Adding a Target Type(for aircraft) within the FMB

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Adding a Target Type(for aircraft) within the FMB

Post by Kopfdorfer »

Greetings All,

I am very new here , but also very interested in the SEOW campaign system for IL2 and in learnign about it. Forgive me if my suggestion is impossible.
I would be interested in the thoughts of others on it.

I have often wondered while designing missions in FMB how difficult it would be to add an additional target type (could also be a waypoint type I suppose - but I think target type serves better purpose) called something like "Exit Point" or "Point of Egress" or "Point of Safe Return". The idea being that whenever an aircraft (or other vehicle or ship for that matter) reached/entered the target area , they would be considered safe and returned to base ( provided they retained an appropriate fuel load) and counted as safe for mission and campaign point purposes ( and next mission availability insofar as SEOW is concerned).

The first and obvious advantage this would achieve would be to allevthe hives of aircraft circling their last waypoint at the maps edge until mission end.
Secondly , it would add a viable goal to participants that was/is very real to combat participants as a goal in every mission execution (except Kamikazes) - to return to a point of safe return intact.

It seems to me that this might have some benefits as regards the SEOW application of IL2 especially as regards linked campaign missions on multiple maps.
I am unsure as to whether this might be best applied as a mod within IL2 itself, or rather as something that was part of SEOW and that engine. The wholistic side of me thinks that if it were created as a mod to the FMB first then it could be applicable to both the FMB for regular mission and campaign design AND be available for use in SEOW.

What I don't have a clue about is how difficult it would be to code such an addition.

Any thoughts as to the value and possibility of this as a development?

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Kopfdorfer,

Something very similar to this is the "Dead Zone" feature in CheckyerSix's C&C Mod pack. The Dead Zone is basically an object that is placed on the map. Any friendly aircraft that flies close to it is removed from the mission, just vanishes!

In the SEOW context, this may potentially be used as an "exit point" at the edge of the map, stopping AI aircraft circling.

It so happens that the C&C Mod pack (v2) is incorporated in HSFX6, and we have put support for programmable Dead Zones into the next SEOW release. The only problem is that the C&C Mod pack was written for single-player modes, and the Dead Zone object has problems in coops, rendering human-flown aircraft invisible but not removing them from the game. That aside, it works well for AI aircraft.

SEOW Developer

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