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DSC: modUtilities.strMakeProperName: invalid

Posted: Sat 07 Feb 2009 12:46 pm
by docattak

When initialising either of the 2 Ardennes or the Kuban campaigns after loading the map sql I get this error message in a box, many times.

modUtilities.strMakeProperName: invalid request to set proper name for aircraft.

I am using files from

Any suggestions?
I have now tried many from that source - all give me the same problem. My own mission files initialise fine.!!!



Posted: Sat 07 Feb 2009 4:50 pm
by 22GCT_Gross
You should give us more informations.
Which is the enviroment you got the error?

Posted: Sat 07 Feb 2009 5:06 pm
by docattak
Hi Gross
All run on my pc
EasyPHP server
Latest downloads from SEOW (only got them yesterday)
Relevant .sql query file run to load tables into MySQL database SEDB31d.
This connects to SEDCs3.1.
First .mis and .properties put into NET/COOP/SE area in IL2 4.08 (no mods).
Runs in FMB
Initialisation fails for all files except ones I produce myself.
PHP is 5.2.8
MySQL is 5.1.30

Hope this helps.



Posted: Sat 07 Feb 2009 7:44 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi docattak,

I have looked at your problem report. I am not sure, but I think I have an explanation for this. Please tell me if I am wrong. Here goes:

At, where there are lots of SEOW downloads, you are confronted with several different kinds of things. In the chequerboard layout in the body of the page, you have a bunch of campaign templates contributed by various people. Down the left column, there are links to other resources, including campaign sets. I suspect that you have downloaded a campaign set and tried to use one of the missions contained therein as a template. This view is strengthened because you say "2 Ardennes or the Kuban campaigns". There are no Kuban templates for download, but there is one Kuban campaign set.

A template is the resurce that you use to initialize a campaign. It is a FMB file with units entered in a particular manner, especially aircraft.

Campaign Sets
A campaign set is a list of coop missions generated during the running of an actual SEOW campaign, contributed for others to enjoy as standard coops at a later date without having to be part of the initial campaign. The missions inside such campaign sets do not conform to SEOW template format (unless there happens to be the corresponding template file inside the campaign set archive).

So, I recommend you download a template file, e.g. Tunis Beginner, from the chequerboard and try that. Ignore the campaign sets if you are trying to initialize a campaign for yourself.


Posted: Sat 07 Feb 2009 8:08 pm
by docattak
What a pillock! Many thanks 4S. I will put my head down the toilet lol.



Posted: Sat 07 Feb 2009 10:09 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades

Welcome to the Holy Order of Devoted Pillocks! I've been a member for years.
