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Stats/No Human Pilots

Posted: Tue 08 Jan 2008 2:34 am
by eric963
Need some help determining what might be causing my stats pages to display no human pilots? I have tried several templates including my own and I get the same results.

It shows the loss of the plane I was using but anywhere in the stats that refers to human pilots there is none?

If you neeed more info just let me know.

Everything esle is working great.


Posted: Tue 08 Jan 2008 3:19 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Here's an idea - maybe your DCS is not looking at the correct logfile. This could be understandable if you are using different IL-2 installs to run campaigns with.


Posted: Tue 08 Jan 2008 3:27 am
by eric963
OK ran a couple more tests and this is what came up.

If I sit on the runway and just fire my guns and then exit the stats page shows everythingthing correctly.

If I blow myself up on the runway or when I get shot down by AAA or if I just crash it shows no human pilot but records the rest of the info such as my plane being lost, what shot me down and so on but nothing in the Aircrew Assignments (by Alignment) or Pilot Marksmanship Report (possibly incomplete).

Posted: Tue 08 Jan 2008 3:37 am
by eric963
Verified path was set correctly.

Posted: Tue 08 Jan 2008 4:44 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Let's step back a bit. Presumably at some time in the past SEOW was working fine for you. Let's focus on the time when things started to go bad - what had you changed then? Was the only change that you had installed a new SEOW release? Have you changed your pilot name? Anything else?

Also, please supply your SEOW software version numbers and DB type.


All is Good

Posted: Tue 08 Jan 2008 9:07 pm
by eric963

Got home from work tonight and cleared out all the SQL stuff and reloaded the SEDB31c_ArdennesLite.sql and initialized my existing template and everything recorded as it should. I did the same thing last night before i posted but I must have had something hosed somewhere.

I have ran about 20 missions so far and everthing is good to go.

Thanks for your time again.


Posted: Tue 08 Jan 2008 9:49 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Good news there Eric.

Sometimes MySQL tables need repair/checking/optimization. Not sure why. My Navicat does this nicely, but I am sure any MySQL Tool does that for you.
