills have made any difference?
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Post by 22GCT_Gross »

Tnx for your comments. I think that:
- the pilot score can focus on a single sintetic number the ground and air kills summatory; it would let easier the statistic to be read; So actual statistics already do, only they are always/often set to 0 due to exiting the game before it ends;
- with dead is dead option score can tell something about only alive pilot; it doesn't matter if I got several kills before if I was died; I must stay alive;
- this can give a little more interest -I trust- than an empty statistic can do.

My short experience on SEOW told to me that this fantastic -but complex- war system needs to be organized very well and someone had to be always busy to keep high the interest of gamers. I'm talking about that large part of gamers who never will make the effort of understanding completely stategic and tactic seow features, they will only enjoy playing in an organized squadron flight. On the other side Seow is deserving of being discovered as well, so a correctly working pilot statistic could help to enlarge seow gamers amount.

But, really, I don't want to insist. Maybe I'll try something on this, and I'll let you know about.
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi guys,

Good discussion. Gross, if what you want is really as simple as multiplying pilots kills by a number, then that is indeed trivial to do. How about

"Gross Statistic" = A*(Air Kills) + B*(Ground Kills) + C*(Ship Kills) + D*(Inf Kills) - E*(KIA) - F*(MIA)

where the values A,B,C,D,E,F are to be configured somewhere. E.g. A=100 for a fighter, 400 for a 4-engined bomber etc?

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Post by 22GCT_Gross »

these values have to be inserted in a new specific sql table, and a php script should make the calculation for updating the pilot score field in the statistic page.
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Post by II/JG77Hawk_5 »

How about calculating the totals straight from the Object Costs Table?
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

That would be consistent with the rest of the stats - the only thing that is not yet supported is the value of infrastructure assets, e.g. factories and fuel dumps. Pilot KIA/MIA points are already in there.

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Post by rnzoli »

We discussed this issue with Gross earlier, and I am on the opinion, that yes, a single score is good for comparison purposes, on the other hand, individual scoring should be derived from total team scores, in order to maintain the cooperative spirit of SEOW missions.

I am quite sure we can divide player base into 3 groups
- one small group will always fly for team objectives, no matter what scoring
- a large group will fly under the influence of stats, whatever it promotes
- a small group of egoists will care nothing, just fly for themselves.

The first group flies SEOW already today, on regular basis.
The second group is where more players can be attracted
The third group should be kept outside of SEOW missions, else they will degenerate the missions to the worst of dogfight server nightmare (kill stealing, disconnects on purpose etc.)

So here is "magic" formula:

"rnzoli Statistic per mision " =

0.5 x [A*(Air Kills) + B*(Ground Kills) + C*(Ship Kills) + D*(Inf Kills) - E*(KIA) - F*(MIA) ]


0.5 x (Total points collected by the team in this mission - total points lost by the team in this mission)/Number of players in this mission on this side.

Total pilot score = sum of scores collected in each mission by the above calculation.

So this formula mixes individual scoring with team-based sharing of the overall collected points. This means, that people, who provide cover for other people, can get their share of points, even if they don't score any kill. I think such fair sharing is necessary to ensure that players flying unevenful escort, recon, patrol duties are getting their share of success as well.
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Post by Hitcher »

No matter what system is used, it must be incorporated into the Full Details stat page so that it will be easy to see the current state of the campaign in regard to points. For example, the current system of taking points away from the Allies and/or Axis teams for pilot kills means nothing when viewing the Full Details page, so these negative points have no bearing on the campaign whatsoever.

While many of us prefer objective based campaigns using airfields, factories and contol points, a point system can be a valid objective and help equalize the chances that both sides have to win the campaign. It is a tool that can be used effectively or completely ignored depending on preference.

Note: The point values for control points, factories and/or airfields should also be reflected on the stat pages, including the Full Details page.
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