Updates of MP and DB

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Updates of MP and DB

Post by Zoi »

I'm a bit confused about how this all works. The updates for the MP seem only to be available by way of the MP_Autoupdater? I used autoupdater to get a new copy of the MP but when comparing it by way of a file compare unility (FreeFileSync) to my existing install the changes were massive. It seems the only practical way to update is to simple replace the entire install? There are many files that simply don't exist in one or the other of the MP versions which I found curious?

Why is there no "updater" for the database files? Where are the new database files located?

My plan is to replace the entire MP and Database after my current campaign is finished as that seems like the safest way to go about completing an update? Do most of you keep your old campaigns and if so why?
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Zoi,

MP and DB changes are happening almost continuously as the development cycle continues. Because there is only one person writing code, MP bug fixes and new features are intermingled, so an MP update will contain both, e.g. new maps AND bug fixes.

If you have downloaded a brand new MP, you could achieve an advance to the latest bug fixes and functions just by replacing the changed files in MP4public/Scripts (apart from MP-Admin.php and MP-Connection.php). Make a backup copy first!!

DB releases are harder still because it takes several hours just to generate the release files. I try to list all the important fixes etc in the bugs and release threads below.

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Post by Zoi »

I thought about just replacing the script files but you know it's all so complicated I'm afraid to do anything :wink:

Thanks Shades
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Post by Zoi »

Well I replaced the scripts folder with the new version and it produced a lot of problems. Apparently the changes are too dramatic for this to work. The first errors had to do with the default sepia php file I fixed that by removing the lines it didn't like then when I openned the MP the cities drop down was missing next when I picked a sector it just set there and did nothing. Not really critical that I update as far as I know but will take a look at it again some other time.
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Post by 242Sqn_Chap »

Same problem here Zoi. Same error message from the sepia.php....db error on line 24 or similar...

Also going to wait.
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Oops, I forgot to mention that you should keep your own front page file too (sepia, green, iron) because the new ones will reference new sectors not supported in your DB. Sorry!
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Post by Zoi »

You also forgot to mention that if I loaded the new Operation Detachment I would have the same mess :wink:
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