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Post by moxy »

I know my moxy and moxyrocks aren't the same in the path on last post,
it was correct (ed) in the file.
I just wanted to show you, I hoping, Im close.
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Moxy,

You are very close. Examples of connections strings for Access DB are given inside MP-Connection.php. All you should need is the absolute pathname of the mdb file.

For OpenOffice, I believe there is a way to connect directly to the mdb file, probably using ODBC. This should not reformat the file.

Anyway, you were so close to getting MySQL going, why abandon it? :)

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Post by moxy »

Its not that I want to abandon sql, not in the least, I just got so overwhelmed, with all the syntax, in the tutorials.
My thought, is to get SEOW up, then start realy learning sql, and you mentioned open office, that's really where this all started, Ive had open office for years,
Ok, and to be honset I was looking for some instant gratification.
anyway Im still working on sql, I just got overwhelmed
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Post by Goanna »

Heya Moxy,
I have been following this thread and I reckon you are making things overly tricky for yourself :wink: Xampp installs mysql for you, you don't need to know any syntax at this point. Some screenies from when I installed xampp - apologies for long post but pictures paint a thousand words and I'm not much of a typist; :lol:

First up I extracted the xampp package to D: drive, then I opened up my web browser and in the address bar type You'll then get this;


Click on "Status" on Left hand side;

Good oh, all things a goer at the moment, now click on "Security" and this will open up a new window;


OK we now need to set our root password, click on the link that starts http://localhost/security etc;

Type in your password twice and click the password changing button - now go back to the original xampp window and on the left hand side under the heading Tools, click on phpMyAdmin;


Type in your password ( the one you just set in the security screen) You will the be presented with below and this is where you create your database (in my case Malta)

Now you will see the database on the left with no tables, to add tables click on the import tab, then on the "Browse" button and navigate to where you have got all your sql files stored and in my case select the malta one and click the open button.


you will see that file in the location area, so now click the "Go" button

And Voila, database now has tables - that's pretty much the database/sql stuff out of the way.

Now the MP4 stuff;
I created a SEOW folder under the D:\xampp\htdocs folder and then extracted the MP4 package to it eg in my case I extracted to D:\xampp\htdocs\SEOW\MP4.

Doing this I need to edit the MP-configuration.php file in wordpad to reflect where the MP4 is - eg SEOW folder instead of the default Scorched Earth folder;

The top bit of this file looks like;
// declare constants to configure Mission Planner

$DEBUG=0; //Debug flag, zero for no debug, >0 to turn debugging output on, >10 REALLY verbose debugging
$SHOW_DB_DEBUG_INFO = false; //Show database connection info if any DB connection is invalid. Turn off for security.
$AdminPass = "admin"; //Password for MP-Admin.php : modify password for your liking
$ShowServer = true; //Show server software versions on front page
$MPSkin = "iron"; //Skin scheme for the MP, values are "classic" or "green" or "iron".

//This MUST be a web server virtual absolute pathname - it CANNOT be a Windows pathname

Change the bit in yellow, and while you are there you can change the admin password if you wish, (the blue stuff)
You should now be able to type in you mp-admin address (in my case in your browser and set the database connection as described by 4Shades

Hope this helps


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Post by moxy »

Goanna and 4shades
Oh my got absolutely, 2 seconds ago, I just got this thing up and running. with access, only because, of exactly what your talking about,
Discovering, lastnight that the mp is an interface, I started, looking at the my sql admin, and realized the same.
From the start,Ive been racking my brain,typing in the files,or in the command prompt!
Im sorry I really wish to express my Graitude, but Im Off to work,
If can even work(LOL) I seow excited, cant wait till I get home.
Thank you seow much
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Nice one Goanna, that was great help mate. :)

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Post by Goanna »

np, Moxy will be pullin a sickie I reckon, so he can play :lol:


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Post by moxy »

Thank you, thank you,
your right i get to play, im sure, Im gonna hit some bugs,
Im also, now that Im in, Im going to start again on sql, besides learning seow
Goanna those screen shots are the cats meow, I know you spent some time making them, 4 shades, fast responses, courtesy , for that, I thank you both

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Post by II/JG54_Emil »

I installed XAMPP for Windows 1.8.2 on Windows 8 64bit.

XAMPP runs fine and MySQL runs fine.
I can connect and upload and download databases with Navicat or phpMyAdmin, etc..

I have problems however to connect to the database with any of the SEDCS-v6.0.19 version or SEDCS-v3.3.9 versions.

I wonder if it is a Windows 8 problem or if I am missing something like Ms Visual C++(I have plenty of those installed).
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Post by PA-Dore »

Emil have you installed the MySQL ODBC driver?

If not: Find the admin panel for datas sources (write ODBC in search)

On my computer(x64) I installed the 3.51 version (since 3 years)

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Post by II/JG54_Emil »

PA-Dore wrote:Emil have you installed the MySQL ODBC driver?

If not: Find the admin panel for datas sources (write ODBC in search)

On my computer(x64) I installed the 3.51 version (since 3 years)

YOU ARE MY MAAAAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was it. :D

Je t'embrasse!!!
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