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Ju-52 + 18xPara?

Posted: Wed 16 Jan 2008 11:41 am
by DD_GreyKnight

Our squad are currently enjoying an Italy campaign, and our Luftwaffe forces have one Ju-52 3MG5E Tante Ju seaplane, that is used for recon.

When plotting a mission for it, under loadout, there is an option for 18xPara. What is this exactly? Parafrags? Or Paratroopers? Or is this feature not implemented?



Posted: Wed 16 Jan 2008 7:40 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
That is 18 paratroopers. There is no support for its use as yet, although some people are now playing SEOW with the IL2 sound mod, so there is increasing call for SEOW to support things like human recon flights and human supply drop flights, so if we are going to support those we might as well add paratrooper drops as well. What do you think?


Posted: Thu 17 Jan 2008 4:06 am
by DD_GreyKnight
Well I can't comment on the sound mod, but the idea of using paratroopers would be an excellent, tactical, addition to SEOW.

I assume AI Ju-52s in IL-2 can drop paratroopers in an off-line game? So if it could be added to SEOW, it would be a fantastic bonus.


Posted: Fri 18 Jan 2008 9:48 am
by DD_Friar
paratroops do effect frame rates some what though I thought

Posted: Fri 18 Jan 2008 6:42 pm
by II/JG7_Warg
Hi there,

As I understand it, IL2 does not keep a record in the mission file of the actual paratroop drop (parachute hitting the ground?) event. In this case, my only sugestion for a "work around" of its inclusion could be to see from the mission file, whether the Ju-52 reached a waypoint, which is designated as the drop-off point. If there is no enemy units within a set radius of that point, then it is assumed that the drop was sucessful. Conversely, if there are enemy units within that radius, we then assume that the mission has failed. If sucessful, then at the end of the mission, half a dozen bunkers? are then placed within the drop area radius. Why bunkers? Well paratroopers mainly had light weapons, lacked transport and were there to hold a piece of real estate till relieved. Large departures from this formula tended to lead to things like Arnhem. Not sure if all of this is possible, but have noticed a paratroop drop over a bridge while running Loewengrin's DCG in one mission and finding it was captured before the start of the next mission.

Regards, Warg

Posted: Tue 22 Jan 2008 6:20 pm
by II/JG3K.Brandle

I think we should wait a little bit on the mod elements being implemented into SEOW.

For all we know 4.09 can make the work moot.

Posted: Fri 02 May 2008 1:51 pm
by II./JG1_Krupinski
Bump: Regardless of mods, paratroops would be a welcome addition to SE campaigns. I thought it was in the works to be implemented anyways.

Posted: Tue 08 Jul 2008 5:08 am
by 22GCT_Gross
Any news on the subject?

My suggestion is:
1. some ground infantry units are to be elected as paratroops in the object_specifications table (a new column);
2. By freight MP menu, a transport air unit loads the paras;
3. Create a transport air mission with a (S) supply drop order; MP checks if a freight exists; if the freight is corrisponding to a para unit type, MP handles it like the fuel supply drop;
4.. if case is human flight, we can type the smoke order on keyborad, like the human recon or human supply drop;
5. after analyzing, the units appear where smoke were typed, or where order was located.

I would not use the loadout option.

Posted: Tue 08 Jul 2008 10:17 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Yes, Gross, since the supply drops are now working OK, both human and AI, paratroopers could be added without too much trouble. I will think about it.


Posted: Tue 02 Sep 2008 7:54 pm
by II./JG1_Krupinski
Bump: Is there now support for paratroopers?

Posted: Tue 02 Sep 2008 8:39 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Not yet, but it is on the list. I am working towards a new release, and this is a candidate feature.


Posted: Thu 08 Jan 2009 2:35 pm
by II./JG1_Krupinski
Happy Holidays Shades!

Any update to this? Have a ton of glider/paratrooper operations on the drawing board. Would be nice to put this year old thread to bed. Any luck?


Posted: Thu 08 Jan 2009 8:01 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Happy New Year Raven!

I am working towards a new release of SEOW. Among other juicy features, it will include paratroop assaults. Most of the code is already written, but I am stalled on debugging at the moment because of RL issues.

But, yes, paratroop assaults will be added, so your campaigns will soon be able to use both gliders and paratroopers.


Posted: Fri 09 Jan 2009 11:19 am
by II./JG1_Krupinski
Cool Shades, hope the RL aren't too much of a concern. Let me know if you need help debugging the new version.