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TD 4.10 and SEOW

Posted: Mon 27 Dec 2010 6:47 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi everyone,

In case you have been living under a rock, Team Daidalos has released the "official" patch 4.10 of IL-2 (following on from 4.09m). There is much to like about the TD 4.10 patch, with interesting new functionality etc. However, it introduces a range of features that SEOW cannot handle yet, and it does not include some now routine features of HSFX/SEOW. The SEOW team is looking at updating SEOW to use the important new features of TD 4.10 plus any subsequent HSFX improvements. Until the updated SEOW version is released, it is not recommended to use SEOW with TD 4.10.


Posted: Wed 29 Dec 2010 11:22 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Development of SEOW v3.3 has commenced. It will support TD4.10 and HSFX4.2 and beyond.


Posted: Thu 30 Dec 2010 5:57 am
by 102nd-YU-Devill
Godspeed Shades!!! :)

Posted: Fri 31 Dec 2010 12:52 am
by JG6_Express
If there is some task that you feel JG6 could help with, just let us know. We are not the most tech savvy bunch around but can muscle thru with some form of testing if the task isn't to complicated.

Posted: Fri 31 Dec 2010 5:51 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Thanks Express. Can you please have a look at wind modelling in coops with TD4.10? I particularly want to know if the wind direction and gust and turbulence affects smoke plumes correctly. Please report back here if you can.


Posted: Sat 01 Jan 2011 3:23 pm
by VT-51_Razor
Shades, I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of looking into this, and it does not appear that any of the smoke objects are affected by the wind direction or speed. I went up to 20+ knots with no discernible results. This was with a clean install of 4.10 in a coop. I also had the properties of the smoke object set to both "none" and to "red", just to see if that made a difference.

Happy New Year to all!! :D

Posted: Sat 01 Jan 2011 3:31 pm
by VT-51_Razor
Nor does the wind speed or direction have any affect or influence whatsoever on the direction of drift of a parachute. This is as it has always been with the modded version and Fireball's wind mod.

Posted: Sat 01 Jan 2011 4:19 pm
by JG6_Express
Plenty of eager helpers at your disposal Shades. GJ Razor!

Posted: Sat 01 Jan 2011 7:47 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Thanks guys, good information. BTW, I have completed the wind engine for the next SEOW. We have been play-testing it a bit and it can really add something to campaign immersion. It can make takeoff, landing and ground attack very difficult indeed.


Posted: Sat 01 Jan 2011 11:38 pm
by VT-51_Razor
Anything else you need tested Shades? You all have done so much for this community, it's the least we can do to try to give something back. Just ask, and we will attempt to comply. :wink:

Posted: Sun 02 Jan 2011 2:00 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
No testing needed to speak of just now, but have a look at this: preliminary TD4.10 wind support in SEOW...


You can see the prevailing wind direction indicated in the compass rose (orange arrow heading into the wind), plus you can see that Livny West Field has a new "wind-affected" icon. The airbase tooltip shows the head/tailwind and crosswind strengths. If the wind conditions are too bad, the tooltip goes yellow to indicate a threat condition. Commanders are solely responsible for ordering aircraft to fly off an affected runway. SEOW will not prevent silly orders being issued!

The admin view of the detailed weather conditions is superimposed top left of the image.

Drop in to SEOW HQ TS whenever I am around and we can fly some test SEOW missions with wind enabled.


Posted: Sun 02 Jan 2011 3:10 pm
by VT-51_Razor
How is it that you can have different wind speed/direction for Axis and Allies??

EDIT: I forgot to mention, that is AWESOME!!! :wink:

Posted: Sun 02 Jan 2011 7:38 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Razor,

There is a difference between forecasts and actuals. The admin user sees the actual wind+weather conditions (plus the two sets of forecasts), but commanders on either side only see their side's forecasts, which are only estimates of the actual conditions. The forecasts are usually reasonably close to the actuals, but sometimes one side or the other may get a bad forecast. In the shown example, both forecasts are reasonably close to the actual conditions.


Posted: Sun 02 Jan 2011 7:51 pm
by VT-51_Razor
AH SOOooo. That is very cool Shades, but in the case of a carrier campaign, a carrier skipper could be royally screwed if he plans his carrier's movements for the next mission based on a buggered forecast! :shock: The result of it could be disastrous, and in RL it would never happen since the skipper has the ability to turn his ships into the wind at will. I would hope that this is an option for the admin to set up.

You never cease to amaze me Shades :wink:

Posted: Sun 02 Jan 2011 9:19 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
You are correct about the carrier issue. SEOW will provide commanders with a reasonably good estimate of wind direction, but less accurate information on speed, gusts and turbulence. Commanders will be able to point their carriers into the wind pretty well, but pilots will still face challenges in takeoff and landing.
