Sample Maps

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Sample Maps

Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

As part of the development testing for the meta-SEOW system I have produced some maps that can be used for custom Iron Front missions in their own right. These are essentially samples of the kind of maps that DMT produces. Some are listed below with links to where they can be freely downloaded from the SEOW file store at Sourceforge.

How to use the sample maps
These maps are expressly built for use with the Arma 2 Combined Operations + Iron Front installation (see A2CO+IF with PW6 for how to get this installation). The maps will NOT work with Arma 2 alone, or with Iron Front alone. They will also not work with Arma 3 unless perhaps the All-In-Arma mod is installed along with PW6 Iron Front for Arma 3 (map use with Arma 3 has not been tested yet). Once you have the A2CO+IF mod installation, the combined game version you will be using will be Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead.

It is recommended to create a new AddOn to hold the sample maps. Simply create a folder called "@SEOW" inside your game folder and then inside that folder create another folder called "AddOns". The AddOns folder is where you unzip your sample maps to, creating a set of .pbo files. If you have Steam installs, the path to the folder might look something like (Windows 64-bit):

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@SEOW\Addons\
Now you can start your game (Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead) and select all the available expansions, including @SEOW. If you have already downloaded some sample maps and put them in the AddOns folder you created, then you should be able to view them in the mission editor. Go to Single Player, and then Editor, and scroll through the list to find the sample maps.

Sample Maps
The following maps are available for free download. Unzip to your @SEOW\AddOns folders (described above).
A 10 km map containing a sprawling village (Dabryn) set in undulating terrain with some open steppe and patches of dense forest in the centre and north of the map. There is an east-west road with a south-east fork in the centre of the map, but some sections have fallen into disrepair. The village has a windmill, houses, barns and a large village green.
A 10 km map containing a large, dispersed village (Russkaia Poliana) set in flat terrain on the southern edge of a large dense forest, with some open steppe to the south. There is an east-west road and the village has multiple windmills, houses, barns and a church.
A 10 km map set in undulating terrain with a fork in the road, heading west, east and north. No village, just steppe and forest.
A 10 km map containing a small village (Ushomir) set in a valley with some open steppe and patches of dense forest. There are moderate hills to the north-west and south-west. There are several roads and the village has two windmills, houses and barns, and extensive crop fields to the north.
A 10 km map containing a small village (Vakhanovka) and surrounding crop fields set in an area of undulating plains and small hills, open steppe and dense forest. There is an east-west road and a steep hill to the south-east of the village. The village has a church and a windmill, plus various houses and barns.

1. All of these maps have been play-tested and include ground clutter, trees, plants, buildings, roads and miscellaneous rural/farming objects (wood piles, fences, gates, wells, etc). If you don't see all these objects properly, then check your game version matches the specifications above.
2. These are script-generated maps using terrain+mask descriptions from the IL-2 flight sim. The object density is not as high as the commercial Iron Front maps, so do not expect to see intricate villages with sculpted streets, paths and gardens - that is not the goal here. The intention is to build a system capable of generating useful and convincing Iron Front maps very quickly. These maps were generated from scratch in about 20-30 minutes each.

SEOW Developer

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