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Posted: Wed 12 Jan 2011 7:18 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Just to be clear, I did not offer to build the plate location dataset... :)


Posted: Wed 12 Jan 2011 9:01 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Also, I am not sure of the physcal sizes of these plates:


Any information on their behaviour would be appreciated.


Posted: Wed 12 Jan 2011 9:55 am
by 102nd-YU-Devill

I know, I just meant keep up the good work in general :)

But I think that these plates will make your job a lot easier.

Why not just leave them to be defined by the template builder?
Every campaign template could have custom industrial areas, and since their DM is such that it negates strafing and use of light bomb loads, there is no problem to making them present in every mission.

I really think they shouldn't be map dependant anymore, it will give much more freedom for scenario creation.

The only thing you need to do is figure out how to make them properly recognized by the MP, and to adjust the damage logging.

Posted: Wed 12 Jan 2011 9:00 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
The only thing you need to do is figure out how to make them properly recognized by the MP, and to adjust the damage logging.
Well that's correct, but in order to do that I need to make decisions about how they will be represented on the battlefield, how their damage will be tracked and repaired, what tables in the database they will affect/change, how they will be targeted, detected etc. Then write and debug the code. That's a lot of work to do without anyone (other than the plate mod developer) showing any real interest in building the feature.


Posted: Wed 12 Jan 2011 9:15 pm
by 102nd-YU-Devill
I am afraid that you take what I say in a very negative way.
I know coding is not easy and that you will still have a lot of work.
Maybe my choice of words wasn't the best.
I apologize, didn't mean to sound like an idle know-it-all.


Posted: Thu 13 Jan 2011 1:25 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5

All of these target objects are the same size and quite a small yellow triangle when selected and viewed in FMB otherwise it is invisible.

Placed here with infantry for comparison.

They are basically impossible to hit with MG/cannon being so small and can be destroyed with a rocket hit within 20 mtrs or so.
It seems similar to a truck when destroyed by blast effect.

Hawk 5

Posted: Thu 13 Jan 2011 10:09 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Thanks guys, the more information available the easier a feature is to develop. As I remember it, the intention of the plates was to enable area bombing of industrial facilities. Devill, your idea was good, and because we use a DB nothing is map-dependent (everything can be customized easily). But even something as conceptually simple as allowing these objects to be used along with factories requires significant changes to the industrial object functions, properties and even icons/graphics. This could mean weeks of my spare time, even without doing the data capture.

Hawk_5 has just let me know that the small plate has diameter 400 m, the medium plate has diameter 600 m, and the large plate has diameter 800 m. Given that a standard damage tile is 200 m across, and each factory in the game is represents roughly a single tile, I would estimate that the factory production rates of these new plates would be something like:

small plate production rate = 4 x normal production rate
medium plate production rate = 9 x normal production rate
large plate production rate = 16 x normal production rate

What do you think, is that sensible? Or should we use a cottage multiplier that simulates cottage areas being less efficient per square metre than a factory? Say 50%, so the large plate would produce at only 8 times the normal production rate...


Posted: Thu 13 Jan 2011 12:26 pm
by 102nd-YU-Devill
I will have some time tonight to check, but right now, it seems to me that Hawk is not talking about the same plates.

The plates you mentioned in the last post are not the "yellow triangle" target objects from his previous post, no?

Last week I have tested the "factory plates" to see how they work, and they didn't blow up on bomb hit, let alone rocket hit.

So far, these plates are very nifty things: I have put a plate over an industrial area in Paris. Then I gave orders to a column to try and pass through that area, and it did! At the same time I have been able to strafe the column while it was "under the plate", so that works also!

When I hit the the plate with a bomb just over the column the column gets damaged as usual. I don't know about the plate, I didn't have logging on, so I can't check how its damage is logged.

These "factory" plates are hexagons, marked in FMB (if zoomed in) with RED squares on the tips.

Hope this helps, but I really have no idea what I could do to help you further. Maybe you should post a demand for help in testing on the HSFX beta testing room on the 242 forum.


Posted: Fri 14 Jan 2011 6:48 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Hi Devil,
just for clarification, Shades and I discussed the "factory" plates on TS and is not the plate referred too in my last post but the ones you have also mentioned.

It is my understanding in that there are a couple of ways to go here in using the small "target" plates as identified in my last post and the large factory plates as mentioned.
Considering that the factory plate is a whole new concept of factory damage and production impact it will be a rewrite of how SEOW handles industrial capability.

I did some testing.

Here is an example of bomb damage recorded on a medium factory plate using 250kg bombs.

12:01:35 ExplosiveDamage:Near Miss 7_Static Body 0.0176136 damaged by II_KG6001 at 98752.86 91147.88
12:01:35 ExplosiveDamage:Near Miss 7_Static Body 0.03394235 damaged by II_KG6001 at 98752.86 91147.88
12:01:35 ExplosiveDamage:Near Miss 7_Static Body 0.050510228 damaged by II_KG6001 at 98752.86 91147.88
12:01:35 ExplosiveDamage:Near Miss 7_Static Body 0.067644924 damaged by II_KG6001 at 98752.86 91147.88
12:01:35 ExplosiveDamage:Near Miss 7_Static Body 0.084122226 damaged by II_KG6001 at 98752.86 91147.88
12:02:01 ExplosiveDamage 1_Static Body 0.041128892 damaged by II_KG6000 at 99036.72 92704.55
12:02:01 ExplosiveDamage 1_Static Body 0.08215925 damaged by II_KG6000 at 99036.72 92704.55

70kg bombs on a large plate did not record any damage and may require some tweaking but was probably just bombs landing too far away from the target centre.

A point to note is that the target area is visible using the red zone indicators at the last instant in the bombsight.

From what I can see so far, the plate is a central core target with an area of effect around it.
In effect I think the idea would be to place it over the specific factory targets where near misses will still impact a degree of damage to target.
Just as in ship damage total destruction will occur once it it damaged to 100%.

Factories could in effect be treated like ships and just as a ships speed is impacted by damage so would a factories production rate.

Hawk 5

Posted: Fri 14 Jan 2011 8:47 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Good data - thanks guys.